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Tomo is a character from the wonderful manga Fushigi Yugi. He's a Seiryu seishi. His power is the illusion. That means he can control other people mind (and sometimes body).
He's a very unusual kind of character. First, I have to speak about what he look like. I don't really like his clothes but I really like his make-up. In fact, his costume comes from chinese theatre. Then, we can speak about his personnality. He's really special. He appears like a kind of pervers. For instance, he strokes Tamahome with his feather etc... Tomo is an homosexual (what a surprise!!!) and he likes handsome guys but he's in love with Nakago even if he teases him a lot... In the tenth volume he has to rape Miaka but he doesn't seem very pleased by this!!!
I don't know more about him I think...



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