Part Six
    Lunch had passed without incident, Hagrid and Remus chatted about how excited they were about teaching and pitched ideas about what or how to teach various things. Susannah listened but ate very little, trying to make sure she was hungry for dinner and back into routine. Andriel finished whatever Susannah didn't. But still all too soon, the madame found herself wlking among a group of first year towards the dungeon, not wanting to have any amount of time alone with the potionmaster.

     Right before Susannah walked into the door of the classroom something caught her eye and she turned her head towards it. Off to one ide of the hallway in the shadow stood Severus, waiting. She arched one of her eyebrows and gave him a funny look but continued inside instead of going over and talking to him.Susannah sat at the head of the class and eventually all the students filed in.

     After a minute or so following the entrance of the final student, just enought time for some conversations to start, the door was thrown open and Professor Snape cantered into the room. Madme Scott giggled, realizing that it was all a setup for this performance, as Snape began his opening speech, "There will be no foolish wand aving or silly incantations in this class. As such, I don't expect many of you to appreciate the subtle science and exact art that is potion-marking. However, for those select few who posses the predisposition, I can teach you how to bewitch the mind and ensnare the senses. I can tell you how to bottle fame, brew glory, and even put a stopper in death. Madame Scott!" Snape snapped, quickly turningon his heels towards her, "Where would I look if I asked you to find a bezoar?"

     Susannah blinked a few times, caught off guard at the suddeness of Severus's attack, "I. . . I'm sorry, my most common occurances with potions tend to contain only plants."

     "Well you are correct that it's not a plant, a bezoar comes from the stomach of a goat. Perhaps, than, you could tell me what would happen if I added root of asphodel to an infusion of wormwood?"

     "I do not know the exact effects but it would not be something I would readily drink for even the fumes of wormwood are poisoness."

     "The effect when dranken is that it makes the drinker fall into a deep sleep, like onto death. Could you tell me what is the difference between monkshood and wolfsbane?"

     Susannah grinned widely, "Now THAT I do know, they are different names for the belladona plant. . . If the inquisition is over Professor, might I ask you a simple question? Why do you barrage me with questions when you, and all these student here, know that you are much more knowledgeable about this stuff than myself?"

     Severus stood there a moment, stunned, when you did answer it wasn't to Susannah, "What
I want to know is WHY none of you are WRITING THIS DOWN!" At that all the students hastely began to scribble down all they can remember of the previous conversation."Madame!"

     "Yes, Professor?" Susannah answered sweetly.

     "My stores are disorganized, see what you down with them."

     She clasped her hands together, "Of course Professor Snape, just guide me to where I'll be of assistance."

     Severus blinked at her, taked aback this strange behavior, but he still lead her to his storeroom. After the door shut Susannah muttered, "What a jerk." Then she went to work, beginning with emptying the cabinets. Effincently she sorted ou the jars, vial, bottles, and what not into alphabetical order. Since both the cabinet and it's contents were all dusty, she began to clean the shelves off. When she turned back to dust a couple of bottles she noticed one jar and picked it up, "Feverfew?! What is this doing HERE?" She placed the jar back down with the other "F's" before turned back to her work.

     When she turned back to the jars and whatnot again she noticed another jar, "I *know* I put wormwood in the right group. Hmmm. . ." she put the jar back and went back to dusting, this time keeping an eye on the jars. Sure enough, after a few minutes one of the jars moved from where Susannah placed it to somewhere else. "Ah ha! That jerk enchanted these jars to move around!" She drew in a breath and raised to her full height, "
Lady, break the wave tht fuels the magic around me!" The spell released. . . and all of a sudden, Susannah was envolped in darkness.
    As the first years left the room Severus Snape watched them going, accessing what had happened that period, "The class are in awe and respect my knowledge and wish to learn some of it. But that Madame. . .how *dare* she try to embaress me! Well, she'll still be organizing my stores for a good while yet. I should check up on her." Snape walked to the door, but before he could open it, Susannah did. The light radiating from within was different from what it used to be, "Oh! Hello Professor, I just finished the job." A second passed before she giggled and added, "Actually, I finished a while ago, so I decided to do something more."

     As Mde. Scott reached down into her pocket, Snape noticed that in her other hand was a rod. It was of an ivory color and inlaided with gold and precious gems but polished so the hand could easily glide over it's entire length. The woman brought forth a scroll of paper, "I made a list of all the things you were low on, the ones with a star by them I personally have. I'll give them all to you within a week. K? Ta!"

     Susannah smiled and waved, leaving Severus in shock for the third time that day. When she was out of the room the madame spoke outloud to no one other than herself, "Be kind to think enemies, it really confused them."
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