Anabolic steroid books

Anti-Aging Supplements Soon to Be Illegal?!DHEA, 7-Keto DHEA, Pregnenolone Unforeseen Victims of Anti-Andro Billby Patrick ArnoldPat is responsible for launching several major product and innovation in the prohormone industry, including the first to release androstenedione, 1-AD, 6-OXO, 4-androstenediol, and 19- norandrostenediol. anabolic steroid books Pictures-of-steroid-abusers. In addition, he is responsible for bringing innovative delivery systems to the prohormone market including HPB cyclodextrin, bioadhesive technology for sustained release, and sustained release sprays. Chemical Muscle EnhancementChemical Wizardry by George Spellwin - Definitive Anabolic Steroid DatabaseThe Layman's Guide to Steroids - Mick Hart's Best-Selling Anabolic Steroid GuidesLegal Muscle by Rick Collins: Anabolics in AmericaMuscle Building Nutrition by Will Brink - Serious Lean Muscle Gains without the BodyfatSteroids 101 by Jeff Summers - The Book That Makes It Fun To Learn About Anabolic SteroidsBurn the Fat, Feed the Muscle by Tom Venuto - Fat Burning Secrets of the World's Best Bodybuilders and Fitness ModelsAnabolics 2002If you're one of the millions of Americans who enjoy and benefit from anti-aging supplements, be afraid. Be very afraid. anabolic steroid books Buy anabolic steroids. Certain members of Congress are intent on taking them away from you, and placing you under arrest if you possess them! Sounds far- fetched? It's frighteningly real, extremely serious, and absolutely imminent! But amazingly, practically nobody in the anti-aging / life-extension community is aware of it, much less is denouncing it in the media. The villain is the so-called "Anti-Andro Bill" - H. R. anabolic steroid books Physical effects of steroids. 5564 - introduced last October by U. S. Representatives Sweeney and Osborne. Purporting to address the use of muscle- building "andro" supplements by teens, this alarming and wildly overbroad bill would have devastating effects on mature adults throughout America. It would actually permit the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) to schedule a wide variety of currently over-the-counter nutritional supplements as controlled substances. In effect, this bill would authorize the arrest and criminal prosecution of millions of Americans as drug offenders -- just for possessing supplements like DHEA, 7-keto DHEA, and pregnenolone! Those caught with these currently legal supplements -- proven to have powerful health benefits and anti-aging properties -- would even be subject to federal asset forfeiture laws, permitting the government to seize and retain private property! All this would be done by making an end- run around the proper lawful procedures, and without any evidence of legitimate public health concerns or dangers to American adults. The bill seeks to deal a staggering blow to nutritional supplement freedom and the Dietary Supplements Health and Education Act (DSHEA)!Sounds too outrageous to be true? Think again!The Anatomy of H. R. 5564The intention of the bill is supposedly to keep testosterone precursors like androstenedione away from teens. But rather than restricting sales of these items to minors, H. R. 5564 would restrict all steroid hormone precursors from people of all ages. And not by making them prescription medicines, but by reclassifying them as controlled substances (see sidebar for the specific definition of what a "controlled substance" is). The bill would accomplish this by "bootstrapping" these compounds into the federal Anabolic Steroid Control Act. This act was a 1990 revision to the original Controlled Substances Act of 1970, and it reclassified anabolic steroids from simple prescription medicines to highly restricted Schedule III controlled substances. Mere possession of a schedule III controlled substance without a valid prescription is a federal drug offense with serious potential penalties that can even include jail time. Let's look at the actual language of the bill.

Anabolic steroid books

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