Part Two
     Susannah sits in the Great Hall at the professor�s table on the corner with Remus sitting at her shoulder bored and impatient with being delayed any longer her talk with Headmaster Dumbledore. She didn�t see why they just don�t eat until she fully noticed the school was divided into groups and examines each of the banners while she waits. �Now that is a beautiful banner a silver dragon on a green background, silver and green go SO well together and silvers are my absolute favorite dragon�that banner�s nice too, an eagle on a blue background like it�s forever flying in the air, I love flying, the wind in my hair� What the hell? A badger? The only group that gave the badger ANY type of honor was Wisconsin where Grandma is from who made that their state animal; well I guess I know who got last pick on mascot and the color scheme, gold and black, it looks like a bee, bzzzzzzzzzzz�� she moved her hands outward and flutters them imitating a bee�s wing. Susannah squinted at the last banner across the hall since she�s sitting next to the dragon table, �Is that a griffon, a hippogriff, or a loin? What the hell is that thing?� Something caught her eye and she turned her head across the table and looked at another man about her age with a nose that looked like it was broken and didn�t set right and shoulder length hair that looks weighted down, he might of have average charisma if he didn�t have a look a sheer loathing on his face, �why is he doing that� I haven�t done anything wrong have I? Maybe he saw the bee thing�� Susannah was so deep in thought she didn�t notice a graying red-haired professor walk in carrying a stool and worn hat. McGonnall looked at the teachers noticing that at the opposites ends of the table Snape and Susannah sat looking in each other�s direction, Snape all dark and brooding, glaring at Remus not Susannah, while Susannah with her robes and hair and a confused, hurt look on her face it was easy to see that the were exact opposite types of people at first glances, but McGonnall turns and walks out to get the first years.

      Susannah nudged Remus gently who was talking to at rather large fellow with wild hair and beard, he turns, �Remus? Do you know the teacher that is seating at the other end of the table, looking at us very sternly� �Who?� Remus glanced over to see if it was who he was thinking about �Oh that is Severus, he only giving me that look, we�re school-year enemies I�m afraid� �Oh�� With the mystery solved she looked around and noticed the Sorting Hat on the stool, �My, that is sure a dilapidated hat, but than again I�ve seen articles of clothing in worse shape, some that I was wearing at the time��

      Just than McGonnall returned with the first years in a line, the Sorting Hat started its little jingle. (I�m too lazy to think of one up for this year) �Wow! That thing talks!� Susannah said startled at the talking of the hat, those close enough to hear her soft voice gave her odd looks for all the other professors and madams went to Hogwarts. Her interest in the hat lasted only a few minutes and she started to zone out again, her chin in hand and her eyes following the student from the line to the stool to their house and than to the new student moving to clap at everyone unenthusiastically with one hand. When the last name reached �L� she began to hum something and a sudden flash from nowhere startled everyone and shook her back to conscious thoughts, everyone looked up to the ceiling as a loud rumbling rocks the foundations of the castle. Susannah noticed where everyone was looking and looks up to a ceiling that shows the night sky, a sudden and furious storm had come from nowhere with thunder and lighting just around the castle, the echoing of the thunder in the halls made in impossible to speak and have others hear you for a few minutes until the storm died out. With no more interruptions the Sorting Ceremony continued, with Susannah this time still looking at the ceiling, clapping whenever others did.

     With that done with Dumbledore stood up and delivered his beginning of the year speech, while he was talking about the Dementors, Susannah bit her lip shut and clenched her fists so she didn�t cast a spell at him, than he went and introduced the new professors at the school; Hagrid, the big guy sitting two seats over and he was the new care of magical creatures teacher; Remus, the new defense against dark arts; and Madame Scott, the new assistant of professors. At the sound of her new title Susannah stands up and without thinking bowed to the students with her arms across her stomach and back, what is traditionally a bow of gentlemen.

      After that Dumbledore clapped and food appeared and everyone except Susannah began to eat, she just picked up her cup and looked at the drink in it trying to figure out what it was. Remus notices her looking at the cup and told her, �its pumpkin juice,� than went to take another bite but realized something, �You didn�t attend here did you?� She shook her head vigorously, �So you didn�t have anything like this at your school� �Since I didn�t go to wizardry school�� �Nope.� �Well is shouldn�t be that much different, if you�re ever confused just come to me and I�ll tell you about it� speaking all big-brotherly like, �Only I�m the eldest even though Tom is a foot taller than I am� �Thank you� She smiled and went back to the looking at the glass �oh Come on, it�s only pumpkin juice, you�ve eaten and drunken WORSE especially that plum to at the Old Cataract, it must have gone bad or something �cause Ick!� She took a deep breath and takes a drink, it had a taste difference than anything else she had before, it was sweet and has the texture of apple juice but the pumpkiny taste of it made her gag. �Add pumpkin juice to the stuff I�ll never touch again� moving her head from side to side �Hmmm� this seems to be the only thing to drink��
Remus disrupted her thoughts to tell her �You haven�t eaten a thing! Most are on their seconds, some are on their thirds, Here, try this seasoned bread, it�s delis!� Susannah took the bread out of his outstretched hand and mutters �I guess I have BOTH a Haplo and an Alfred here� than she begins to pick at it, it was rosemary, basil and one of her favorite types so soon she began to take bigger pieces out of it, Remus nods satisfactory but didn�t go back to his meal; �You changed since the encounter with the Dementors you should have eaten that chocolate to lift your spirits, let me take to the Hospital Wing.�

      Remus started to get up to bring Susannah there but was stopped by her glare, �I�m FINE Remus, thank you for your concern, I refused the chocolate because I don�t care for it much so it really wouldn�t have lifted MY spirits and of the �change� you claim you see in me that it because I wasn�t informed that YOUR type of wizard relied on the undead for some jobs,� She lifted up her hand to stop him from trying to say something, �To say I loathe undead is an understatement, I hate sit around while there are souls in torment around me and for the type that is more intelligence and choose that path, I believe that they should be eradicated from the realms� and you really must excuse me now Remus, but I have to speak to the Headmaster to tell him that I�m quitting immediately and will leave tomorrow.� With that she stood up and walked out of the Great Hall after Dumbledore who had left the Hall a few moments before.
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