March, April and May you can experience spring in Japan. Spring is the time where the flowers bloom.
In the month of March Japanese have Fire walking ceremony on Mt. Takao, and also Plum festival late in the month.
April is the time for Cherry blossoms. There are about 250 species and 1800 trees  of Cherry at Tama forest Science Garden, this garden is open to the public in this month. People go out for Fishing in this month.
Children's day is celebrated in the month of May (5th). Japanese love to listen to the wild birds and straw berry picking in middle of the  month.

June, July and August is summer in Japan. Summers are extremely hot here the temperature rises upto 38 deg in summer.
In the month of June Japanese listen to singing frogs listening party in Annai River at the foot of Mt. Takao. They even go fishing for sweetfish late in this month.
You can experience Ground Cherries fair at Shinshouin Temples in the month of July. During this month High School Base Ball semi finals is also held. July is the time for Gold Banded lilies. Open Air Sculpture is held at Fujimori Park late in this month.
August is full of celebration for Japanese. Dances are performed in many shrines in this month. (Kumano Shrine, Hazama Shishimai shrine, Hikawa Shrine, Suwa Shrine, Imakuma Shrine and Tamori Shrine)

September, October and November you can experience Autumn in Japan.
In September there is Shouga (ginger) festival at Eifuku-inari Shrine in Shincho. Asakawa river cleaning is also done on the Ist sunday in this month. Viewing the Moon, listening to the king of insect and Dragon flies is the main attraction of this month.
Orange coloured olives bloom in the month of October. School festivals and Citizen's Cultural Festival starts in the middle of the month.
Autumn leaves fair is held at Mt. Takao in November. Ginger festival also continues in this month.

Winter is very cold in Japan, the Temperature falls to 2 deg and you can experience snow fall.
December, January and February is winter months in Japan.
Shikuramen flower blooms in the month of December.
Japanese visit the shrine in the beginning of the year January. Visiting the Seven Gods of Good Fortune at seven shrines is done by every Japanese.
February is the time for Bean Scattering ceremony. Plums bloom early in this month.



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