The Dark Mistress The Dark Mistress Name: Ashlyn Pierce
Race: Betaziod
Age: 27
Birthplace: Unknown, she was raised on the outpost of Mithas, Colaris VII

Physical Data:
Height: 5'4"
Weight: 127 lbs
Sex: Female
Hair: Brown
Eyes: Purple

Father: Unknown
Mother: Unknown
Spouse: None
Children: None

Personality: Ashlyn is what one would call unethical, or more to the point, moraless. She can distinguish between right and wrong, but merely doesn't care. She has no conscience. Once she sets herself to a task, she will do anything she can without regard for the ethics of her actions to complete her goal. Her ambition is what drives her, and her goal is the pursuit of fame, wealth, and power.

Description: Ashlyn is somewhat short, and small. Her complexion is extremely pale, as though she has never seen a sun. Her eyes are usually purple, however, when she is concentrating on her psychic abilities, her eyes cloud over with different colors, depending on what kind of mental activity she is performing. Yellow for direct mental manipulation (mind control/probing), red for energy manipulation (pyrokenisis), blue for liquid manipulation (freezing water), white for gaseous manipulation (solidifying air as a restraint), etc..

History: Kidnapped as an infant by a renegade betaziod scientist named Ilis Jonod, Ashlyn has never known her parents, or her true name. Dr. Jonod, referred to as Mentor by Ashlyn, was doing research into how a betaziod child could be molded into the ultimate telepathic weapon. She was trained for almost sixteen years to be merciless and conscienceless in her dealings. However, instead of furthering his interests, like he expected, Ashlyn rebeled, and killed him. She then fled to the stars and has since been making a living as bounty hunter, thief, assassin, and pirate.

Fleet of Ships

Ashlyn has several ships at her disposal, all Raven-class runabouts stolen from the Utopia Planetia shipyards several years ago. Her flagship, the Matriarch, was recently destroyed. She now runs her outfit from the Falconess.

Name: Falconess
Class: Raven class Runabout
Weaponry: 5 concussion missile launchers mounted over the port nacelle, 1 quantum torpedo launcher mounted over the starboard nacelle; multiple point phaser emiters; 2 fore disruptor arrays. Raven class Runabout
Defensive systems: Class Nine energy nutational sheilding; type 4 ablative armor; type 3 romulan stealth sheilding package.
Maximum Velocity: New Enhanced Warp Drive offers max. v. of warp 7.5 for 14 hours.
Sensor systems: Starfleet Packages A, and C. Romulan Class 7 counter intelligence package, including communications jamming and electronic warfare.

Name: Tigress
Class: Raven class Runabout
Weaponry: Multiple point phaser emiters; 1 photon torpedo launcher, center fore.
Defensive systems: Class Five energy nutational sheilding; type 2 ablative armor.
Maximum Velocity: New Enhanced Warp Drive offers max. v. of warp 7.5 for 14 hours.
Sensor systems: Starfleet Package A. Romulan Class 7 counter intelligence package, including communications jamming and electronic warfare.

Name: Sorceress
Class: Raven class Runabout
Weaponry: Multiple point phaser emiters; 2 Pulse Phaser emitters, fore port dorsal, fore starboard dorsal.
Defensive systems: Class Five standard sheilding.
Maximum Velocity: Standard Warp Drive offers max. v. of warp 4.5 for 20 hours.
Sensor systems: Starfleet Package A. Romulan Class 7 counter intelligence package, including communications jamming and electronic warfare.

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