
Ball State Friends--->
Ball State Friend Info--->newly made friends...(very incomplete.)
Freshman Year Pictures--->pictures of ball state friends freshman year.
Sophomore Year Pictures (1st Semester)--->year two, 1st semester sophomore year.
Sophomore Year Pictures (2nd Semester)--->year two, 2nd semester sophomore year.
Sophomore Year Summer: Art in Italy Pictures--->pictures of friends on the italy trip.
Sophomore Year Summer: Art Kid Canoe Trip '05--->the art kids go canoeing.
Junior Year Pictures (1st Semester)--->pictures of bsu friends junior year, 1st semester.
Junior Year Pictures (2nd Semester)--->pictures of bsu friends junior year, 2nd semester.
Junior Year Summer--->the bsu kids the summer b/w junior and senior year.

'01-'02 High School Shout Outs--->mostly inside jokes from junior year.
'02-'03 High School Shout Outs--->inside jokes from senior year.
Friend's Websites--->the few websites my friends have.
Pictures '03-'04--->pictures of friends my freshman year.
Pictures Summer '04--->pictures of friends through summer '04.
Pictures '04-'05--->pictures of friends from home during soph year.
Pictures Summer '05--->what little pictures of friends i took summer '05.
Pictures '05-'06--->pictures of hometown friends visiting during junior year.
Pictures Summer '06--->pictures of marion friends summer '06.

'01-'02 Collected Quotes--->just go and giggle to yourself.
'02-'03 Collected Quotes--->more giggling.
'03-'04 Collected Quotes--->yet again...the idiocy continues.
'04-'05 Collected Quotes--->you get the trend.
'05-'06 Collected Quotes--->mmm...
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