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Way of the Cross: Stations 1-7 | Stations 8-14
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Station 8
Jesus Meets the Women of Jerusalem

Station 8

Station 9
Jesus Falls the Third Time

Station 9

Station 10
Jesus is Stripped of His Garments

Station 10

Station 11
Jesus is Nailed to the Cross

Station 11

Station 12
Jesus Dies on the Cross

Station 12

Station 13
Jesus' Body is Removed from the Cross

Station 13

Station 14
Jesus is Buried in the Tomb

Station 14

Cross at Sunset
Since the middle ages, when a physical pilgrimage to Jerusalem was impossible, many worshippers have taken a spiritual pilgimage along a labyrinth. You are invited to continue your present spiritual journey along our labyrinth. Click here.
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Way of the Cross: Stations 1-7 | Stations 8-14
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