You may be wondering why Robert Smith has his own section on my page.  Well the reason is simple really. He rules all of your asses!  I've been a HUGE cure fan since I was about 15, and since then, I've always seen Robert as an amazing musician and song writer.  His words and music have helped me so much, and I'm very appreciative of the fact that he has shared his incredible gifts with us for all these years. 

Robert Smith is really the only person that I'm dying to meet.  Looking at all of my pictures and hearing about all of my concert stories, you might think that I would've met him by now.  Unfortunately that is not the case.  The last time the Cure came to town, I had to go to my graduation mass ( I went to a Catholic High School).  I would've happily skipped that to see Robert and the boys at Lakewood, but it was mandatory of course.  You can imagine how crushed I was, finding out that my favorite band was in town yet I couldn't go and see them.  However, the fact that the Cure is still together and going strong, gives me hope that one day, I will meet Robert.

I don't know what I'll do when I meet Robert (yes i WILL meet him someday!)  I think that I will probably start crying for sure, because even the thought of meeting him makes me tear up.  There is so much that I'd like to say to him.  Once someone asked me what I would tell him, and I proceeded to tell this person what I'd like to talk about with Robert.  This person said to me, "Anything that you say to him, has probably been said to him hundreds of times over the years.  He won't think it any more special coming from you."  I don't think that's true. I think that even today, Robert and the rest of the Cure are still grateful to have such loyal fans, and very happy to hear any words of kindness from them.  And so what if I tell Robert something that he's heard a million times before.  I still want the opportunity to tell him. Even if I just meet him once and he forgets about me the second I walk away.  When someone has inspired someone else as much as Robert has inspired me, I feel like i owe him at the very least a "Thank You"

When The Cure played a show here in Atlanta (1 of only 6 shows they were doing around the world on that mini tour) I was so crushed that I couldn't get tickets to see him.  A friend of mine actually went down to the venue and was able to get Robert and Simon to sign "Staring at the Sea" for me.  When my friend told Robert about me, Robert said that I had a pretty name.  Now I've been told that about my name many times before.  But the fact that Robert said that makes me feel amazing.  In my eyes, he is incredible.

In the following pages, you will find some of my favorite pictures of Robert Smith.  I do have a
CURE page that you see to read about their amazing history. Enjoy!

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