Bless you, child.  You are my
Friar Tuck
Friar Tuck: (Sheriff's ex-Chaplain) Tuck is at once a gentle, meek man of the cloth, and a brave fighter.  Afraid to stand up to the wicked Sheriff and Abbot, he also cannot let them hand his "Little Flower" (Marion) to the wicked Simon de Belleme either.  His solution is to steal her away; deliver her to the arms of her love, Robin Hood.  However, Simon's men intercept them.  Tuck puts up a good fight, but is overhwelmed.  Tuck is often used as a ruse, to help misguide Sherwood travelers into the clutches of the outlaws.  He creates diversions so that the outlaws can slip past the Sheriff's men. He also provides comic relief.  Tuck is essentially a father figure to Marion.
(Try to ignore the distinctly 20th Cenutury soles of his boots ;) )
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