Summer time, oh summer time,
When the air is warm, everything is green,
And blooms do seem to abound,
As I walk along the path.

Green leaves a-plenty, warm breezes abound,
As I do walk with my gal.
Hand-and-hand, out through the woods,
Hand-and-hand along the creek.

Sit and idle by a pool,
Toss in leaves and watch them float,
Pick daisies and pluck the petals,
Knowing full well she does love me.

Swimming down in the big pond,
Hoping to get a real good tan,
But all this is OK,
Summer does bring thoughts of love.

~ Tom ([email protected])

� July 2004



Check these out:

Summer Serenade

Strawberry Moon

A Misty Morning

Baker's Woods

Summer Kitchen (with recipes)

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Graphics by Marilyn

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