In my search for graphics for this site I found many; too many to include in the substantive pages. So...I decided to put several of my favorites here. These graphics have been lifted from other sites, and I had given credit where credit is due in the links found on my home page. Those links have been deleted in my most recent update as the sites are not active. Again, please be advised that in most cases such sites make no profession to be Christian, and in some cases may be clearly not so. I liked these and decided to include them. To me, being a knight is virtually synonymous with justice, truth, honor and loyalty. Any story from Medieval Times will show that this code was not followed by all knights. Visit the sites at your own discretion. Hopefully you will enjoy the ones I have chosen.

Knights of Light were a group of Christian strong men who tour and share the gospel while performing feats of strength, though I am afraid they are unfortunately not active at this time.

No story would be complete without the "maiden", or "damsel", or "the lady". Here are two; along with the famous Excaliber in two different settings; the lake and the stone.

Last but not least, as the youth at my current church, St. John's and my previous call, Rockdale Lutheran, have learned, warriors are not always male. So, I have added two female warriors to the gallery.

For more details on our work with knighthood among our youth, check out my congregation's website. The link to my current congregation, St. John's Lutheran Church is on the Home Page.

Links to My other Pages
Gallery Annex
My Family
The Armoury
The Castle Field


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