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Jahk'ura Savvk

The Nausicaan owner of the Razor's Edge Nightclub is beleived to have ties to the Orion syndicate and has been implicated in the recent thefts of Federation and Klingon bodies. No more is known of his criminal intent.

The Dark Mistress

The Dark Mistress, who was recently involved with the capture of the Avenger crew, is believed to be somewhere in the area. It is possible that she is here. This is an updated intelligence report.

Official Starfleet Intelligence Report
Known Criminals
- Dark Mistress

Name: Previously known only as "The Dark Mistress", now known to be Ashlyn Pierce
Race: Previously believed to be humaniod, and only observed in Breen armor. Now known to be a Betaziod
Age: Mid to late twenties
Birthplace: Unknown

Physical Data:
Height: 5'4"
Weight: 125 lbs
Sex: Female
Race: Betaziod hybrid
Hair: Brown
Eyes: Purple

Father: Unknown
Mother: Unknown
Spouse: Unknown
Children: Unknown

Personality: Starfleets dealings with her are very few, and therefore, there is little factual data. However, according to reports of her past associates and employers, she is ruthless, cunning, and decidedly effective leader. She has mostly worked for Starfleet Intelligence where they have found her information to be credible. During the most recent of these 'associations', the Mistress betrayed and captured the crew of the ship she was paid to help. As a result, she is now a criminal actively sought by Federation.

Description: Starfleet had only known her to be clothed in Breen armor, and her true race and appearance were unknown. It is now known that she has brown hair, purple eyes, and a pale complexion.

History: Starfleet has compiled a list of criminal activities that the Mistress is believed to have been a part of. Most of them concern the smuggling of weapons and drugs throughout the Federation and her neighbors. She has also been linked to several assassinations and three kidnappings, as well as numerous terrorist attacks. She is believed to run her small band of outlaws from a stolen Raven-Class Runabout. It is believed to be armed with the latest in black-market weaponry and cloaking technology. There are now confirmed reports of her being able to use massive pyschic abilities without remorse or mercy. She was recently hired by the SFIntel to guide a SO ship on a mission, but she had in fact been working for the dominion. She betrayed the crew and captured the ship, but was later forced by circumstance to assist in the escape of the crew she had betrayed. She was left stranded on a federation sensor buoy, but it is believed that she is in this area. She is dangerous and to be approached with extreme caution.

Name: Hudson
Race: Human, modified
Age: 32
Birthplace: Candos III

Physical Data:
Weight: 200 lbs
Sex: Female
Hair: Bleached Blond color
Eyes: blue

Jordan (deceased)
Mother: Kelly Assimilated by the Borg (assumed deceased)
Spouse: none
Children: none
Siblings: Jacob (deceased)

Personality: schizophrenic psychopath. She maintains delusions of one day destroying the Borg collective and is constantly preparing for this day to come. She is constantly training or contemplating possible upgrades to her body in order to become the "weapon to destroy the Borg." She gets a thrill from killing in battle. She has an unbelievably high level of intelligence and has a working knowledge of almost everything and anything.

Description: Her hair is usually messed up and very unkept. She wears an outfit that is made of a leather that appears to be leather armor of a female warrior from the 8th century - down to wrist gauntlets on the forearms. She usually has a look on her face that is identical to her personality - crazy. Concealed within the gauntlet on her right forearm is the port that houses the built in phaser and grappling hook launcher and some controls for othermodifications. She is exceptionally well known in the underground and has developed many contacts for information as well as buying and selling of weapons andequipment.

History: She was assimilated at 5 years old. She then lived as a Borg for 12 years, until, the scout vessel she was on had crashed on Janar V. Even though her body was that of a full grown woman, her emotions were still that of a child. She was rescued by a Federation ship that was investigating the site. The crew on board did what they could for her until they reached a Starbase where they dropped her off. Even though she was 17, she had the emotions and maturity of a 5 year old. Furthermore, she began having dream reoccurrence of the colony's battle with the Borg and how the Borg assimilated her and her mom while killing her dad and brothers. At this time, The Borg were just discovered by Picard [Q-who -TNG], and every Federation scientist was trying to get the latest info on the Borg. Between all the poking and prodding of various scientists and her lack of emotional maturity and the dreams, she was driven mad. She now has only one purpose - to destroy the entire Borg collective and to personally kill off as many of the Borg queens as she can.

Knowing what she is up against, she has sought out some of the best in artificial enhancements: Bio-chemical as well as mechanical. Some of the known modifications are:

Heightened reflexes, strength, speed, hearing, smell, vision, thought processing, analyzing, and memory retention, Borg shielding is still functional, bio-chemical enhancement that prevents sensors from detecting her presence.Built in phaser into her arm that automatically randomly rotates its frequency in the high EM band after each shot. (basically making it immune to the Borg's adaptivity of phaser fire). Built in grappling hook and launcher with cable in same arm as phaser skeletal enhancement - infused with duranium, Tritanium and other substances to strengthen the durability of her bones Borg eyepiece was replaced by an artificial electronic eye implant that appears normal, but has tricorder scanning, full range spectral analysis, and many other functions as well internally built in personal transporter system (same as personal transporter under equipment list)

Neural transmitter has been modified to act as a controller for hunter and nano probes (allowing Hudson to be able to give probes under her control instantaneous instructions as well as reprogram them at the speed of her thoughts) as well as a built in electronic communications device. Internal nanoprobe-like cells circulate throughout her system acting as a second form of white blood cells which give her an added immunity to most toxins, poisons, and biological agents. They also act in repairing injured body parts, giving her a super healing ability from injuries. Borg injection tubules remain on her left hand and forearm that allow her to inject nanoprobes into computer systems which enable her to take control of computer systemsBorg limb exoskeleton provides protection from electric shock from direct contact with energy fields of at least 5 million gigawatts.

Hudson has fought in many battles. From her escapades, she has become noted by many in the underground world, as well as on some worlds where she helped in winning battles and wars. Through these escapades and the sale of equipment, she has built a huge network of informants, hideouts, allies, "business partners" and such to the point that she can get a hold of pretty much anything - especially information.

She has developed many enemies - Cardassians (during the occupation of Bajor where she had fought along with the resistance in the later part of the occupation. She has had a few "skirmishes" since - not sure as to her personal status with the current government), Breen, Kzinti, Talarians, 'tcharians, Nausicaans, and at least 17 different Klingon houses within the Empire are among a few enemies that she has made - most of which offer bounties out on her (dead or alive of course).

She is also very noted on her abilities of salvaging equipment from battles. She uses the money from the sale of this equipment as well as from her escapades to fund her constant buildup for engagements with her main rival. Currently, she is working on her latest project and the biggest gem of her findings - A Romulan Ostberg-class Dreadnought that she had pulled from the wreckage of the Chintaka System before the Dominion were able to destroy it (the hull was solid, but the Breen's EMP weaponry had fried out the circuitry which she is having to replace, bit by bit (currently, the capability status of the ship is that of a class H shuttle)).

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