Part Five
    Madame Scott stepped into the transfiguration classroom which was clean, neat, and organized, a vast changed from the room she just left. She scanned the room, looking for the teacher, "Hmmm. . . no one is here, I wonder -Oh look! A kitty!" And sure enough, there was a tabby cat sitting on the teacher's desk, "probably her familiar."

     "Hey there kitty," the woman said, her voice noticably higher, as she slowly moved closer to the cat. When she wa right in front of the cat Susannah held her hand out, to allow the cat to sniff her hand and therefore know she was a good person. When the cat didn't bolt or attack the hand the madame began to scratch the kitty behind the ears. "Aren't you a pretty British Shorthair, silver tabbies are the best of the coat patterns." She moved her hand to rub the cat's chin, "Teehee, How cute! Your markings make it look like you are wearing glasses, Heehmm."

     The Door behind Susannah opened and she heard several pairs of footsteps
"Oh! the students are here!" and she stopped petting the cat and down down in the chair next to the head desk. "What is wrong with these kids? Usually the excitement at doing something other than absolutely nothing last a least a week." After the students have all filed in and in her gut Susannah knew that the time to start class had past she thought, "Where on earth IS the teacher, if she's not here in fifthteen minutes I'm gonna turn these kids out of here. I'M not going to babysit them when-"

     A very loud "Pop" erupted right next to her and a woman with red hair and glasses was standing right in front of the desk and the cat was nowhere to be found. The madame's eyes darted from the teacher to where the cat once was a couple of times before it hit her. She quickly averted her gaze onto the floor and folded her hands in front of her face to hide her embaressment.

     If McGonagall noticed she didn't say anything but taught the class about Animagi, short for animal-magicians, wizards who could turn into animals (as opposed to wizards who were animals or wizards whose magic dealt with animals.) Minerva even demonstrated transformation and clues to tell if some animal was really an animagi but changing into a cat and back again. "Really, what has gotten into you all today? Not that it matters, but that's the first time my transformations' have not gotten an applause from the class." Susannah clapped a few times while all the students turned their attention to Harry, as if in answer,
"That boy. . . that's the one that is being hunted."

     The girl is bushy hair, "
His friend, the one with the weird name," raised her hand and said "Please, Professor, we've just had our first Divination class, and we were reading tea leaves and-" The professor raised her hand to cut Hermione off, "Ah, of course," she said, slightly frowning, "There is no need to say anymore, Miss Granger. Tell me which of you will be dying this year?" Everyone, and I do mean everyone in the class, started at her. "Me," finally said Harry. "That can't be good. . . wait a minute, Hmph, I beat that teacher didn't say WHEN he would die."

     "I see," said McGongall, "Then you should know, Potter, that Sibyll Trelawney ha predicted the death of one student a yer since she arrived at the school. None of them have died yet. Seeing death omens is her favorite way of greeting a new class. If it were not for the fact that I never speak ill of my colleges-" The professor broke off, to calm her emotions before continuing agian "Divination is one of the most imprecise branches of magic. I shall not conceal from you that I have very little patience with it. True Seers are very rare, and Professor Trelawney-" She stopped again, but Susannah finished the thought, "isn't one with the gift."

     The professor disapprovingly glared at her lesser counterpart, disliking how blantent the madame spoke, "I am one of the divine seekers, I have a right to have an opinion about my collegues and speak them, since I know the art." The madame grinned, like how one would think a cat would simle at their prey, "But I haven't met her yet, so I'll hold my opinions until then.."

     Minerva shifted her gaze back to Harry, "You look in excellent health to me, Potter, so you will excuse me if I don't let you off homework today. I assure you that if you die, you need not turn it in," Hermione and Susannah both giggled. Harry joined in the end of it, obviously looking a lot better. One Gryffindor girl whisper though, "But what about Neville's cup?"

     Soon it was the end of class and the students filled out for lunch. McGonagall glared at Mde. Scott, keeping her sitting where she was. Several moments passed in silence before the professor walked out the door and the madame follow without a word exchanged. Minerva's normal stride was much slower than Susannah's are the younger woman easily caught up with her elder, "You're with Severus next, you will have to be more controling of you opinions and outbursts when you're around him."

     "Is he really this bad, to have so many warnings?" Susannah asked, her gazed turning directly to Minerva's face. "You have been hanging around Remus Lupin, and you know the saying about the friend of an enemy."

     "Is that really all there is? A schoolhood grude?" McGonagall was quite for a short time before answering, "Snape has never liked the assistant professors and has caused several of them to quit."

"So I was right about him being like Haplo, I wonder how long before this one bends." Madame Scott chuckled and grinned that evil smile again, "I think I'll be able to take care of myself, though I will keep your warning in mind."

     "You should Susannah, you should."
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