Faith Chapter 7
Our boys discover the joy of phone sex
Jack woke up late Sunday morning.  He vaguely remembered a dream; no details, but it had been very erotic.  He was feeling quite aroused, and wished Lennie was here with him.  He glanced at the clock and realized that Lennie would have been out on the streets for a couple of hours already.  He suddenly had a wicked idea.  He crawled out of bed, dug out his cell phone, and stripped off his underwear, then slipped back under the covers.  He propped himself up on some pillows and settled back to enjoy.  He pushed the preset for Lennie�s new cell phone.

It took several rings before Lennie finally answered.  �Yeah?�  He pitched his voice low.  �Hey, sexy.  How you doing?�  �Jack?  Is that you?�  He laughed.  �Who else calls you on the cell?�  He could just picture the smirk on Lennie�s face.  �Nobody.  What�s up, Jack?�  He chuckled at Lennie�s choice of words. Just hearing his lover�s voice was turning him on; he reached down and began gently stroking his hard-on.  �Mmmmm.  Me.  I just woke up from a really nice dream but you weren�t here.  I was lonely; wanted to hear your voice.�  Lennie started to figure out what was going on.  He pictured Jack alone in bed, naked, aroused, and started to get aroused himself.  �Poor baby.  You must be so hard it hurts.�  �Ohhhh, yes,� Jack moaned.  Lennie laughed, the sound low and deep in his throat.  �At least you�re naked, lover; I�m stuck in this uniform pounding the streets of New York.�  Picturing Lennie in the uniform sent an electric charge straight from Jack�s brain to his throbbing cock.  He moaned.  �You had to mention the uniform . . .�  Lennie grinned.  �You really do like it, don�t you?  Maybe you�d like it sometime if I�d cuff you to the bed and have my way with you?�  Jack started pulling harder on his cock.  �That sounds like fun � ohhhhh.�  �Now, Jack, that�s not fair!  No touching yourself until I can join in the fun.�  �But Lennie!�  Lennie�s voice got very stern.  �I mean it, Jack!  Hands off � NOW!�  �Yes, sir,� Jack answered meekly as he complied.  �I�m going to try to find someplace private; I�ll call you back as soon as I do.  In the meantime, you just keep thinking about me, OK?�  �OK, Lennie.�  �Good.�

Jack laid there and concentrated on keeping his hands on the bed.  This had turned out to be even more fun than he had expected.  He pictured Lennie trying to find a place to hole up, wondered how long it would take.  The anticipation was killing him; he was loving every excruciating minute of it.   This went on for about 15 minutes until his phone finally rang again.  �Lennie?�  He was rewarded with the deep baritone chuckle of his lover.  �It�s me.  How are you holding up?�  �Oh, god, Lennie.  I want it so bad.  Can I?�  Lennie laughed. He was definitely enjoying the near-desperation in Jack�s voice.  �Ok, ok, I�ll take pity on you this time.  You�re my hands, now.  Just the gentlest of touches, use your fingertips.�  A groan was the only sound to reach him.  His own hands echoed his instructions on his own cock.  �That�s good, Jack.  Mmmm.  A little more now, wrap your fingers around it.  Ohhh.�  He could hear Jack�s ragged breathing and nearly constant soft groans and moans.  �That�s it, Jack.  Go ahead, come for me.�  �Oh, Lennie,  oh god, oh god, oh god! AAAAhhhh!�  Lennie added his own moan; hearing Jack coming on the other end of the line sent him ballistic too.  They both sat there, breathing heavily.  �Damn, Lennie, that was awesome.  You ok?�  �Oh, yeah.�  �Good. What time do you get off tonight?�  �7�  �OK, I�ll try to get home about then too.�  �Great.  See you then.�  �Love you.�  �You too.�

Jack closed the cell phone and laid back into the pillows, still feeling weak-kneed from the power of his orgasm.  //
How the hell did that happen again?  I intended to make HIM squirm! // Once again he had taken the submissive role.  // Well, if the shoe fits . . . // He had to admit he was thoroughly enjoying it.  What was that Lennie had said about handcuffs?  He shook his head, decided that now was not the time to go down that path, and crawled out of bed heading for the shower.

It was nearly 10AM by the time he made his appearance downstairs.  Linda made him a wonderful breakfast of French toast and sausage links, just the thing for a lazy Sunday morning.  He and Adam sat at the kitchen table reading the Sunday paper and talking about some of the headlines, leading into some of Jack�s recent cases.  All in all, it was a perfect morning.  But finally it was time for him to head home.  He said goodbye to Linda and Brian, thanking them for their hospitality, then Adam walked him out to his bike.

�I can�t believe you rode this thing 6 hours to get here.�  Adam shook his head; Jack�s love affair with motorcycles had always confused him.  �I like the solitude, Adam.  Becoming �one with the road,� as it were.�  His eyes twinkled.  �But then, it�s also fun with a passenger, especially if it�s someone whose arms you like to feel around you.�  Adam raised an eyebrow.  �Like Briscoe?�  Jack chuckled.  �Yeah, Lennie�s decided it�s not so crazy after all.�  Adam shook his head.  �So bring him along next time you come visit.�  He found he was truly curious to see the two of them together.  He still found it hard to picture Jack with another man, but it if made them happy, more power to them.  Jack nodded; it felt good to know they were welcome.  �Well, I�d better get on the road if I�m going to get home when he does.�  They looked at each other; for a moment an awkward silence fell.  Then Adam reached out and laid his hand on Jack�s arm.  �Take care, son.�  Jack smiled as they tentatively reached for the unfamiliar hug.  In the brief moments of contact, Jack whispered �Thank you.�

Jack pulled into the parking garage under his building at about 7:30 PM.  As he got off the bike, he stretched to loosen some of the kinks; 6 hours was a long ride, and he was tired.  He saw Lennie�s car in its usual space and smiled.  As expected, he found the door to their apartment unlocked.  �Lennie?�  A grunt was the only answer.  Lennie was sprawled across the couch looking like he had been run over by a truck.  Jack tossed his bags onto the floor and came to kneel beside his friend, concerned.  Lennie had had a lot harder couple of days than he had.  He ran his fingers through Lennie�s hair, slick with sweat; it had gotten pretty hot this afternoon.  �You look beat.�  �God, Jack, I am WAY too old for this shit!�  Jack chuckled and bent to gently kiss Lennie�s forehead.  �Poor baby.�  As tired as he was, he wanted to do something special for Lennie.  �I�ll be right back.� 

He went back to the bedroom and came back with a towel and a bottle of massage oil he had picked up with this in mind.  He lifted his lover�s legs, making room for himself on the couch, then sat down, draping the legs across his lap on top of the towel.  Lennie groaned.  �I think I walked 20 miles this weekend.�  He had been so exhausted when he got in that he hadn�t even stopped to take his shoes off.  Jack quickly took care of that, sending the socks after them, his nose wrinkling at the rather ripe odor.  Luckily, the oil was scented � they called it �aromatherapy,� this one was supposed to enhance relaxation.  It reminded him of the herbal tea his ex-wife used to drink in the evenings to relax.  He poured the cool oil onto the nearest foot and began the massage.  Lennie sighed.  �Oh, man, that�s wonderful.� Jack sat there for quite a while, taking his time with each foot, moving up to the ankle and even calf, as far as he could get.  They didn�t talk; the only sounds were Lennie�s moans and sighs.  Eventually, he gently rested his hands over each ankle and held still, the traditional �massage is ended� lack of motion.  Lennie gave one last sigh.  �Thanks.�  Jack smiled and lifted one foot, leaning forward to place a kiss.  He couldn�t resist dragging his tongue along the bend of the ankle first.  Lennie�s soft moan brought a smile to his lips.  He let his tongue dance around the ankle for a little more, then gently set the foot down and sat up to gaze at his lover.

Lennie knew what Jack wanted, but he wasn�t sure he had the energy just yet to give it to him.  He sighed.  �I wish I had the energy to take a shower.�  Jack got up, very gently setting Lennie�s legs back onto the couch, and came to kneel by his head again.  �Then let me, Lennie.  You�ve taken care of me so many times.  My turn to take care of you.�  The kiss was gentle, undemanding.  He helped Lennie sit up, then stood, offering his hands, drawing Lennie up with him.  Lennie grimaced as tired feet made contact with the floor.  Jack slid an arm around his waist and led him back to their bedroom.

Jack realized just how exhausted his lover was; Lennie hadn�t even taken off his gunbelt and secured his .38 before collapsing.  He knew Jack wasn�t real comfortable with guns and always tucked it safely into a lockbox.  But today, Jack put aside his distaste and took care of it while Lennie stripped off the rest of the uniform.  He quickly got out of his clothes as well and came to stand behind Lennie, wrapping his arms around from behind, nuzzling at his neck.  Lennie took a deep breath. �Mmmm.  Nice.�  He turned around and slid his arms around Jack�s waist, laying his head on the strong shoulder.  Jack held him close for a moment, then bent to kiss the top of his head.  �Come on.  Let�s get that shower.�

Lennie happily followed him into the bathroom.  The oversized stall shower easily held two, including the plastic stool they kept there for their shaving games.  Jack positioned the stool so that Lennie could sit under the main flood of the shower but still lean against the back wall, then turned on the hot water.  When the temp was just right, he ushered Lennie in, inviting him to sit. 

Jack grinned at him, remembering the beginning of their relationship, when his arm had been injured and Lennie had bathed him.  The intimacy of the act had been wonderfully sensual.  He wanted to make it special for Lennie tonight.

Lennie sat on the stool, letting the warm water rush over him.  Jack closed the shower door and came to stand behind him, pointing the shower head away for now.  He grabbed the soap and worked up a good lather in his hands, then used it like massage oil, covering Lennie�s shoulders and back.  He massaged the broad shoulders and neck, eventually sliding his hands down along the spine down to the hips.  Lennie sighed again and leaned back into Jack�s embrace.  Jack took it as an excuse to bring his hands around to Lennie�s chest, working the lather into the thick hair there.  Lennie let out a soft moan as Jack�s fingers found his nipples, dawdling just long enough make them stiffen.  Jack smiled and stood to grab the hand-held shower head, bringing it around to rinse the foam from Lennie�s body.

He put it aside again and reached for the shampoo, working it into the matted hair.  He took his time, massaging the scalp, neck, face.  Lennie leaned back against him, a contented smile on his face.  Again, the warm water flooded over him as Jack rinsed the shampoo away.

He settled back against the wall again as Jack came around to face him.  More soap as the massage continued down his arms and legs.  Kneeling in front of his lover, Jack spent extra time on the legs, feeling the tight muscles undoubtedly sore from all the walking. Finally he stood again and reached for Lennie�s razor and shaving cream.

Lennie was in a state of rapturous relaxation.  He wasn�t quite dozing, but was not entirely awake, either.  He reveled in Jack�s touch, so relaxing, yet � not.  He knew he was aroused, but it wasn�t a demanding sort of arousal.  He just felt good all over.  It felt like he could float here all day . . .He heard the sound of the shaving cream squirting into Jack�s hand and knew what was coming.  �Mmmm� he sighed as he felt the cool foam spread across his groin.  Jack chuckled softly.  �Wondered if you were asleep.�  �Not quite.  Definitely not now.�  Jack leaned forward to kiss him, one hand gently caressing the now fully erect cock.

As Jack leaned back from the kiss, Lennie spread his legs a little more, giving Jack room to work.  The razor scraped across his skin, leaving it bare and sensitive.  When he was done, Jack rinsed the foam away with the hand-held unit, letting the water play over Lennie�s cock, wringing a moan from deep in his throat.  Jack put it aside and let his tongue roam across the bare skin, increasing the intensity of the moaning.  Finally he took the throbbing cock into his mouth as his hands caressed the skin below.  He sucked it, swirling his tongue around, delighted by Lennie�s gasp of pleasure. 

Lennie leaned back against the wall, watching Jack�s head bobbing over his groin.  Wet, the silver hair almost looked black again.  He felt a deep, aching love for this man, something he knew he had never felt for any woman.  He felt his passion growing, knew the moment of release was coming.  He reached out and laced his hands into the wet hair, holding Jack close as the waves of pleasure ripped through him.

When it was over, he sat there, breathing hard.  Jack was now sitting on the floor of the shower, leaning against his leg, gently caressing his own hard-on. They smiled at each other.  �Feeling better?�  �Oh, yeah.�  Jack closed his eyes as he picked up the pace, letting Lennie watch as he finished himself off.  When he could see Jack�s climax coming, Lennie sat up and leaned forward, wrapping his arms around his lover, nuzzling his neck, holding him as the pleasure took him.  When it was over, he gently ran his fingers through the damp hair.  �God, I love watching you come.�  Jack smiled and leaned into him.

Eventually, they picked themselves up and left the shower, ordered some Chinese food and made an early evening of it.  It wasn�t until they crawled into bed that they got around to talking about the weekend.  Lennie had just turned out the light when Jack rolled over to face him.  �Lennie?  Did you go yesterday?�  �Yeah.  It�s OK, Jack.  We . . . we made it right.  He apologized for overreacting.  So much pain . ��  Lennie shook his head.  Jack ran his fingers across Lennie�s chest.  �So many memories?�  //
of course he knew. // �Tomorrow isn�t going to be easy.�   Lennie shifted so Jack could pillow his head on the shoulder. �Me too, Lennie.  We�ve all lost someone special.�  �Yeah.  But at least now I feel I can help him get through it.�  Jack�s arm across his chest squeezed in a hug.

They laid there in silence for a few minutes, lost in their memories.  Finally, Lennie broke the silence.  �What about you � how was your trip?�  Jack smiled.  �Adam�s new great-grandson has some big shoes to fill someday � they�re calling him �young Adam� for now.�  Lennie chuckled.  �Geez, I bet he�s insufferable.�  �Oh, yeah.�  Jack was quiet for a moment.  �I finally told him, Lennie.  He�s been more of a father to me than my old man ever was. I finally told him.�  He looked up into Lennie�s eyes.  �He called me �son.��  Finally, here alone with Lennie, he could let the emotion overwhelm him.  The tears just came.  �Oh, Jack . ��  .  Lennie kissed his forehead and held him tightly.

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Chapter 8

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Disclaimer:  These characers belong to Dick Wolf and NBC.  I'm just borrowing them for fun, not profit.
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