
"Howard loves that image you posted of him made up of lyrics...would you have a high res of it? Best," -Robbie Bronnimann, Musician at heart from the start ... Producer, filmscorer, artist and touring keyboardist/technologist

"I'm a graphic designer who works with Howard Jones and I'm wondering if we could use your fantastic Typographical Portrait of Howard on a new project we're working on? We would need the image at the highest resolution possible? Many thanks," -Steve Cripps, Steve Cripps Graphic Design, Tring, Hertfordshire

"First, please allow me to introduce myself – my name is Sloan Kelly, and I am the Associate Dean of Faculty for Graphic Design, Fine Arts, and the Humanities. I feel very fortunate to oversee these creative programs, as I have been an artist my entire life. I understand that you had a great term with Instructor Carthon a few terms ago and that you did a typographical portrait of Howard Jones for my final project. When you posted this to Howard's fan club page, his producer said that Howard loved it and would like a high-resolution copy of this. When Nyshona shared your email with me, I was so excited for you, and I am writing to see whatever happened and if perhaps Howard is planning on using it on an album cover, his website, etc. Did you hear back from him or his producer? I would love to share your story in the Graphic Design area of our website if possible, and if you are willing. I am so happy that this worked out so well for you and I like to show off my student’s work on our website. I look forward to hearing from you Lauren! Best Regards," -Sloan Kelly, Associate Dean of Faculty for Graphic Design, SNHU

"I am writing a few of you in the class to say WOW, you are doing an outstanding job in the class thus far. The first three weeks of grades have you excellent averages and that is fantastic. Thank you for your hard work." -Jocelyn Foye, COM230 Professor, SNHU

"I just wanted to let you know that I have thoroughly enjoyed having you in this course. You will finish one of the top students in the class and for that you should be proud. You were an asset to your classmates through discussion boards and you completed all of your assignments. I wish you the best in future terms at SNHU. Take care! Sincerely," -Natalie Lindsey, FAS320 Instructor, SNHU

"I just wanted to write and say how impressed I am with your dedication to yourself and even the classroom. You have HUSTLED and are asking important questions to become better and further the work of those around you. Your development and passion shows too - before when we worked together and again! Keep up the great work and always know I will be here to help you as another set of eyes. Most often we professors are writing to our students who are struggling but it is just as important for you folks who are making it happen to know we faculty do recognize the hard work this requires. I am proud of you and wanted to take a moment to congratulate you as we head into handing in the final project. Best," -Jocelyn Foye, COM230 Professor, SNHU

"The Graphic and Communications department has decided to start on a special project where we’d like to be able to show our new classes some great student work to help students get some creative ideas and to understand what is required in various assignments and projects. I really enjoyed all of your work in my Digital Fundamentals class last term, especially your magazine ad, and am asking for your permission to use it as the best of the best. Your work demonstrates a lot of thought and effort in presentation, and would be an inspiration to any students. So, may I have your permission to show your work as an excellent example of what professional looking student work is all about? Just wanted to brag about your work :). Take care and hope to have you again in class sometime. Regards," -Professor Allan Wood, MS in Ed Graphics and Communications Adjunct Faculty, SNHU

"What an exemplary presentation, Lauren! *applause* There were times where I literally couldn't wait to see what happened next in your narrative - this was masterfully crafted, rigorously researched, and sensitive. Wonderful work." -Amy Martin, IDS400 Professor, SNHU