Part One
     Susannah walked through the barrier between the muggle and wizard stations. Her gold hair glistened even in the early morning light. Her pale blue eyes scan the area curiously, a large beige shackle at her side. Jonathan, her husband, follows her; his long blonde hair clashes with his reddish beard. His clothes are rugged and he has a large backpack on. �Are you sure the train is still coming Suzanne? It is about due and there�s only one other person here,� he said gesturing to a tall, thin figure a ways down.
     �No Jonathan, the train will be here, only a few people will board here, everyone else will board a good deal north from here.� She gestures with her head towards the north.
     The other person walks up with his briefcase. It�s obvious to both of them that his worn face and graying hair are done prematurely, and his clothes are all decrepit. Nevertheless, he still had a youthful atmosphere around him and cheerfully he said, �Hello, might I be safe to assume that one of you is the new assistant professor?�

     Susannah steps forward, �I am, and might I be safe to assume you are the new dark arts teacher� professor Lupin,� reading the name off the briefcase, �I am Susannah and this is my husband Jonathan.�

     �I am pleased to meet both of you,� Lupin says, shaking both of their hands, �Except call me Remus.�

      Jonathan nods, �Well met Remus.�

     An old fashioned train pulls up to the station. They all watch it and Jonathan sighs deeply, �Well, there�s the train. Nice to meet you Remus, good-bye Suzanne,� he kisses her passionately, �Love you.�

      �I love you too,� Susannah said, kissing him again.
     Susannah sits in the corner at the back of the train, reading a book. Remus sits at the other corner there, sleeping. The train stopped and the voices of children could be heard boarding. Three teenagers come into the compartment; one is a boy with dark messy hair and bright green eyes, he wears thick glasses and worn out clothes; another boy had bright red hair and freckles and had a rat in his pocket, �Ick, a rat,� Susannah thought. The last one was a girl with bushy hair and was carrying, Susannah noted, a huge, gorgeous, orange tabby Persian cat. �I wonder who she is?� the dark haired boy asked, about Susannah.

      �Probably a 7th year,� said the girl.

      �And a Ravenclaw at that, bookworms all of them,� added the red haired boy.

      �Can we sit here?� the dark haired one asked politely.

      �Susannah gestured the she didn�t care and the kids turned their attention to Remus. The cat jumped onto Susannah�s lap and still reading she began to pet it.

      The kids looked at Remus and the girl came to the same conclusions that Susannah did the Remus was the dark arts teacher. The red head eyed Remus and said, �Well, I hope he�s up to it, he looks like one good hex would finish him off, doesn�t he? Anyways, what were you going to tell us Harry?�

      Harry, the dark haired one, looked at Susannah, she puts her hand up and says, �I�ll just listen to music while you guys talk,� pulling out some headphones and pretended to turn them on, she started to humming, as though to music. Harry began to talk about Sirius Black, who Susannah never heard of but apparently he casts death magic, who broke out of Azkaban, a place she never heard of, to get Harry for some reason that she didn�t know. The conversation turned to a lighter note, visiting Hogsmeade, the town outside of school. The girl, named Hermione, started to list a lot of boring, useless facts about the town and the red head, Ron, listed all the sweets they had. Harry just said he couldn�t go because he didn�t get his permission slip signed. �
He shouldn�t be away from the school anyway, being hunted and all.� Susannah thought.

      Around mid-afternoon a pale boy with two large kids came into the compartment and started to pick a fight with Harry and his friends. The pale one said something about Ron�s family being poor and Ron stood up, tightening his fists. �Stop it, all of you!� Susannah yelled, standing up quickly, �you three! Out! It was peaceful before you showed up!� she made shooing motions at Malfoy, Crabbe, and Goyle. Malfoy stood up straight and with an aura of authority said, �pardon me miss, but I didn�t think you had permission to join this conversation!�

      �As a professor, I have every right to come into any conversation that is leading to a fight young man!� Malfoy�s eyes widened, having just realized that he snapped at a teacher. Malfoy and his cronies walked very quickly out.

      All three of the kids looks at her in surprise, Hermione asked,� You�re a professor, but I thought he�� pointing at Remus.

      �Oh he is the dark art teacher, I�m an assistant to the entire school but I still can discipline as much as a normal professor.�

      Ron buts in �I think we�re getting closer.�

      �We couldn�t be� Hermione said, checking her watch.

      �Than why are we stopping?� Harry noted.

      The train stopped with a jolt, then all the lights went out. Ron looked out the window, �There�s something moving out there, I think people are coming aboard!�

      Suddenly light flared from somewhere other than the lamps. Susannah stood there wearing bracers, a blue cloak, and holding a staff, all three covered with runes. The door slid open and a girl with red hair and a boy with dark hair and freckles came in, surprised that there was light in there.
      Then all the children, including Ginny and Neville, the two new ones, began to chat nervously among themselves. �Quiet!� said a horse voice, Remus has woken up, �stay where you are�� than he walked towards the door but it opened before he could reach it.

      A figure all clothed in thick gray robes, with only a thin hand protruded, the flesh rotting on it. An un-natural fear fell upon the room, Susannah�s mind being filled with images the things best left in the back of ones mind, bodies with their flesh burned away, rooms with the entire floor one blood pool, a river of hate. Susannah closed her eyes and with a deep breath calmed her nerves. Her eyes opened now had golden sparkles flickering; she stepped forward, clutching her staff readily. Than before she could react any more, Harry fainted.

      �None of us are hiding Sirius Black under our cloaks, leave us be!� Remus says and sends a silvery light towards them and the creature left. The feeling of fear lifted soon after.
Harry came to and sat up with Susannah�s help, Remus took out a huge bar of chocolate and began to break off pieces handing them out. Susannah refused hers not liking chocolate much and Remus looks oddly at the flickering golden sparkles of her eyes. She looked confused than realized that her fear aura was still active, she closes her eyes and opens them without them. �What was that things?� Harry asked looking about.

      �A Nightcrawler� �A Dementor of Azkaban� Susannah and Remus respond at the exact same time, they look at each other and Remus says �I guess there are different names for it� as Susannah thinks as the conversations continues around her, �
Azkaban, that was where that Sirius Black person escaped from and didn�t Remus say �none of us are hiding Sirius Black under our cloaks�, but that means these wizards actually USE undead as jailors� Great! I�m stuck for five years with a bunch of undead tolerating wizards, there is NO WAY I�m going through with this contract, I�m SO talking to the headmaster when we get to Hogwarts.� her inner monologue bringing out her valley-girl accent.
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