26/9/2003.                            Superior Beings

I submit myself to you
Every part of me
I offer it up
You are what I want to be

I give you my eyes
Close them at night to keep out the dark
I give you my lips
My bite is worse than my bark
I give you my hands
Take them and shield out the cold
I give you my mind
My thoughts, precious as gold

I am beneath you
You are far above me
I offer a prayer
And I long to be free
New Poetry
Poetry from 2003 onwards lies here. You can see I've had a busy year so far... heehee. Read and please comment, I like getting feedback :)
16/2/2003.                                     Hold Tight
(relating to the events which occurred during 'Satellite News')

Hold me now
Take away my pain
Squeeze me tight
Make me whole again

As the world slips by
Let me cling to you
Help me breathe
And get me through

Have your arms
Encircle me
To show that here
You'll always be

Let me sink deep
Into your embrace
So that your body
Shields my face

Catch my tears
As each one falls
To prove to me
You are my all

Support me so
I don't feel sore
Till all the hurt
Matters no more

Sing the words
Without tune and then
Smile till my mind
Is clean again

Another one for Laura
She knows the story and she'll understand why  xxxx
21/2/2003.                                     Happy Too

Everything is nothing and nothing is everything
All is absorbed in the core of the soul
Ten thousand somethings do not denote intelligence
Adding more common sense fails to fill the hole
Feeling happy in you
Makes all that you create
Happy too

Are you satisfied with the way that you live?
Never cease to question and amaze youself
If meaning is clear do not bathe it in shadow
The open expressers are the greatest in wealth
Showing the smile in you
Makes all that you touch
Happy too

Disproval is merely approval in disguise
Never stop improving your ideas
Nurture and build and give light to grow
Do not strangle or choke with the thorns of your fears
Releasing the potential in you
Makes all that you produce
Happy too

Positivity leads to the beautiful and breathtaking
Be sure to stress this to every person you adore
Don't hold back when presenting yourself
You will become, as you develop, so much more
Revealing the truth in you
Makes all that you love
Happy too

So surely a little Happiness can't hurt?
3/3/2003.                                Handpicked By Fate (a song)

You are all I admire, the one that I follow,
Priceless, you inspire, without you I am hollow.

People say it was natural selection,
The way we found in each other such simple perfection.

But he is my rock and he'll stand by you
Such a small thing the best you can do
Hold tight, steadfast, don't let go
He'll see you through and he loves you so.

You are my soul, I watch you catch fire,
The half of my whole, as a team we climb higher.



See me, show me, lead me, know me.
Keep him around to fix those feet on the ground.
Kiss him, near him, hold him, steer him.
But although you've found love with him
You and I are bound, bound by something
Unbreakable, pure, handpicked by Fate,
My best friend, my match, my one soulmate.


Such simple perfection.

(For Laura + Ant: perfect match  xxx)
17/4/2003.                       Repeat 1 (Song of the Insomniac)

This song stuck on repeat
The same words again and again
Reiterate, remind, remember
Times I would rather forget.

And it starts again
The words bleed into the air
Into my skull, clinging to
My memories afterwards.

The moon, a flawless orb
Glistens, parts stifling darkness
Lifts the blanket
Reveals the world.

When the switch goes
Silence lingers and sound
Is lost completely
It evacuates into nothing.

"These smiling eyes are just a mirror for the sun..."

Play a different song
But continue repetition
Until it burns into my brain
Retrieval cues created longafter.

Soft sweet sarcasm
Irish lilt, Geordie tone
Salute the world
Never forget me.

When the room empties
Song plays on
Long time, again, and more
So silence hesitates.

Thick, sticky residue
Holds clinging control to the
Pure, white desk, like semen
To the skin of a virgin.

Drunken words are re-read
Penned in unsteady hand
Treasured forever as a
Reminder of dependence.

Swollen limbs ache as
Black and blue forms on knees and
Elbows, spreading and puckering
Until pain holds me here.

Mingling of music and tears
In my insomniac world where
The same lyrics after one another
Carry new meaning.

"Little lune, all day..."

Tomorrow I would like
To start again, as the songs
Alter I would like to too
I had a dream about you.

Kissing wordlessly, lips
Join, bodies unite, hands
Clasp with need so great
But that is only temporary.

As when I wake the feelings flee
They are fleeting
Hear me now, guitar solo
So slow, see me cry.

Friendship carries more weight
Than sex and intimacy
It has to or nothing matters
Force me to forget meaningless dreams.

The ligaments and tendons that
Link my muscles feel like
Chewing gum that has been stretched
They will never be the same.

Identical song, identical tune
Vibrating from wall to wall
I can almost see the notes
Somersaulting above me, in the air.

"Dream of californication..."

Two clicks later
Thoughts are only company in
Restless, relentless twilight realm
My blanket smells like your skin.

Where are the stars?
The moon has engulfed them
They are lost as finally
Darkness takes my sight.

Longing prolongs without the songs
Make me see that alone
I am worthy of more than with you
I could ever be.

Disbelief, I dread denial
Wordplay spins my utterances
Into a chaos beyond comprehension
Let me forget.

One more time
Final track plays on
My repetition must stop
Or there will never be healing.

Night is torture.
13/5/2003.                                       Dusk

Glistening orb of sunshine sinks low.
The horizon welcomes it without hesitation,
Letting it submerge itself in the blackening line.
It disappears before my eyes.
Out of sight, out of mind...

Lush green leaves transform to darkening outlines,
Silhouettes, shadows of something so alive.
By day they stretch languidly in pools of
Sparkling sunbeams, yet by night
They become skeletal.

I imagine an artist, brush in hand,
Mixing a wash of colour - a cool, dusky blue,
And painting it with a sweep of his measured hand
Across the sky.
The ultimate canvas is created,
Paint bleeds between the trees.

Canvas darkens, splashed with red
As though its creator had made a fatal error.
A tie dye effect, shifting and drifting,
Clouds intersect and fade to nothing.
Branches wave goodbye as darkness smothers.

The great gleaming eye of the sun,
A misty pupil fringed with blur of colour,
Closes and the face of our world is featureless.
It makes me think that phrase is mistaken, for
Although the sun's gazes is penetrated by night,
The world remains.

As do I, and as do you.

For all those people who will still be there when the sun comes up.
You know who you are  xxxxx

6/6/2003.                    She Will Find Her Voice (pointless song)

The sky will fall
Before you know it
You've got it all
But you don't show it

(Where have you been?)

The earth will crack
Beneath your feet
Read that back
Before you hit delete

(What the hell have you done?)

Don't leave her there in your head
Imprison her some place else instead
Don't make her do it
Don't make her teach you the lesson ... though
You deserve it, every single bit
Turn your butt around and go

Her heart will break
Between your fingers
Think before you take
The memory lingers

(No one will pull you back)

You will see red
In her blue eyes
The evil has bled
Into the tears she cries

(No one will aid your escape)


A single drop of her blood will leak
She will find her voice and speak
Suddenly she's not so meek
She'll kick your ass into next week
Don't push her body so hard rough fast
She's on the edge and there at last
She will jump before she is cast
Her reflection shatters into the past

Don't leave her
Imprison her
You won't do her wrong or
Break her, she's strong
While you ain't unsinkable

You will see red in her blue eyes
The evil has bled into the tears she cries
The evil has bled into the tears she cries
For you
For you
The tears she cries for you

10/6/2003.                                Heavy Metal

Don't you panic
Get sadistic

Fuck your pride
Treat yourself

Soul mate
Out of date
Don't stare
Don't care

Insomnia strike
Intense dislike
Revenge is sweeter
If you bleed her dry

Oh that's crude
How I like it
Be sure to spike it

What a waste of fucking time
You did it now pay for your crime

Element of surprise
Open your eyes
Look at me
What do you see
I ain't so nice
30/6/2003.                        Sharp Tongue, Sweet Lips

Paths cross in the dark
Follow the light where it catches a spark
Don�t stop going � persevere
Intimate glowing and the end is near

Explore ignorance
Ignore adoration
Adore exploration
Crave separation

People disappear from your life
Replacements are mismatched
They don�t live up to those gone before
New hope springs and new schemes hatched

Ignore adoration
Crave separation
Explore ignorance
Adore exploration

Dream worlds don�t suffice, stay right here
Penetrate the shadows so you see clear
Lose your tears and stop your rage
Drop the pen and turn the page

They let you down
They see you wrong
They watch you drown
They don�t belong
But carry on

On a clean sheet you find perfection
Step outside and seek affection
Do what you need and reap reward
Steady yourself but don�t grow bored

Carry on carry on carry on carry on

Feel the heat
It�s no mean feat
Your tongue is sharp but your lips taste sweet
You won�t be beat

So carry on
6/7/2003.            Splitting of Souls (a love song, in the sweetest sense)

I could say it�s like the splitting of souls
The end of an era that was once the whole
Of my world.
Of everything that mattered for a while
And now shattered in two.
Me and you, separated, our wings unfurled.

But all that flowery language can�t hide
What it is that I really feel inside.
After all, you�re just a girl.
You�re just someone like myself, like I am
And you�re living your life the best way you can
And I wish you well.

I�m not saying I don�t wish we could go back
To change, replace, rethink and relax.
In the past you were more than just some girl
It was like I opened the shell and discovered a pearl
And I�m missing you already as the sun goes down
But I wouldn�t change a thing, you know why?
Because you�re happy now.

I could blabber on about how soulmates can part
I�ve done it for so long now, it�s down to an art.
I could remember
All the pointless things that made you you
And how you gave me so much that helped get me through.
But if I think too hard it would break my heart.


One day we might just pick up where we left off
It�s not so impossible a dream.
In ten years when things aren�t so fine
We might regroup in some brand new scene.
Don�t forget me and I�ll do the same for you,
Keep in mind every good thing I said coz I swear they�re true.


I loved you, but the best things have to come to an end.
Believe me when I say you were more than a friend
You were something beautiful to me

And you always will be.
21/7/2003.                          Getting Up and Going

I feel so frustrated, being suffocated
By life - or so it seems
It's utterly futile, like I'm going senile
When I'm not even eighteen.
I wish I was older, and bolder
Had the courage to pursue a dream
That's existed for ages, contagious,
I'm falling apart at the seams.

Time slips past me while I'm standing still
I'm not going anywhere at all
Surely finishing something I start will
Prove to you people I'm not so small...
But why, why should I prove anything to you
I, I despise the dealing, and this feeling
It stems from you.

I open doors, already bored
When I have a list of things to do
It makes me feel crazy, being so lazy
Moli�re awaits but I'm thinking of you
I dream of dancing, ego-enhancing
But when I wake I feel like a fool,
Someone fuelled by illusion, trapped in her delusion
Inactivity is my tool.

Look at my face, look into my eyes
Beneath the mask, don't seem so surprised
I don't clean my room, I let my work moulder
I pick up guys who are 11 years older!
At least permit me to ask myself why.

It's all one big ego trip for you
Turning up at parties to see what harm you can do
People say I'm over-reacting but I'm stuck in this place
Where I see again and again your hand hit my face
                                              And I can't get out
                                              And I tear at my hair
                                              And my head aches like hell
                              They think I'm hungover, they can't even tell
             They tell me it's what you want, me angry like this
Stop pissing on my parade
At least you weren't my last kiss.

Butterflies in my belly, legs like jelly
I hide and revel in the past
Betrayal still haunts me, it pushes and taunts me
I can't even move to make it pass.
Gotta get out of this chair, go somewhere
Instead of being so stubborn, steadfast
I've got to take up all the plans I've made, so they are displayed
Stop looking through me, I'm not made of glass.

I've got to get some get up and go
I've got to get out there and show
That you can do to me whatever,
But it won't last forever
I'll still heal despite how hard the blow.
20/9/2003.                            My 18th Year

Oh dear God
Jesus help me to escape myself
I shouldn't blaspheme so much...
All right, I take it back.
Relax, OK?

I always listen to Badly Drawn Boy
When I feel like this
I get all scared and suddenly
It's like, I need this lift.
He cheers me up.

So what if poems are meant to rhyme?
Fuck that, this takes me long enough
Without faffing about making something perfect
I'm sick of having to think so hard.
Jesus Christ, oh shit.

In 19 days I'll be 18
I'll have this valid ID, and the world
Well, it'll be my oyster.
Streets paved with gold, huh?
God, what a cliche.

I'm sitting here getting scared
Wishing I was somebody else
Somebody brave, and keen to grow up
Someone not scared of adulthood
I mean, argh! Old!

What a waste of time
All these years have been
Hah, kissing frogs
That's what I've been doing
Not enough real work though!

Hey baby, anna mulle piiskaa
Crazy foreigners, yeah!
I wonder if Mari will join them
In years to come
Will she be happy?

Maybe Tom will sort himself out
Up in good old York
I wish I could warn those poor Yorkshire girls
Of his arrival

Perhaps there's this perfect Scottish bloke
Waiting for me in the future
And he doesn't know I'm coming
But he's the One for me
How cool would that be?

Uh oh, getting too optimistic for me
Better put my trusty cynical mask back on
Everything is, has been
And always will be shit, right?
Yep, that's it.

But I don't really want to believe that...
26/9/2003.                                    Disease

Recapture the buzz
Cloaked with fuzz
Clog up my brain
Cushion the pain

I am small
I am sweet
I will fall
Land on my feet

Stem the flow
Where will it go?
Smash the shards
Hit me hard


Thud thud thud
Reverberate and repeat
Clear as mud
White as a sheet

Beat me up
Kick the shit out of me
Leave me for dead
Leave me for dead
Impure, insecure
Explode my head

Melt my hurt
Into the dirt
Heavy sigh
Crumbling knees
2002/2003.                                        Free

When I see
Twinkling lights above me
A million or more, that's plenty
I know who I am.
Give me
Some reasons, the strength to keep going
So I am not to-ing and fro-ing
Then I'll see who I am.

I may seem lost, perhaps unfound,
just like my feet don't touch the ground,
I'm starstruck, quiet; I'm touched by you,
I feel so free.
I'm so small.

Believe this
I'm not as stupid as I seem
I know this life isn't a dream
Let me prove myself.
Just one kiss
Wide eyes open like windoes
Lips suspended, my face glows
And I know my own wealth.


This world is not so simple
'Normal' is fine in principle
Life slips in when time wrinkles
And where are we then?

Don't waste time by standing still,
Or treat life like its hours to fill,
See the colours, don't smell the fear.
Just feel free.
You're not small.
29/9/2003.                                        Reborn

This tearstained world holds promise for me no longer,
I will dry my eyes, shed my skin and move on.
Being this person holds no attraction anymore.
I wish to spread my wings and take off,
Beyond the here and now
Into a place which holds new meanng
Filled with optimism that sparkles.

The inhabitants of this place are only those with invitations,
The others have to stand at the gate and peer hopefully inside,
And once they've earned my trust, only then will entrance be gained.
I will close myself to hurt and pain,
Because openness is destruction
Only the deserving will know the richness
Of my true being.

I'm not that person anymore.
I am new.
I am unscathed, unblackened, unblemished.
I am pure and clean.

I have emerged into the daylight,
A bright butterfly bursting forth from my chrysalis.
The larvae which I was is gone.
She was beaten by life,
She was enveloped by pain,
She was crushed by responsibility
And smothered with affection found in all the wrong places.
She was a fool.

I'm not her anymore.
She was ancient.
She was scarred, burned, blemished.
She was impure and caked with the dirt from beneath others' fingernails.

She was nothing and I am something.
She sat back and I speak out.
No longer will I take the easy street or the backseat.
You cannot walk all over me
Because I am not afraid to scream and point the finger
At those deserving of punishment.

You will not dupe me into 'closure',
You will not use me until you find the 'right man',
You will not screw with my mind because I am too kind to reveal your cruelty,
You will not blame me for your mistakes,
You will not laugh at my misfortune,
You will not assume I am weak or meaningless just because I speak softly.

I am new.
I am strong.
I am pure.
I am poweful.
I am beautiful.
I am resilient.
I am steadfast.
I am here.
I am reborn.
30/11/2003.                                    On Edge

Teeth set and ground down
Knots in my stomach, churning around
Shivers engulf my knocking knees
Heart punctuates thoughts in deep freeze

Track my beating veins
Measure the force of my head pains
Follow the rivers of uncertainty
Watch as it all gets too much for me

Knuckles whiten and clench
Lumps in my throat, a heart to wrench
Impossible to relax my racing mind
Notions further blinker eyes so blind

Deliberation and apprehension
Unyielding, unstoppable, unbearable
That's it for now but check back on my Creative Shite page to see if the list of new poems posted has grown at regular intervals, if you're interested in keeping up with my warped mind that is. Click Home, Old Poetry or Other for a change of scene entirely... :)
7/12/2003.                                  See You In Hell

his is me.
I like the way my mind can sway
into new meanings, so they become
they weren't before.

I adore
the ebb and flow of confusion that shows
someone different to the next person, I'm
individual and new and fantastic.

is what every person is in comparison with the
that is my being. Today and tomorrow
will continue to be empty shells.

I tell
the truth as best I can, and this man, this
I am about to consume, I laugh at your
that I don't know what I'm about to do.

I knew
and I do and I will and I keep doing it and the thrill is
because I like to live life to the full while you
watch me having a good time.

I find
that the less I think, the more I know; the more I
and less I analyse, the more I grow, and if I were to
too closely my actions, that would destroy the satisfaction
every person needs to make their own mistakes.

I take
pleasure where I can. I drink it, I kiss it, and perhaps I'll
it. Who knows? If I look ahead things will just
which can't happen, not now, not ever, not here.

No fear.
Accept and embrace me, don't try to pace me
I will be gone for dust, giving in to lust isn't a
and if it is, hey, see you in Hell.

this is me.
15/12/2003.                                  Confidence

There was once a girl whose behaviour was detrimental,
Destructive to the path she wished to lead,
They told her she would never
Fulfil her true potential
She said to them there were more important things in life but

And she would look up at the stars every night,
Delight, a respite.
And she would wish she could be up there in the
Sky, seemingly so high.
Up above, in the air, farther then she could ever care
To be. See.

And in her hands she held her ice cream dreams, so fragile,
They melted away with her screams, and her smile.
She wished, she knew, she fought and she flew.
She could get through with just a little more

This girl, she held her head up and she pushed away the fears,
She trod the path she had never dared to touch before,
They told her she would never
Find her way past the tears.
She said to them I�m not taking any of your shit

And she would look up at the stars every night,
Her plight�s end felt so near.
And she knew where she was going for the first
Time, sublime, no fear.
In her head, in her mind, a stronger person she could find
There, no cares.

And in her hands she held her ice cream dreams, so fragile,
Her screams melted away, but not her smile.
She wished, she knew, she fought and she flew.
She could get through with just a little more
16/12/2003.                                  Delicious

Rain and sun
You have begun
A train of thought
So light and fun
Lessons learned
Battles won
This cheery tone
Is not undone

I try to suppress
This happiness
Flowing, curling
Through my soul
I feel blessed
With silliness
Let me let
Myself go

Come true
It�s all you
This is

Hurt and pain
And all the blame
Have flown
My name
Is clean again
I know that this
Soft focus frame
Destroys the shame

Entirely sublime
I know my own mind
I understand the questions
I don�t find that
Indecisiveness clinging like
Fine droplets in my mind
Blindness has flown
Confidence has grown
He is overthrown
And behind me

This is delicious
Wishes so
Come true
Cast the blue away
I�m in a better place
Today I�m new
It�s all you
And you�re delicious
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