These images were made by me. A number of these are from my msn group, ugly images Join that group to upload images that you create, or pictures you take, since I like seeing creative pictures that people make and people's pictures (since you're probably a better photographer than me) Anyway, hover over each picture for a brief description of it, and right click > show picture for anything that doesn't initially show up.

Click on each picture to see the actual size:

I just figured out how to take screenshots on that day, so I took a screenshot of this pop-up 
alert thingie and altered it. A screenshot of my first site shows that the menu DOES work, though usually not on macs; macs are messed up, no offense.
Violet flowers are sitting above 
a gray rock, and it says, 'nature the stuff outside'
This was really meant to be a tree with eyes on it, but other people obviously think it's an alien or something. I 
made it with fireworks with a 3d effect paintbrush.
this is a picture taken first by a scene in the forest that had trees and a ground. Then I added reflection and dolphins.
this is a picture taken first by a scene in the forest that had trees and a ground. Then I added reflection and dolphins.
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