Once, i was lost inside myself
and nobody knew where to find the key
to let me out...not even me
it was lying at my feet
covered by tears - so large and full of agony
that they were no longer translucent
so i just couldn't see it - the key - to let myself out
all i could do was cry
and when i couldn't cry
i'd sit motionless
beside the closed window/pains
peering out every now and then
with my hands folded in my lap
so as not to stir the image of my shattered self
reflecting off the glass

Once, after sitting till the sun had set and begun to rise again
i moved...
startled by something
perhaps the thought of forever sitting on the inside of fear
and when i moved
i saw God...bounce off the window/pains
and become a rainbow
skipping merrily across my tears that lay huddled in small pools
-- here and there upon the floor
and He made music so sweet
i just had to laugh
and when i did
my foot pushed the key toward the door
and it bounced up
where i could see it
flicker and crash/land on the red in the rainbow
and the rainbow...became a hand
stretching out to help me up
and the music...became the utterance of a still small voice
saying "Come...my yoke is easy and my burden light..."

Once, i was bound...
but now i'm free...

Copyright 1994 by Robin Byrd
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