This is a picture of Melina sticking her tongue out. I don't know why.  I asked her for a picture and she gave me this one. Hehe.  Any Melina is one of my bestest friends.  I see her more often than I see my own parents, but that's just because she's a student at UGA too.  Melina's an art major which means that she doesn't do any work. Just Kidding. She draws and paints purty and her photographs rock. I should know since a lot of them are of me!  Melina is also sweet enough to take my non driving ass to all of the shows I go to.  So if you wonder why she's in a lot of the pictures that I'm in, that's the reason. THANKS MELINA!  Melina and I are probably at our most retarded when we're around each other.  You may not  believe me. You may think that we're both really quiet and shy.  Well in most cases we are.  But in the car after eating at the grit, and listening to Poison the Well on the way to Walmart...yeah we can get pretty stupid.  Thanks Melina for being a nerd with me! :-D
It's Janelle!  This is my friend Janelle with the coolest Metalhead in the world, Mark Hunter from Chimaira. This was taken at the Fear Factory/ Machine Head/ Chimaira show in October.  Janelle is an awesome girl. And she's met every cool rockstar known to man.  NOT FAIR! She recently moved to Atlanta from North Carolina, and we're very happy to have her here. Thanks to her, I was able to see shun in Nashville (TWICE) Thanks Janelle! Go visit her really awesome page that makes mine look stupid.
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