Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince

Opening night review 
If you haven't read the book I STRONGLY suggest not reading past my review. There are spoilers all over this page.
Hhhhmmm....I wonder....  Incidentally...  Forewarned is forearmed...  Celluloid vs cellulose.... Oopsy Daisy!  File it under E for everything... 

Opening Night Review
Don't worry, no spoilers

Well, I certainly enjoyed Half Blood Prince (HBP) much more than Order of the Phoenix (OOTP). I was a bit put off by all the romance and snogging but I guess that's what teenagers do and I'm going to have to learn to live with it. I guessed (correctly the identity of the Half Blood Prince about 30 seconds after he was introduced and I'm sure 90% of readers will do so too. I did NOT, in any way shape or form, see "X" (not his/her real name) turning like that and murdering "Y" (not his/her real name). HBP was a real page turner and kept me interested from page one. It answered a lot of questions but raised a whole whack more. Many people will find it very dark and I dont' think that people under the age of 16 should read it (don't get mad at me guys I just don't want to see anyone scarred for life).

Hhhhmmm....I wonder....

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