Admiral Chegwidden’s Office
13:35 EST

“Have a seat, Commander.” A.J. ordered, barely giving Harm time to enter the room before issuing the command.

“Thank you, Sir.” Harm answered, complying to the Admiral’s wishes.

When Harm was settled, A.J. went right into his explanation for the meeting. “I’m going to get to the point, Harm. I just received a call from the D.C. police. They received an anonymous tip and found an abandoned car right off the Beltway, tire blown out.”

When A.J. didn’t continue, Harm willed himself to ask the question he already knew the answer to. “Sir, is it Mac’s car?”

A.J. didn’t even question how Harm knew. “Yes, Harm, it’s hers.”

“Sir, was she...was she hurt?”

“They really don’t know at this point because she was no where near the vehicle. Since she wasn’t in it, they ran the plates and called us to see if we’d heard from her. The last anyone knew she was at lunch. I was hoping that you knew where she might be.”

Harm paled slightly but answered. “Well, Sir, I saw her at lunch but didn’t get a chance to talk to her. When she left, I assumed she was on her way back here. What was she doing on the Beltway, Sir?”

“Well, obviously she didn’t make it back here and I have no idea why she was there.”

“Sir, what are the police doing to find her?”

“Unfortunately nothing, at the moment. They said they would have to wait 48 hours before they could treat it as a missing person.”

Harm sensed his superior officer holding back. “Sir, what else is there?”

Sighing, A.J. relinquished the information. “They found blood on the steering wheel and her purse and over coat on the passenger side seat. The cop sounded uneasy about it too, almost...disturbed.”

“Sir, permission to search for the Colonel.”

“Permission granted. Harm?”

Turning around, Harm questioned. “Yes, Sir?”

“Find her.”

“I will, Sir,” Harm stated emphatically.


Bounding out of the building as fast as his legs would carry him, Harm made his way over to his SUV and pulled out of the lot. Harm was just making his way toward the Beltway when he saw the lone figure walking along the side of the road. Looking dazed and disoriented, Mac continued to walk even after he had pulled off to the side. Jumping out, Harm called out to her but she continued on, oblivious.

“Mac! Mac, stop!” Harm yelled over the constant noise of the busy expressway. Finally reaching her, Harm halted her. Turning her around to face him, Harm sucked in a sharp breath at the sight of the blood slowly seeping down her forehead and over her cheek. “Mac, honey, what happened? Are you okay?”

Snapped out of her haze by the sound of his voice, confusion clouded her eyes. “Harm? What are you doing here?”

“The police found your car and called JAG. I asked the Admiral to let me look for you.” Brushing his fingertips along the gash on her head, Harm spoke softly, “You’re bleeding, Mac. We need to get you to the hospital.”

“No, I just need to go home. I’ll be fine with some asprin and some sleep. Besides, I wouldn’t want to put you out, Commander.” Mac didn’t even try to hide the bitterness she felt

“Mac, please don’t do this right now. Let me get you looked at, then I’ll explain what happened today. It’s really not what you think.”

“I really don’t want to hear it, Harm. You don’t owe me an explanation. Anyway, I think your actions spoke loud enough.”

“Just let me explain..,” he pleaded.

“Harm, please. You were right. Maybe later, but not now.” Her head was spinning and Mac grasped onto to his forearm to keep her balance.

Worry flooded him. “Then just let me take you and have a doctor take a look at you.”

Unable to find the strength to argue anymore, Mac relented. “Fine, Harm. Let’s get it over with. I just want to go home and pretend that this whole day was all just a nightmare.”

Placing a supportive arm around her waist, Harm felt her tense immediately from his touch. After a few moments she relaxed slightly, letting him hold most of her weight as they walked. When he spoke, she heard the pain that she felt mirrored in his voice. “I wish it was. Then we could both wake up from it.”

“I’m sure you do, Harm. I’m sure you do.”


Sarah Mackenzie’s Apartment
17:45 EST

“All right, Mac. Get ready for bed. I’ll get your asprin and bring it to you. Then I’ll start on dinner.”

“Really, Harm, I’m not an invalid. I’ll be okay on my own. You don’t need to stay,” she shot back testily.

“The doctor said you shouldn’t be alone tonight, so you’re not going to be. End of discussion,” his high handed tone left no room for argument.

“Damn stubborn man.” Mac mumbled on her way into the bedroom.

“I heard that.” Harm called over his shoulder.

“Good!” Slamming the door made her feel better but didn’t help her aching head. Neither was the man now standing in her kitchen. Swaying slightly, Mac leaned back against her bedroom door. Damn the man! Wasn’t it just like Harmon Rabb to think a little kindness, and that damn smile, would make all of the rest of the hurt of today disappear? Well it wouldn’t. She wasn’t going to let it.

Oh she could rationalize it and give him the benefit of the doubt that he really did have a good excuse for being there with Caroline today. But all the excuses and explanations in the world couldn’t take the hurt away of seeing him walk in next to that...woman.

Walking over to her dresser she pulled out sweats and a tee shirt then began undressing. She would have liked to take a shower, but with Harm here it would just have to wait. Mentally she noted that she also still needed to call Webb. Still undressed, and before she could talk herself out of calling, Mac picked up the phone and dialed.


“Clay, it’s me.” Her voice was more shaky than she would like to admit.

“Are you all right, Mac? How did it go with Harm?”

“We haven’t really talked about earlier today. I didn’t call to talk about Harm anyway.”

Noting the finality in her voice on the subject Clay changed tactics. “Okay, what did you call for.”

Taking a deep breath, Mac told him what happened. “I was driving along the Beltway. I was upset and crying,” even admitting it was painful. “I was driving along and a car pulled up beside me. Next thing I know, I’ve lost control of the car. I was trying to figure out what to do, when the same car swerved in front of me and slammed on his breaks. I slammed on my breaks and tried to swerve as well. I ended up on the shoulder, hitting my head on the steering wheel in the process.”

“Damn it, Mac. Do you think it was him?”

“I have no idea, Clay. But I can’t shake the feeling that it was. I was dazed, but scared to death. So, I got out of the car and just started walking. Harm found me wandering on the side of the road,” Mac finished, suddenly weary.

“Harm found you, huh?”

“Yes, Harm found me,” she replied irritably.

“Hey, easy there, Marine. I’m on your side.”

“Sure you are,” Mac mumbled.

“Look, we’ll get someone to tow your car and have our boys take a look at it. Who knows, maybe it was rigged. Anyway, it couldn’t hurt. Give me the location.” There was a slight pause before he continued. “So, is Harm there now taking care of you.”

“Good night, Clayton.”

“He is, isn’t he?” Clay couldn’t hide the chuckle in his voice.

It was at that moment Harm burst in the door. “Mac are you all right? You didn’t answer...Oh Geez, Mac. I’m sorry,” Harm sputtered upon seeing her half naked, sitting on the bed.

“Guess that answers my question,” Webb’s mirth filled voice filled the phone.

If Mac hadn’t still been mad at him she might have found the whole situation humorous. “Don’t you knock?”

Turning away from her, Harm fumbled. “I did knock, Mac. When you didn’t answer I got worried that you...that you were...I was worried okay?”

Speaking into the phone, Mac lowered her voice. “Look, I’ll talk to you tomorrow. Let me know if you hear anything.”

“I will. Later, Mac.” With that, Webb broke the connection.

Sighing, Mac placed the phone back on the cradle before turning back to Harm. “I’m sorry I worried you. I just needed to make a call and I guess I didn’t hear you when you knocked. I’ll be out in a sec.”

“All right. I brought my sea bag in with me from the car. I’m just going to change real quick while you finish,” Harm uttered, closing the door behind him.

Mac finished changing, her mind warring with her heart. Why did he have to be so...Harm? He had hovered over her at the hospital, making sure she was being taken care of, even though she had protested every chance she got. Secretly, she was pleased at all of his attention and with it her heart soared.

But just when she started to thaw toward him, her mind would over rule it. She was mad at him, damn it. She wanted to stay mad at him, right?

Now that he had brought her home, he was still planning to fuss over her. Well, she could take care of herself. She didn’t need Harmon Rabb to ride up on his white horse and save the day. She’d walk out there right now and tell him just that.

All of her good intentions flew right out the window at the sight of the shirtless sailor in front of her.

Continue toPart 6

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© once upon a rose garden 2003
Disclaimer: JAG and its characters are the property of Paramount Pictures, Viacom, CBS, Belisarius Productions, and Donald P. Bellisario. This site is not intended to violate any copyrights they have and is not intended for profit in any way, shape or form. It is meant to be a respectful tribute to the show and its characters and actors.
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