This past October before the Machine Head/ Fear Factory/ Chimaira show, Melina and I went to Jeremy's house because he and his cousin needed a ride to the show. As we were waiting to leave Jeremy put Everything You Ever Wanted To Know About Silence on. As it was playing, I thought it sounded a bit like glassJAw but I wasn't too sure. As the next song started Jeremy said to me, "Hey it's your boy Elias' favorite song." Then I knew that I was hearing "When One Eight Becomes Two Zeros." The next song that came on was "Ry Ry's Song" and the I thought the end of that song was really tight.

When I went home for Thanksgiving break, I went to Wharehouse Music to sell some of my cds. I was looking in the used CD section and I found a copy of
Everything You Ever Wanted To Know About Silence. It was only $8 so i figured I'd buy it and take a chance on it. Over the next few weeks, I started listening to the album. At first it didn't really wow me like I had seen it wow my friends. It wasn't bad but I didn't see the "UMP" that everyone else was seeing . Then one day when I was listening to it, something just clicked, and all of a sudden I got it. I started listening to that cd all the time; before I went to bed, on my way to class, when I was doing my homework, etc. Now I LOVE them.

I have glassJAw's older album
Kiss Kiss Bang Bang and I really like that one now too. My friends and I are all anxiously awaiting the release of their new album entitled Worship and Tribute. It's going to be released this summer through Ross Robinson's I AM Recordings. I can't wait! I've heard several of the new songs off the album  and they're all really amazing. It's nice to know that this new album will have the same glassJAw sound. Hopefully when the album is finally released glassjaw will bring their asses back to the ATL

Now the reasons I like glasJAw.  First off they're just really different from anything else out there.  They're good melodic hardcore without being annoying. Some of their songs just have the coolest riffs, and its always something really unique. I also really really really LOVE Daryl's lyrics.  He has a really amazing voice that he can do a lot with, and it's quite impressive. Some people may think that he hates women when they hear some of his lyrics.  He says "fucking whore" a lot, and "bitch" here and there.  One of my favorite lines is from the song "Piano" where he sings "I only beat you when I'm drunk.  You're only pretty when you're crying."  It's not that Daryl hates women.  He's just had some really shitty things done to him by women in the past, and writing about his experiences is the best way he knows how to express his emotions.  While the things he sings about may seem very intense and harsh, it's honest and it's what he's been through. 

I also really like the fact that both Daryl and Beck are straightedge. They've even got X's tattooed on their bottom lips (xXx=Straightedge).  I've never smoked a cigarette, smoked pot, done any drugs, or have ever been drunk.  Those are things that have never really interested me because I don't see myself benefiting from them.  Lots of young kids and even young adults feel pressured to do things because their friends are doing them.  Daryl and Beck are great examples for people to look to.  They don't have to get wasted to have a good time.
OUCH! Those tats had to hurt.  Here we have Beck and Daryl showing off their xXx's.  I'd get that done if I wasn't such a punk ass wuss :-P
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