~Silver Fox~
Back to the Breed Directory American Chinchilla Checkered Giant
Silver Fox
Origin: Ohio, USA
Weight: 10-12 pounds
Colors: Black or Blue with white ticking
Bred for: Meat, Fur, Show, and Pet
The Silver Fox, also called the American Silver Fox, was produced in Ohio in the 1920s by crossing Checkered Giants and Enlgish Silvers. He desired to make an English Silver rabbit the size of a Checkered Giant. It was named the American Silver Fox in 1929.
Silver Foxes have thick, coarse, guinea-pig like fur that can grow up to two inches. Strangley enough, when you stroke a Silver Fox, its fur stands up, and another stroke is required to put the fur back in place. They have a large meat-to-carcass ratio, making them a great meat breed.
Silver Foxes are gentle, and are known for their strong maternal instincts. They make great mothers, and they do not seem to mind sudden changes in climate.
Do not mix the American Silver Fox with the Silver Fox in Britain, which is called the Silver Marten in the USA.
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