These smilies are very easy to make, since most only have only three frames. They may not show up the first time, since I uploaded them to a cheap free place, so you will have to right click and click "Show Picture" from the menu for those that don't show up. I came up with all the smilies so far.

"I am very happy; my mouth and eyes are stretching and contracting"
"I am so enchanted, my eyes are all sparkly!"
"That is so funny, I think I won't ever stop laughing"
"Since I am asleep, I don't think I can do anything"
"Aw, that was so sad... I think my eyes are getting soggy"
"Grrr, something annoying has greatly annoyed/irritated me!"
"*winks* You know what I mean, or maybe my eyes is just spazzing"
"I'm blowing some bubble gum, and I will never get rid of it"
"It's hard to tell how I feel because my whole face is spazzing"
"Ah-choo! That was a sneeze, and there are more to come"
"I am in the process of licking, a good toungue excercise"
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