The pictures of me were mostly taken with the cheap camera, and the object pictures were mostly taken with the digital camera. Most of them were filtered or at least altered in some way, with PictureIt!, Photoshop, and ImageReady.

pen in bowl
A blue translucent plastic pen is placed in a ceramic decorative bowl, on a wooden table. I took this with a digital camera and it's probably the best picture on this page.

flowers in garden
These are yellow flowers in my garden. My messed up digital camera made the grass purple, so I had to edit the picture and make the grass green, the real color of grass in my garden.

keyboard keys
Above are keyboard keys from the keyboard on my computer. I like the quiet-key keyboards in my school better though, but this is much better than the perfect-touch keyboard in school that cramps your hand and makes you mess up.

my lamp
I wrapped those fuzzy wires (whatever they're called) around my lamp during CTY, the summer before last summer. I also have an fancy ivory fabric shade and bronze holder lamp and a plain white flourescent lamp (okay, nobody cares about lamps!).

firey light bulb!
In real life, the light bulb is white, maybe just slightly yellow, but it certainly doesn't look like this! I guess my camera just doesn't correctly interpret colors. Wow, it's so intensely fire-colored! Maybe flourescent light comes out a little more... normal.

plastic mouse
My other mouse (the kind you connect to computers) has a scrolling thing, but this one does not. I was sort of amazed when the scrolling things got onto mouses... like so fascinated by them that I kept rolling it. Anyway, this was filtered to give it a... weird look.

my phone
This is my phone, also taken to CTY, but I never used it because I didn't feel like calling anyone. Still to this day, I do not use the phone. I mostly use internet stuff (email, im, ect.). This was filtered with render > difference clouds.

plush pineapple
My grandpa gave me this a long time ago... it's sort of dirty now, as you might see in the picture. I also had to change the color of the carpet in this one because it came out purple instead of peach! Maybe I should take pictures when it's somewhat light...

This is a picture of me milking a fake plastic Amish cow in a real Amish Farm. The farm was okay except by the real cows. It was malodorous by the real cows. This was my eighth grade trip (a long, long time ago).

Okay, this picture was truely messed up. I tried to cover the eyes, since they were messed up by the camera. Then I ended up making the whole thing demented. whatever, it's here.

Here, I am in nineth grade just outside of the basketball court in Frost Valley. Frost Valley was fun. All the good Frost Valley pictures were put in my locker.

Ah, I look like a sped in this picture (leave this section of my site now, please?). This was also in frost valley, in the cafeteria with low-quality food. Every food smelled like raw onions and rotting eggs (most of them, to me).

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