Dog breed info

Depending on your personal situation, you may want to add another dog (a female not a male) to your home. dog breed info Dog attacks. To TopQUESTION:Tonight I will drive to the vet to put my 6 month old Akita pup to sleep. She started to limp, and this past weekend she was in so much pain she would not get up. The veterinarian said that in both legs Summer has severe hip dysplasia and as a result, the knees are now severely damaged. dog breed info All types of dogs. We have contacted the breeder, who stated that all of their dogs have been x-rayed except Summer's mother. All their dogs came from a champion breeder down in Tennessee. They feel awful, but are willing to give us another puppy (from one of their other dogs), or refund our money. dog breed info Australian cattle dog. Problem is that their dogs have such GREAT temperment. I'm not sure I would trust going to another breeder, because of the temperament issue. I have 2 kids at home (2 & 5) and have had a Doberman we owned attack my 2 year old. Summer, even in all of her pain, never snapped at my children. What should we do? How can we avoid this type of tragedy again?Respectfully,Carol LeavittANSWER:The only way to avoid this again is to buy an adult dog that has already been x-rayed. You have a good breeder - stick with them I assume that your vet made these calls after looking at a hip x-ray. No one (not me or any vet) can make a call like this without an x-ray. This is also the age a dog will get Pano - (read the article on my web site). To TopQUESTION:My husband found a small puppy sitting in the middle of the road a few weeks back. The puppy seems to be a pit bull, I don't think he's more than 12 weeks old. This puppy is both blind and deaf. We kept him because I felt if we took him to the shelter no one would want him. We are having a hard time housebreaking him and I'm trying to see if there is some way I can do this.

Dog breed info

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