Here are some of my favorite quotes that I've found over the years. 
"There's a great deal of poetry and fine sentiment in a chest of tea"- Daniel Johns

"Dawson's Creek, yep, I think I'm gonna like that show."- Daniel Johns

�Any more slam dancing and this band walks.  This isn�t some grunge alternative thing.  We�re playing music up here.  Am I Courtney Love?  Do I have fake tits?  Come on, I�m forty-three years old-and I�m too old for this shit.� �Chrissie Hynde onstage at the Hollywood Palladium

�Exploiting yourself is much better than exploiting others.� �Malcolm McLaren

�I was an altar boy for four years�.I liked the suits.  The black dress with the white thing over the tops.  I figured if I had to go to church, I might as well be onstage.� �Gred Dulli, Afghan Whigs

�We�re living proof that you don�t need talent or good looks to make it in music.  People ask what it takes to become a successful rock band.  I always say just fucking quick your job and live on the street.  And when you get really hungry you�ll come up with something good.��Paul Leary

�You know that thing Andy Warhol said about everybody being famous for fifteen minutes?  Well, I had twenty minutes, which was probably more than my fair share anyway.��Ian Dury

�There are two ways to hold your guitar-over your bollocks, or, under your chin like a prat.� �Billy Bragg

�Just because you call yourself psychedelic doesn�t mean you are psychedelic.� �Richard Butler, Psychedelic Furs

�I wake up some nights and think �Orchestral Manoeuvres in the Dark?�  What a stupid name!  Why did we pick that one?� �Andy McCluskey

�Basically, I hate pop stars unless they�re me or personal friends of mine.� �Shane Macgowan

�I despair when I pass Oxford Street and see bondage and leather and studs everywhere.  It�s become quite acceptable to go to work like that.  It�s disgusting.� �Siouxsie Sioux

�Rock & roll is trying to convince girls to pay money to be near you.� �Richard Hell

�Every fucking art student that plays out of tune gets a record deal.� �Willy Deville

�Alternative music?  What�s the alternative to music?  Silence?� �Mike Watt

"Music's pretty cool and I'm glad to be a part of it. Sometimes when you reach for the stars, you end up in the fucking shit. I don't believe in God, I don't believe in America, I don't believe in Rock and Roll. I believe in me."- Billy Corgan during Lollapalooza.

"I hate how in magazine pictures, they always stick me somewhere in the back. It means they don't think I'm the cute one."- Billy Corgan

"I guess we should apologize now for making you all miss the super bowl. If it makes you feel any better, um, in the second quarter the players decided that they were all going to choose the path of non-violence and they all gave up football. So the game was suspended anyway so you're not missing anything."-Billy Corgan talking to fans at a concert on the same day as the Super Bowl.

"There's been someone up here screaming landslide for the whole show...normally we don't play landslide, but on occasion we've been known to play it....so since this person's been screaming it all show long....that just about kills the chances of me playing it tonight, or ever again,"-Billy Corgan during a recent concert.

"Normally, when TV sets jump out at you, they give you a little warning, but the one that attacked D'arcy yesterday was a spontaneous, sneaky one,"-James Iha referring to an incident the night before when a television fell on D'arcy.

"After the band is gone, after Billy is gone, after the world explodes, Iha will still be rockin!"- James Iha

"Just recording with James is a sexual experience. The way he presses 'record'. You gotta see it."- Billy Corgan

"I live in an eskimo."- Ben Gillies
"You live in an igloo you ARE an eskimo, you don't live in an eskimo."-Daniel Johns
"Ahh, excuse me Mr. Intellectual."- Ben

"Teenyboppers are mental!"- Ben Gillies

"All we did in music class was tap wood sticks together."- Daniel Johns

"Shut the fuck up! Could all the fucking teenies step to the back and let the real fans come up front?"- Daniel Johns

"Ben's obsessed with breasts. When he can't get a girl he plays with his own, or mine if he's really bored."- Daniel Johns

"You want me to spit on you? You're fucking stupid!! I've got herpes and all other different diseases."
Daniel Johns
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