LaughingBard Studios
Art by Jason D. Alexander
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The Clay Doll.  pg 5
The Clay Doll.  pg 6
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  The old man moistened the figurine's clay and prepared his legs for the eagle's back.  But that day the doll did not imagine himself soaring through the skies.  Instead he was imagining what it must be like to leave the porch.  "Think of all the adventures I could have,'he said to himself.
  The next day the clay doll awoke early while the morning was misty and cool.  The doll remembered the craftsman's words, warning not to leave the porch.  But didn't he say the sun and the dry air were the true problems?  The morning sun wouldn't be out for another hour--and the air was moist and the grass dewy.  "This is my chance for a real adventure" ,the doll said as he took his first steps into the yard.
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