That fine black man that you see in the picture is none other than Akeem.  Akeem is the only black person I know who is as cool as me!  You can see him rocking out in this picture with his band Kindlespine. Akeem's parents are from the West Indies just like my parents.  But his parents are from Jamaica. However, Akeem doesn't think that makes him Jamaican for some reason.  He should be proud to link himself up with greats like Bob Marley and Peter Tosh.  Hehe. Anyway, Akeem puts the "Kindle" in Kindlespine. And man can he play drums! I LOVE YOU AKEEM!
This is Justin making his favorite gesture.  My friendship with Justin is interesting.  He's like my little kid brother that I want to hit all the time for annoying the crap out of me.  But I can't do that because he lives all the way in Florida.   Justin is 17 and therefore thinks he knows everything. We get in at least one argument everyday about something stupid (usually music). The days when I'm nice to him, he's mean to me, and the days that he's nice to me, I'm mean to him. He has a massive crush on Melina whether he wants to admitt it or not.  But even though Justin is one of the few people who can make me mad, I still think he's a cool kid.  Now if only we could do something about his CKY obsession....
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