Tallahassee dog obedience club

There is no reversion to a more wild, uncontrolled type of behavior. tallahassee dog obedience club Dog obedience training in california. At least not at our dog park. On a normal day we have about 20 or 30 dogs, coming and going at different times, with as many as 20 dogs there at once on a busy day. There are it is enclosed and is actually fairly big (maybe 3 acres). tallahassee dog obedience club Dog attacks. I would not recommend bringing a young puppy under about 5 months of age to our park, although there are plenty of 12 to 16 week old puppies there on any given day. I understand that you do not want to have your carefully-bred puppies injured at the dog park, that is only common sense. But I think once the dog is old enough it could be beneficial for both the dog and owner if the circumstances are right. tallahassee dog obedience club Great dane dogs. I believe in letting dogs play. Part of the reason I don't like our local Schutzhund club is because it is run by a woman who believes that her working dogs must be kept in cages when they are not working. It is my impression that socialized dogs who are allowed to play are happier and healthier, and they probably have less obsessive/compulsive behaviors such as chewing, barking, etc. If my puppy is killed by a pit bull at the park I may change my mind, but, based on what I've seen over the last 2 years, I don't think that's going to happen. Just something for you to think about. . . You have done a good job with your web page/ articles. I am a Dobe person, not a GSD person, but I'm sure a lot of your principles can be applied to the Dobe. LarryRESPONSE:I certainly appreciate the time you have taken to pass on your thoughts, but when one stands back and looks at what you have written, it is evident that you are naive in your approach to dog training and the dangers present in dog parks. You have been lucky and as a result you are misdirected. You also do not have a clear understanding of the pack drives in domesticated dogs. In my opinion my dogs (even my police dogs) should never be put in apposition where they have to fight another dog, no matter what the circumstance. Your attitude towards your dogs ability to defend himself against dog that are out of line is not an acceptable position to defend. If people thought like this, they would find themselves in a situation where they would find out that there is always going to be someone or some dog that is tougher than there dog.

Tallahassee dog obedience club

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