Images here are mostly uploaded onto my other sites.
If something does not show up and displays a red x, right-click it and click 'show picture' from the pop-menu.
note: the images are ugly, since a great number come from uglyimages.


These are animated gifs. They are all very choppy. All of them are made by me, with either Adobe Imageready 7.0 or Macromedia Fireworks MX, from scratch.

Just Images...

Most, if not many, of the pictures under this category are with extension .jpg. I made most of these pictures with either Adobe Photoshop 7.0, Microsoft Paint, or Macromedia Fireworks MX. Most of them are strange/freaky, and were made from scratch or screenshot.

Seamless Backgrounds

These images are suitable for site backgrounds, and the tiling ones are seamless. The animated ones are quite spazzy, but so are you, so I advise you to steel them from me (just link back, please?).

Many Icons

Icons include fruits, candies, and words. Most of these icons are less than 400 bytes, which is very small.

Manual Art

These were hand-drawn/hand-whatever by me and then scanned into my computer. It's fun to see people's drawings/stuff on a computer. I used pencils, papers, pens, colored pencils, paints, paintbrushes, erasers, and similar items to make the pictures.

Assorted Smilies

They are also called emoticons, but I do not know how to say the word "emoticons" so whatever. This section includes a variety of colorful smilies that are very emotionally challenged. Please look at them.


These photos were all either taken with a cheap camera or a digital camera (not too descriptive). They were then altered with Microsoft PictureIt express 7.0.

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