Part Three
     �Professor Dumbledore!� Susannah calling out to him, trotting up, �I must speak with you Headmaster!� The older wizard stops and turns around, a smile on his withered yet kind face, �of course, Madame Scott, please follow me into my office,� politely gesturing before him. Susannah lowered her eyes and nodded with respect to his age and his offer; catching up to him and matching her stride to better match his.

      He led her to statue of a phoenix spoke the words �Fluffy Puff Marshmallows� that caused the statue to move up and around, revealing a staircase. �After you,� Dumbledore gestured and Susannah nodded again, slightly amazed by the effect of it all as she climbed up into his office.
Taking a glance around the room as she entered it, Susannah gazed at the moving portraits of famous wizards and witches, most of whom she recognized. A few moments and a somewhat winded Dumbledore walked into the room, �Now my dear, what is it that you wanted to talk to me about.�

      Susannah, never liking to speak to people or verbally express her opinion (some call her shy), took a deep breath before answering, �Well� Headmaster. I� As you know, I am a cleric and a healer of a higher power,� Dumbledore nodded in response, �Well� um� one of the things we pledge our powers and our lives against are malevolence undead,� again Dumbledore nods, this time to say he understands and before he could comment, she continues, �And I personally in my travels have had some rather� unpleasant experiences with them. And these� Dementors are you call them, are definitely that type of undead and I am uncomfortable working with people that use them for any reason, let alone with them surrounding the place I am supposed to work for five years. Which is why I wish to cancel our contract now, before I do something I will regret in the future.� To prove that she meant what she said she nodded sharply and stood straighter.

       Dumbledore stood there, staring at Susannah, the gaze made her shift uneasy even though it was obvious that he was just thinking of what to say to her; both in politeness and reverence the cleric stood waiting in silence for the headmaster�s answer. Dumbledore moved to place a hand on her shoulder and Susannah moved in response to avoid its apparent gentle touch, looking more like a scared bunny than the strong woman she was moments before. Dumbledore smiled, adding his kindness to his face and voice instead of his touch, �My dear child,� Dumbledore began. �The Dementors have definitely gotten your nerves all shaken. I shall tell you this, Mrs. Scott, your dislike of these creatures surpasses even my own. But I figure that even you will understand the need we have for them when it�s explained to you.�

"I seriously doubt it,� Susannah thought to herself but didn�t say anything out loud, the headmaster continued, �Years ago when the students here were toddlers or younger there was a wizard that turned to the dark side and gathered a group of followers. Terror reigned in those dark times until one night twelve years ago the wizard was destroyed trying to kill a boy who was only a year old at the time.�

      While most of the story Susannah looked less than interested in something that happen every couple of years or so she widen her eyes when Dumbledore began telling about the �boy who lived�, �With such a sudden fall of their leader left the group in chaos, allowing the ministry to arrest them, one among them, Sirius Black killed 13 muggles and a wizard just when he was caught and he suffered one of the harshest fates this country can give, being sent to Azkaban and for the rest of his life he was supposed to be watched by the Dementors.�

      �But he escaped and his now hunting the boy who brought about his master�s and therefore his downfall, how original Headmaster, it really is,� She moved her hand in a swiggley motion and ended it with a dot. (It�s a sarcastic mark, but you didn�t have to have known before this) �But can you tell me who this boy is? There has to be a better way to protect him than surrounding him with things that the person escaped from before (I mean really, that makes sense somehow doesn�t it?).�

      �His name is Harry Potter and if he was here he would probably be relieved that you don�t know everything about him and don�t expect him to do extraordinary things.� Susannah half-listened to what he was saying after Harry�s name was mentioned, �Harry Potter� Is he about this tall? With messy black hair? And green eyes?� With nods from Dumbledore at her questions she continued, �I know that boy! He was the poor thing that fainted when the Dementors came near! Well that�s brilliant! Knock the kids out! He�s easier to kill that way; those Dementors will be cause only problems and help none in return. They are not useful and I will make sure that the very things that are supposed to be protecting the boy, will not be the very things that lead to his downfall.� With that said she bowed at Dumbledore and turned towards the door to way out.

     �Does that mean you will be staying with us, Susannah?� Dumbledore said (not yelled, not shouted, his voice carries that well) to her as she walked through the doorframe and caused her to turn around.

      �That I am Headmaster, good night� she replied, bowing again. �Goodnight�
     Susannah walked into the bedchamber she was given for her work, exhausted and annoyed at the day�s events. Everything was there, even the bag she carried onto the train with her, and the light was on, showing a small reddish-brown dragon with barbed tail on her bed finishing up some food that packed. A high-pitched, feminine voice spoke in her mind, ~I�m so sorry mistress, I was going to save some of the wonderful dinner for you, but I didn�t have lunch and you were gone for so long�~

      At the thing chattering at her she reminded herself
�Andriel came with you, with everything going on I forgot she was there.� Susannah flopped down on the bed and scratched the psuedodragon �s scales in a way likened to petting, �Sorry I forgot about you Andriel, and I was wrong they feed the teachers too, we won�t have to fend for ourselves.� ~That�s good, so work starts tomorrow, huh Susannah? ~ �Yeah, which means I should be going to bed soon, do you know what that also means?� Andriel shakes her head �It means that for have to clean up this mess you made on my bed!�
   Susannah stirred from her dreams into half-consciousness at the sound of a low growl next to her head, she awoke fully when Andriel launched herself off the bed and glided to the door where she sniffed at something, as it was slided under the door. She got up, still sleepy and walked to where her pet was still growling at the deliverer, who was obviously long gone. She bent over and picked up a note and a chalk slate. She turned her head to read the note first, �I heard from Dumbledore you decided to stay, I tried to get you all week but Severus booked first, watch out for him Susannah, I�m sure he noticed you talking to me and will make your life a living hell. Don�t let him have the pleasure. Signed Remus Lupin� well that was nice of him to write, this slate must be my schedule.�

     She looked at the slate; �Double "prep" at the Dark Arts was first, than Third Year Transfiguration with McGonnall after, �
No warning about her.�  Lunch, than First Year Potions with Snape, Seventh Year Defense than finally Sixth Year Defense.� She got back up and dressed up in a baby blue robe and a cloak that on the outside was blue too, and on the inside was purple. She put her hair half up and braided the small ponytail. Dress and ready she scooped up Andriel and the slate and left to eat breakfast.
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