Dog attacks

It sounds like this is what you have. dog attacks Dog obedience training book. If you try and continue to use toys you will just promote problems - the solution for these dogs is usually to go to food for obedience work. Take a look at my tape titled Training a Competition Heeling Dog. I will also warn you that dogs like this are very easy to get locked up in prey drive in bite work. dog attacks Dog breed pictures. You need to be very careful of this. Make sure that you understand the foundation of defense: The First Steps of Defense. To TopQUESTION:I really enjoy your web page. dog attacks English bull dogs. I believe I've read most of your training articles but don't know how to get my 6 1/2 month old male GSD to obey my wife. We've trained him in basic obedience (no, heel, sit, down, stay, come). My dog ignores my wife's commands when he becomes even slightly excited because he wants to play or he sees a strange person or another dog. He obeys me on the first command as long as I use a deep, stern voice. I've found that he is much slower to obey if I don't. My dog often gets bored and uses a very high pitched bark to get us to play with him. With my wife, he will escalate to the point where he runs in, nips at her pants or shirt, and then runs away to get her to chase him. My wife has corrected him as you describe for over a month, but he still doesn't seem to take her seriously. I think he sees her as more of a playmate than a master. He will also completely ignore my wife if he sees a strange person or a dog. He will bark at strangers and will run to play with other dogs. We usually play and exercise with him about 30 to 60 minutes a day. My wife uses the sternest voice she can muscle when he ignores her but it doesn't work. ANSWER:I suggest you read what I have written about obedience training here. You may think you have trained your dog but it is obvious that you have only half trained him. You need to learn how to administer a proper correction. Raising your voice should not be part of the equation.

Dog attacks

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