Yeah, they really did it!  So after all the angst of "Choices," it's time for some good, not-so-clean fun.
Chapter 1 - Coming Home
Chapter 1 - Coming Home
Chapter 2 -
Chapter 3 - Three's Company
Chapter 4 -
More Explanations
Chapter 5 -
Fly on the Wall
Chapter 6 -
Lennie woke up and glared at the clock.  6AM.  Just about the time he�d be getting up if he was going in to work.  So of course his bladder hadn�t gotten the message that he was playing hookey again.  He sighed and crawled out of bed, stumbled to the bathroom and back.  One good thing about the situation was it gave him an excuse to cuddle up to Jack again as he crawled back into bed.  He sighed happily as he spooned in behind his lover, draping his arm over the sleeping form.  The early morning light sneaking in through the curtains caught the glint of gold on his left hand.  He gazed at it, still amazed at everything that had happened yesterday. 

Even Jack, the professional wordsmith, didn�t have a word for what had happened.  They had made a conscious choice to spend the rest of their lives together.  It was similar to marriage, but not quite.  But he decided the word would do for lack of anything better.  He felt an amazing contentment thinking about it.  The last weeks had been such a trial, but ultimately it had been worth it.  He hadn�t expected it to end like this, but now that he thought about it, there wasn�t any other way it could have turned out.

It really had been perfect; a moment he�d never forget, the sunset and the view of the city at night as they made their promises to each other.  Then they had come home, to THEIR home, and made love like they never had before.  He sighed, remembering . .. .


This time there was no hesitation as he walked through the door, deliriously happy to be home at last.  Jack locked the door behind them then took Lennie in his arms.  The kiss went on forever.  �Welcome home, Lennie.�  He didn�t even try to answer, just took Jack�s hand and followed him back to their bedroom.  They melted into each other, long, slow kisses as clothing fell away.  Jack pulled him down to the bed, holding him close, their entire bodies touching.  Hands roamed, caressing every inch of skin.  They moaned softly as desire grew, fingers gently caressing.  Jack gently rolled him onto his back, moving on top, his kisses becoming more intense, probing.  Moving slowly down his body, neck, chest, pausing at each nipple, leaving it stiff before moving on, stomach, the tender spot at the joint of the thigh, finally to his cock, taking it in gently, tongue wrapping around slowly, a delicious long, slow worshipping that seemed to go on forever.  There was no urgency at all, just the desire for the pleasure to last as long as possible.  Jack kept it slow, not going anywhere near the edge, then finally worked his way back up, again laying on top, their erections pressed together as they kissed again, hips moving, wanting more. 

Lennie rolled them over, taking his turn at the long slow seduction, keeping the desire going without peaking.  Jack moaned softly as he gently sucked him in, hands caressing his balls, tongue swirling around.  His own desire continued to grow until finally he couldn�t wait any longer.  He crawled back up, laying on top, hips grinding together.  Whispering �I want you.�  Jack�s breathy reply �yes!� reaching for the lube, preparing.  Sliding between Jack�s legs, scissors-style, pressing in.  They moaned together as their bodies joined at last, their need for each other finally fulfilled.  Hands joined, they found a rhythm, still working together to make it last, not rushing the climax.  But finally it just couldn�t wait any longer; almost as one they increased the speed and pressure of their thrusts, fingers locked together as they rode the pleasure out for all it was worth, crying out together as it took them over the edge


And that was just the start.  They�d been up half the night, taking it long and slow, trading off, again and again, until they simply couldn�t any more.  About 2AM, they had realized that there was no way either of them was making it in to work today, so Jack had sent a couple of emails so at least nobody would be looking for them.  Then they had fallen asleep snuggled together, happy and content.  Sounded like a plan � he settled in for the repeat performance.

A few hours later, Jack�s eyes fluttered open.  He smiled as he realized that Lennie was still wrapped around him, wondered if he�d been there all night.  What a night it had been!  He still couldn�t believe what they�d done yesterday.  He usually wasn�t that impulsive.  And yet he didn�t regret any of it.  He realized they really had made the decision a long time ago.  But it had felt good to make those promises, to take away the assumptions and say what was in their hearts.  To know for sure that this was what they both wanted.  He gazed at the ring on his left hand and smiled.  It was going to generate some interesting questions, he was sure.  He�d have to find the words to explain this somehow. 

He rolled over onto his back, trying not to disturb Lennie.  He shouldn�t have worried; his lover shifted with him, settling his head on Jack�s shoulder, and never stopped snoring.  Jack laughed softly and ran his fingers through Lennie�s hair.  He thought briefly about waking him, but decided that after their marathon last night, he really didn�t feel the need to fool around right now.  It was enough to just lay here together, watching his lover sleep.

Eventually, Lennie�s eyes opened.  �Hey, sleepyhead.�
Lennie stretched and smiled, turning to kiss his lover.  �Morning.�
Jack�s hand came in to caress Lennie�s face.  Lennie caught the hand and kissed it, then held it, looking at the ring.  �We really did it, didn�t we?�
Jack smiled.  �Yeah, we did.�
Lennie pulled him close.  �I love you, Jack.�
Jack sighed.  �I love you too, Lennie.�

They laid together for a while, neither one of them wanting to break the moment.  But finally Lennie�s stomach decided the issue, as usual.  Jack laughed.  �I guess we�ve already got our little habits, don�t we?�
�Well, we never did get around to dinner last night.  Surprised I lasted this long!�
Jack laughed and let Lennie pull him out of bed.

Jack threw together some �garbage omelets� while Lennie started the coffee.  After they ate, they settled back with a second cup of coffee.  �Lennie, there�s something I wanted to talk to you about.�
Lennie raised an eyebrow.  �Yeah?�
Jack smiled.  �Don�t worry.  You�ll like this.  I kind of hinted at it yesterday, when we bought the rings.�
They looked at each other, still overwhelmed by what they had done, and smiled.
�It�s just that if we�re going to be a couple, I think it should be for real, in every sense.  One change I want to make is that we�re not roommates anymore, Lennie.  This is our home.  You don�t pay me rent anymore.�
�But Jack��
�Lennie, I was paying for this place on my own long before you ever moved in.  Besides, that�s about to become a non-issue anyway.�
�What are you talking about?�
�The building went condo about 15 years ago.  I�ve been making extra payments all along, and every penny you�ve paid went right to principle.  It�s ours, free and clear, in about 3 months.�
Lennie stared at him, stunned.  After two divorces and helping put two daughters through college, he never expected to have the luxury of a paid-off home.  �How the hell did you pay it off that fast?�
Jack grinned.  �Uh, there�s something I never told you Lennie; figured you�d be doubly annoyed at your exes.  I never paid alimony.�
�Think about it.  Sarah is an attorney, too.  We met in the DA�s office, but when we decided to get married she quit and went into private practice.  By the time we split up, she was making about twice what I was.  If anything, she owed ME.  She wanted to take Katie out west to start over again, and she didn�t want me involved in their new life, so she refused child support to offset what she would have paid me and we called it even.  We sold the house, split the proceeds, and went our separate ways.  I pretty much never saw Katie again.�

The laughter had gone out of his eyes as the memories of his daughter took hold.  Lennie took his hand.  �Jack, I never knew.  I�m sorry.�
Jack tried to shake off the melancholy.  �It�s OK, Lennie.  Sarah really never gave me a choice.  Today, I might succeed in a custody fight, but back then, mothers always won.  Especially when they had more money.�
�But you still miss her.�  It wasn�t a question.
�Always.  I wonder about the young woman she�s become.  I didn�t even get a notice of her graduation.  For all I know, she doesn�t even know my name.�
Lennie came around the table to hold him.  �Maybe we can find her, Jack.  Just because Sarah didn�t want you around, doesn�t mean she feels the same way.  Now that she�s an adult, she may want to know you.  Let me see what I can find, OK?�
Jack leaned on Lennie�s shoulder and took a deep breath.  �Thank you.�
Lennie held him tight.  �It�s OK, Jack.  It�s OK.�

Jack sighed and let go.  �In any case, Lennie, I wanted you to know we don�t have to worry about money.  In fact, you can retire whenever you want to.  I know you love the job, I�m not suggesting that you should retire, I just want you to know the choice is yours � whenever you want it.  I�m going to draw up some papers, too, to protect you as much as I can.  The courts don�t recognize gay marriage, but I can get us pretty close.  If that�s what you want?�

It was Lennie�s turn to be overwhelmed by Jack�s generosity.  �I don�t know what to say, Jack.  You don�t have to do this.�
�I know.  But I want to.�
Lennie smiled.  �My turn to say thanks.�
Jack reached out to caress Lennie�s face and pull him in for a gentle kiss, but it didn�t stay gentle for long. Lennie stood and pulled him up from the chair, pulling him close, sliding his hands under the robe as his tongue slid into Jack�s mouth. 

Just then, the phone rang.  They laughed, leaning against each other.  Jack let go and reached for the phone.  �Hello? Oh, good morning, Anita.�

Lennie cringed, realizing his boss was checking up on him.  OK, the email at 2AM was a little weird, he had to admit that.  Especially for him. 

�No, Anita, everything is fine.  Really.  It�s my fault, I kept him up really late last night.  He�ll be in tomorrow.  I promise.  Yeah, OK.  Thanks, Anita.�

He looked at Lennie.  �I guess an email from me at 2AM confused her, since you�re supposedly still staying with Ed.  I think you�re going to have some explaining to do tomorrow.�

Lennie chuckled.  �Yeah, well, if anybody was going to notice THIS,� he held up his left hand, �it would be her.  She�s gonna be pissed she didn�t get an invite to the wedding.�

Jack laughed.  �Oh, god.  Abbie�s going to have the same reaction.  What is it with women and weddings, anyhow?�
�Beats me.  I never did figure that one out.  But we are going to be explaining this for a while, aren�t we?�
Jack came to stand behind him, arms wrapping around and holding him close.  �Somehow, I don�t mind, Lennie.�

Lennie wrapped his arms over Jack�s and squeezed, leaning back into his embrace.  �How about we get this show on the road?  I want to get over to Ed�s and get my stuff, so I really feel like I�m home.  Then we can play all afternoon.�

Jack sighed.  �Oh, all right. You want the shower first?��
Lennie grinned.   �Yeah, if you sneak in with me, we�ll never get out of here.�


Several hours later, Lennie finally got the last of his stuff put away.  Now he truly felt like he was home.  He went out to the living room, finding Jack sprawled on the couch, sound asleep.  Well, who could blame him � weekday afternoon TV left a LOT to be desired.  And it had been a late night.

He perched on the edge of the couch, gently caressed Jack�s face, smiling as the eyes opened.  �Hey, you wanna make room for me?�  Jack sat up, leaving room for Lennie to slip into the corner, then leaned back against him.  Lennie�s arms wrapped around him.  �Mmmm, that�s better.�  

Jack sighed and leaned into the embrace.  �Lennie, I was thinking earlier.�
�What, before you fell asleep?�  Lennie teased.
�Yeah, and it was turning into an interesting dream until you interrupted.�
�Oh?  So what were you thinking about?�
�I was thinking maybe we should invite Mike over this weekend.  He�s right, I never did get to know him well.  I think maybe it�s time to fix that.�
Lennie couldn�t believe what he was hearing.  �Jack, are you talking about a purely social visit, or something more?�
Jack twisted around to look at Lennie.  �I think you know the answer to that.  I�ve been thinking about it since we talked on Tuesday.  How his hand felt on my leg.  The fact that I really could be attracted to another man.  I can�t get it out of my mind.  Just like I couldn�t get Danielle out of my mind.  And you know how I get when that happens.  But now we can explore this together, right?  Not let it push us apart?�
The uncertainty in his voice went straight to Lennie�s heart.  He ran his fingers through the thick silver hair, smiling.  �Yeah, Jack.  Together.�  He pulled Jack closer, drawing his head down to rest on Lennie�s shoulder, leaning in to gently kiss his temple.  �You know, I�ve been having this fantasy about you two �� 

He squirmed around so that his leg stretched out along the back of the couch, and settled Jack in front of him, leaning back against him.  His hands tugged the shirt out of Jack�s jeans, sliding up underneath, wanting to feel the warmth of skin, hugging him close.  He spoke softly, his lips just inches from Jack�s ear.  �It starts with you holding me like this, kissing my neck, playing with my nipples.�  His hands echoed his words, and his tongue traced that line just at the bend of the neck that always made Jack shiver.  �But at the same time, Mike is at the other end, sucking my cock.�  His hands slid lower, unbuckling the belt and opening the fly, sliding in, gently caressing through the thin cotton briefs.  Jack was definitely getting aroused.  He smiled.  �It feels so good, Jack, lying safe in your arms, feeling you hard beneath me.�  He kissed Jack�s neck as his hands continued to work below.  �And when I come, you hold me tight.�

Jack�s eyes had closed, as he lost himself in Lennie�s fantasy.  It sounded so nice.  His breathing had become shallow as he got more and more aroused.  Then Lennie�s voice was back in his ear. 

�Then it�s your turn.  We trade places, so I�m holding you just like this.  By this time, you�re already hard from watching me.  Then Mike comes over and gently starts touching you.�
Jack moaned softly.  Lennie smiled.  �Yeah, you like that, don�t you?  He pulls off your jeans, gently caresses your legs, getting closer and closer.  Finally, he�s touching you just like this.�  Lennie�s hands were back at his crotch, caressing him through the briefs. 

A small cry came from the back of Jack�s throat at the touch.   Imagining it was Mike touching him like this was turning him on beyond belief.  He wanted it, badly.  Then the hands slipped inside the briefs, touching him directly.  �Ahhh!�  he cried out, as Lennie hugged him close with his free hand.  That voice purred in his ear again.  �Mmmmm, oh, yeah, that feels good.  Mikey�s hand on your cock really turns you on, doesn�t it?�

�Oh, god yes.�  He managed to squeak out. 

Lennie laughed, deep in his throat.  �Good, because it turns me on too.  He gives you a few minutes to get used to that, then he starts sucking you.�  His hands picked up the pace, pushing Jack towards the edge.  By now, he was so hard it hurt; watching Jack like this was really turning him on.  He couldn�t help himself; his hips started pushing toward Jack from behind.

�Ohhhhh!�  was all Jack could manage as he imagined warm lips wrapped around him, Logan�s wavy dark hair bobbing over his cock.  Feeling Lennie pressing against his back just intensified everything.

�That�s it, Jack.  Let him take you over the edge.  Come for me, Jack.  Come for me.�  Without even being aware he was doing it, Jack�s hand slid in, taking over, bringing himself to the edge.  Lennie smiled and slid his hands back up to Jack�s chest.  �That�s it, Jack.  I�ve got you.  Come on.�

He arched against Lennie as the climax took him, the strong arms holding him tight.  �Oh, yeah, Jack.  That�s beautiful.�

He laid there as he gradually came out of the fantasy, happily snuggled against Lennie.  �Oh, man, that was intense.  Some fantasy, Lennie!�

Lennie chuckled, his arms pulling Jack close.  �That was kinda nice, wasn�t it?�
�Kinda nice?  Man, you have a talent for understatement.�
�Yeah, well.�

Jack realized that the shirt was a loss and sat forward to pull it off, using it to clean up what hadn�t landed on it.  He turned around and kissed Lennie, his hands reaching down to free the cock still trapped in denim.  Lennie moaned as Jack�s hands found him.  Jack smiled at him.  �I could tell you were enjoying the fantasy too.�
�Oh god, yes.  I love watching you, Jack.  I think I may have to add voyeur to my list of kinks.�
Jack laughed.  �Voyeur, exhibitionist, make up your mind already!�
�I want it all!�
Rather than answer that one, Jack slid to the floor so he could get a better angle on that beautiful cock.  He sucked it in, wrapping his arms around Lennie�s waist, pulling him close.  It didn�t take long until the hot cum filled his mouth.

Lennie sighed and leaned back into the corner as Jack wiped up the mess that had gotten away from him with the shirt, then moved back up to the couch to sit beside him.  Lennie�s arm wrapped around him.  �So, shall I invite Mike over Saturday?�

Jack grinned.  �Yeah.  I think I�d like that.�
Lennie grinned back at him.  �I guess we really are married now.�
Jack looked at him, confused.  �What do you mean?�
�We�re having COMPANY.  Do you realize we never did that before?�
Jack groaned.  �Don�t go there, Lennie.  Just don�t go there.�
Lennie laughed.  �Yes, dear.�

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Chapter 2

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Disclaimer:  These characters belong to Dick Wolf and NBC.  I'm just borrowing them for fun, not profit.
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