Chow dogs

Frawley -We have a now 9 month old female Giant Schnauzer puppy who is very sweet and very intelligent. chow dogs Dog-breed-info. She learned the basic commands very quickly and has been through puppy kindergarten. My husband and I purchased your basic obedience video and we use the prong collar for walks and training. After reading several of the questions and answers on your website, I think I know what my answer will be. chow dogs Chow dogs. However, I just want to be sure. The problem is this -her recall/come command. She doesn't do it consistently, and I am 100% sure she knows what it means. chow dogs Dog diseases. No, we haven't "corrected the snot out of her all theway back to where we started" (which I chuckled at from that statement). What I was unable to find was the fact of her age. . . . at 9 months, should we expect it 100% of the time right now? Is it the pup or the trainer (us)? Also, when we play/wrestle with her, she mouths/bites and then will change to "kisses" (licks) when we say "no bite!" This should have stopped at 4-5 months of age, even during play? Your thoughts would be appreciated. Thanks,Amy GresockANSWER:Don't worry about the play bites. Sounds like a nice dog. She is a puppy and pups play with their mouth. The recall should be working right now - for the simple reason that it's a life saving exercise.

Chow dogs

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