LaughingBard Studios
Art by Jason D. Alexander
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The Clay Doll.  pg 3
The Clay Doll.  pg 4
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  Every day the old man would walk out onto the porch to his work bench and take his favorite clay doll off the mantle.  The sculptor would spray the doll with a mist of water to make the clay pliable again.  With care he lovingly rubbed the soft clay each morning and asked the doll, "What kind of adventure should we have today?"  And the clay doll would reply, "Put me on horseback", or "Make me a mountain to climb today."  The sculpor then went to work and created animals and landscapes, setting the doll off for another adventure.
  One morning, as the old man was carefully reshaping the doll, the little clay figurine asked, "What kind of adventures are out  there?  Is it exciting beyond the porch?  I'll bet it is.'
   "Little doll", the craftman replied, "You cannot venture out there.  It is too dangerous for you to leave the shadow and care of the porch.  Out there the hot sun and dry air will make you hard and brittle.  Now, enough talk of what is beyond the porch...What adventure should we have today?"
   "Um, I guess put me on the back of the eagle again,"  the doll said.  But his eyes and heart were somewhere else.
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