Muscle stretching

What individual characteristics predict the increased probability of psychopathology in some AAS users? Do certain individual characteristics predict the probabilities of use and subsequent aberrant behavior? What psychological processes predict such behavior in AAS users? How might pre-existing characteristics and current psychological processes interact to influence behavior in some AAS users?Dose and the Psychological Effects of AASTwo major differences between studies of real world AAS users and experiments that administer AAS are the doses and variety of drugs involved. muscle stretching Side-effects-of-epidural-steroid-injections. The problem for experimental investigations is obvious - it is clearly impossible, when bound by protocols for the ethical treatment of human participants, to administer experimental volunteers the large array of drugs and astronomical doses used by some AAS users in the real world. As a result, the high-end dose used in experiments is 600 mg. weekly (Bhasin et al. muscle stretching Steroid use among athletes. , 1996; Pope, Kouri, & Hudson, 2000; Tricker et al. , 1996). However even at that dose, the results of the cited studies are not consistent. muscle stretching Bodybuilding-recipes. AAS exhibit a dose-response relationship. In general, higher doses mean greater effects both for anabolic response (Forbes, 1985) and psychological effects (Pope & Katz, 1994), as well as for desirable and undesirable effects. Although mood disorder symptoms appeared to increase as self-reported dose increased, even at the highest doses reported in empirical studies (e. g. , > 1000 mg. per week in Pope & Katz, 1994) there is a wide variability in psychological symptoms - < 50% of the users exhibited disordered mood. In addition, in an AAS administration study, Su et al. (1993), noted that "Symptomatic differences did not, however, reflect differences in plasma anabolic steroid levels (p. 2763). " Dose is only one factor in the equation and drug administration, more than injection or ingestion, is also a behavioral event. Pre-existing characteristics and current psychological factors might influence not only decisions to use, and at high doses, but subsequent behavior and mood. Differences in dose cannot fully explain the complex psychological effects/AAS relationship. Selected dose may be confounded with several predisposing variables. Hence, another set of questions.

Muscle stretching

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