Lennie was worried.  He knew this case had been hard on Mike � reopening old wounds that probably would have been much better left closed.  A cop, a lifelong friend of Mike�s was found dead.  The investigation had led to a priest who had abused his altar boys, including the dead cop � and Mike. 

They had convicted Fr. Joseph that afternoon.  It must have been a moment of vindication for Mike.  But his partner had been calm, too calm.  Nobody could face those memories and be so unfazed.  Then at the crack of 5PM, Mike had headed out, saying he had some errands to run.  Lennie had a feeling he knew where those errands had taken his partner. 

Sure enough, he found Logan holed up in a booth in a dark corner of O�Malley�s pub, staring into his beer.  �There you are.�  Mike looked up at him.  �Lennie.  What are you doing here?�  Lennie slid into the other side of the booth.  �Looking for you.  You OK, Mike?�  Logan looked across the table at his partner.  He thought about lying, then realized that it was futile in any case.  When Lennie got that look in his eye, you might as well just give.  He stalled by taking a long pull at the beer, then looked up into Lennie�s deep blue eyes.  �That bastard ruined my life, Lennie.  I�ve never really gotten over what he did to me back then.�

Lennie looked at him, confused.  �What do you mean?  You�ve never seemed to have any problems with your sex life.�  If anything, Mike seemed to over-do it; his tales of his conquests had kept Lennie entertained for years now.  �Lennie, did you ever wonder why I never settled down?  Why I always went from one woman to another?�  �You never found Ms. Right?�  Mike managed a bark of a laugh.  �You always have the wisecrack, don�t you Lennie?�  Lennie just smiled and shrugged.  Mike sighed.  �Lennie, I�ve never told this to anybody.  But no matter how many women I have sex with, it never feels really right.  I � I think I�m gay.�  He paused, almost terrified to see Lennie�s reaction.

Lennie was still confused.  �You think?�    Mike ran his fingers through his hair, trying to find the words.  �Think about it, Lennie.  I was what, 14?  Just starting to figure everything out.  I had started to realize that girls just didn�t do it for me.  Then he � he ��  Mike stopped, took another drink from his beer.  �Everybody was so mad, Lennie.  It was such a terrible thing.  That�s what everybody said.  But Lennie, it wasn�t terrible for me.  I enjoyed it.  So I must be just as bad as him.�  Lennie started to see the big picture.  �Christ, Mike.  Your brain short-circuited, huh?�  Mike nodded.  �All this time, I�ve known what I really want.  But I can�t do anything about it.�  �So you over-compensate with the women.�  Mike nodded.  �I always wished someday I�d have a gay friend, somebody I could talk to, explain it to, who could help me break down those walls.  But it�s never happened.�  He stared into his glass, avoiding Lennie�s eyes.

Lennie couldn�t believe what he was hearing.  He made his decision � this was going to be a night of revelations.  He reached out and laid his hand over Mike�s.  �You do now,� he said softly.  Mike�s eyes snapped up.  �Lennie?�  Lennie smiled and squeezed his hand.  �Why do you think I never talk about MY conquests?�  �Oh �!�  It was all Lennie could do to keep from laughing at the shocked expression on Logan�s face.  He took a deep breath, and for a moment got serious.  �Listen, Mike, there is no pressure here at all.  You�re my partner, and my friend.  I care about you.  If you want to go down that path, great.  But if for whatever reason I�m not the right one, just say so and I�ll never mention it again.�

Mike sat there, dumbfounded.  Lennie was offering him his fondest desire on a silver platter.  For years now, he had harbored a secret crush on his partner, had wished that if anyone would answer his prayers it would be Lennie.  But he had never suspected.  His head was swimming.  He could feel the warmth of Lennie�s hand on his, and the heat spread throughout his body.  Suddenly his pants felt too tight.

�Mike?�  He finally managed to focus his attention on the man across the table.  �Sorry, Lennie.  When you�ve wanted something for so long, and gave up on ever getting it ��  Lennie smiled.  �Is that a yes?�  �Oh, god, YES!�  Beneath the table, he felt Lennie�s leg pressing against his.  �You want to come back to my place?�  Mike swallowed.  �Tonight?�  �Unless you had other plans?�  �Uh, no, no other plans.  It�s just ��  Lennie nodded. �We�ll take things real slow, Mike.  Like I said, no pressure.  Finish your beer.�  Mike�s hands trembled as he downed the last of the golden brew.

They got into Lennie�s car and drove back to his apartment.  It wasn�t big, or fancy, but it was home.  Lennie hung their overcoats in the hall closet, along with Mike�s suit jacket.  He tossed his own over the back of a chair, necktie stuffed into a pocket.  Mike sat down on the couch, not sure what to do, more nervous than he had ever been before.  Lennie turned on the CD player, some light jazz setting the right mood.  Finally, he came and sat down beside Mike, gently laying his hand on the tense shoulder.  �Relax, Mike.�  Logan took a deep breath.  �Is it that obvious?�  Lennie chuckled.  �Yeah.  But that�s OK.  It�s kinda cute.�  Mike cringed.  �Cute?�  Fingers lifted from his shoulder to brush lightly through his hair.  �Yeah.  Cute.�  Mike sighed and decided to let Lennie live.

Lennie wanted to take this real slow, both to make sure he didn�t spook the novice, and also because he wanted to make this special for Mike.  �You want to order out for some dinner?�  �Maybe later, Lennie.  I think I�m too nervous to eat right now.�  Lennie nodded.  �Then we�ll just have to distract you from being nervous.�  He slid his arm around Mike�s shoulders, sliding his hand down to the small of the back.  Mike made a small sound, deep in his throat.  �You like this?�  �Yeah.�  Lennie slid his hand around, wrapping his arm around Mike�s waist, and hugged him.  Mike hesitantly laid a hand on Lennie�s leg, looked up, and at Lennie�s nod, began gently stroking, feeling the muscles below the skin, the warmth.  Lennie�s cock was so close by, and yet Mike knew he wasn�t ready to go there just yet. 

Lennie�s other hand came around to caress his cheek, cupping his chin and lifting his face.  Their lips just barely touched at first, but it was like an electric shock to Mike.  A rain of gentle kisses covered his mouth, Lennie�s tongue occasionally sneaking out to lick him instead.  Mike turned towards Lennie, his hands slipping around his partner�s waist.  Lennie�s arms pulled him closer as his kisses became more intense, tongue probing.  Mike moaned as he opened his mouth and let Lennie in.

Lennie�s hands slid around to his chest and began unbuttoning his shirt.  He pushed the shirt back over Mike�s broad shoulders and Mike let go of him long enough to shrug it off entirely.  Lennie took advantage of the opportunity to reposition.  He slid into the corner of the couch, quickly shedding his own shirt in the process.  He stretched one leg out along the back of the couch, the other dangling over the edge to the floor.  �Come here, Mike,� he said gently.  Mike sat between Lennie�s legs, his back against the warm chest, Lennie�s arms wrapped around him from behind.

A hungry mouth found his neck, searching for just the right spot.  Warm hands caressed his chest, fingernails flicking over his already tight nipples, making him gasp.   After a while the hands slid lower, gliding over the bulge in those too-tight pants, wringing a moan from his throat.  Hot breath in his ear, �Yeah, Mikey, that feels good, doesn�t it.�  �Yes!� he moaned.  The hands began working on his belt and fly.   The external tightness was gone, but the internal was at an all time high.  Fingers caressed him through the thin cotton briefs.  �Ohhh, Lennie!�  he groaned.  The deep baritone voice was back in his ear.  �Mmmm.  You�re doin� fine, Mikey.  You just lie back and enjoy this.�  Hands slipped inside his briefs, pulling downward.  He lifted his hips just enough to allow Lennie to push his pants and underwear down.  His rod stood straight up, harder than he�d ever been before.  He swore it even looked longer.  Finally, the hands caressed his naked cock.  �Ahhh!� //
god this feels so good! // He was vaguely aware of something hard pressing into his back; he suddenly realized it was Lennie�s erection.  Lennie played him like a musical instrument, coaxing him right to the brink before slowing down for a bit.  His breathing was ragged by the time Lennie picked up the pace again.  �That�s it, Mikey, come for me.�  This time the hands didn�t stop at the brink, but sent him straight over the edge.  �Oh god!� he cried out as the pleasure washed over him.  �That�s good, Mikey, real good.�  Arms wrapped around him, holding him close, that deep voice purring in his ear.  He didn�t even notice when he started crying.  Lennie held him, making shushing sounds, telling him it was all right.

Finally his body stopped trembling, his breathing calmed, and the tears dried up.  Lennie�s fingers were trailing through his hair, lips occasionally brushing his temple.  �You OK now, Mike?�  Mike nodded, not trusting his voice.  The arms holding him loosened, not letting go, but making it clear he could get up whenever he wanted to.  He sat up and realized his chest was covered with his own cum.  Lennie kissed his cheek.  �Why don�t you go clean up.  I�ll order a pizza, OK?�  Mike smiled shyly, �Yeah, sounds good.�

By the time he came out of the bathroom, Lennie had called in the order and was parked back in the corner of the couch, his arm stretched along the back.  He hadn�t bothered to put his shirt back on; he looked entirely comfortable in his own skin.  Mike had a feeling he�d look just as comfortable completely naked.  Which was in stark contrast to Mike, who was feeling decidedly twitchy about his bare chest.  But since Lennie had set the dress code, he decided to go with it, and came to sit beside him.  �So.�  Lennie chuckled, and let his arm slide off the back of the couch to rest around Mike�s shoulders, squeezing gently.  Mike blushed, decided he needed to shift the focus away from himself for a bit.  �Lennie, can I ask you something?�  �Sure, Mike.�  �When did you figure it out?�

Lennie sighed, pulled his arm back and sat forward, leaning his elbows on his knees.  His earlier teasing attitude was gone. �About 5 years ago.�  He looked at Mike, wondering if he�d make the connection.  �Wasn�t that about the time you got sober?�  Lennie nodded.  �It�s why, Mike.   I met somebody who helped me figure it out.  My whole life, two failed marriages, who knew how many casual relationships, none of it ever worked right.  That was a big part of why I started drinking in the first place.  When I realized that there was a reason things never seemed to work for me, it was like the whole world opened up again.  It gave me a reason to try again.�  He looked up at Mike, a bit shaken from his revelation. 

Mike looked at him, realized Lennie had bared his soul here.  �Damn, Lennie.�  He laid his hand on Lennie�s back.  Lennie smiled and leaned into Mike.  �It�s OK, Mike.  I just don�t talk about it much.�  �So why aren�t you still with him?�  Lennie shook his head.  �Different rules in this game, Mike.  Think about it � what do women always complain about us?  Guys are afraid of commitment.  Hard enough to get one of us to commit when she�s begging for it.  Put two commitment-shy guys into a relationship, and happily ever after just isn�t in the picture.�  �Oh.�  �Don�t get me wrong, Mike, I�m not saying there is no such thing as true love.  It�s just a little harder to find here.  But instead, it�s a lot easier to find friends who like to fool around every once in a while.  Don and I are still good friends, sometimes lovers, but it�s not serious.�  Before Mike could ask �Don who?� the doorbell rang.  �Go get some sodas from the fridge, will you?�  Lennie got up to pay the delivery guy.

They attacked the pizza, chatting amiably about everyday things.  For a little while Mike almost forgot why he was there.  When they finished, Lennie leaned back and looked at him.  Their eyes locked, and Mike was suddenly very much aware.  �No pressure, Mike.�  �I know, Lennie.�  Next thing he knew he was leaning in, his tongue brushing over Lennie�s lips as his partner�s arms wrapped around him.  Lennie�s hand slid up his back, through his hair, pulling him in to the kiss.  When they came up for air, Lennie whispered in his ear.  �Wanna see my bedroom?�  Mike grinned and leaned back, stood up and pulled Lennie to his feet.  �Lead on.�

He followed Lennie back. He had been so afraid of this moment, but after that first session with Lennie, now all he felt was anticipation.  Lennie grabbed him, pulling him into another kiss, pressing his body close so Mike could feel his desire.  His hands slid down to cup Mike�s ass, pulling them even closer.  Mike felt himself growing again, eager to meet Lennie�s promise.

Lennie pushed him backwards; he lost his balance and they ended up falling across the bed, laughing.  Lennie leaned over him tracing a line of kisses along his jaw. �Mmmm,� he moaned.  The kisses continued down to his chest, Lennie�s tongue playing for a while with each of his nipples as hands again undid his pants.  Finally, Lennie got up so he could strip the remaining clothes from Mike�s� body.  But before he could, Mike sat up and reached for Lennie�s belt, eager to see what was hidden there. Lennie chuckled.  �OK, you first.�  Mike�s hands trembled as he undid the belt and zipper, letting the pants fall around Lennie�s ankles.  Cotton boxers remained between him and his target, which was clearly visible under the cotton.  He let his fingers trail along its length, getting a smile and sigh from Lennie.  He grabbed the sides and pulled down, revealing Lennie�s cock.  Mike sucked in a quick breath and felt Lennie�s hand sliding through his hair.  �It�s all yours, Mike.�  Mike sat there staring at it for a while, not quite sure where to start.  Finally, he reached out a tentative hand to gently caress the length of it.  Lennie smiled encouragingly.  He wrapped his fingers around it and pulled it down toward him, leaning forward to lick the liquid dripping from the tip. �Mmmm,� was the reaction.  He kissed the head, then slid his tongue around the edge.  �That�s it, Mike.�  Finally he leaned forward and took it into his mouth, sliding his lips down the shaft as far as he could.  He held there, swirling his tongue around.  �Oh, yeah, Mikey, that�s good.� 

Mike felt like he was outside his body, watching, unable to quite believe he really had Lennie�s cock in his mouth.  It felt so good, so natural, so RIGHT.  His heart was racing, and his head was light with euphoria.  He reached out with his other hand to grab Lennie�s ass, drawing him closer.  It was just like his fantasies ...  He started moving, slowly at first but gaining speed along with confidence, sucking Lennie like a starving man at an all-you-can-eat buffet.  Lennie let out a soft moan.  �Oh, yeah, that�s it.  Keep going.� 

Lennie tried to stay still, letting Mike control it, but he couldn�t help himself and began thrusting to meet his lover halfway.  Mike didn�t know how to read the signs yet, to know when to back off to prolong things.  Lennie simply gave himself over to the moment and let it happen.  �OK, Mikey, I�m REAL close now.�  He didn�t want the explosion to take Mike by surprise. 

Mike heard Lennie from what seemed a mile away, but the warning sunk in.  He went for the kill, sucking for all he was worth until his mouth was filled with hot sticky fluid.  He choked a bit but managed to swallow most of it.  Hands were lifting his face to meet Lennie�s as his lover bent to kiss him, tasting his own semen in Mike�s mouth.  He wrapped his arms around Mike and pulled him close. 

Mike slid his arms around Lennie�s waist, resting his head on his stomach, supremely content that he had actually done this.  After a little while, Lennie let go and he laid back on the bed, resting.  Lennie came to lay beside him, inviting Mike to use his shoulder as a pillow.  �How you doing, Mike?�  he asked gently as his fingers played with Mike�s hair.  �Amazing, Lennie.�  He snuggled closer.  �I can�t believe this is happening.�   Lennie chuckled.  �It is, Mike.  Believe me, it is.�  They laid there together for a while, their hands gently caressing and exploring.  �You wanna lose the pants already, Mike?�  Lennie asked as his fingers confirmed that Mike was indeed ready for round two.  �Oh, yeah, that.�  He reluctantly rolled away from Lennie and squirmed out of his slacks and underwear, then rolled back and snuggled close again, finally full-length skin-to-skin.

�Mmmm, that�s better,� Lennie murmured into his ear.  Mike�s fingers were buried in the thick graying curls on Lennie�s chest; he felt almost naked in comparison.  �So, any idea what you want next?�  Mike felt the heat rising up his neck.  He forced himself to look at Lennie.  He finally decided to spit it out.  �Do you bottom?�  Lennie grinned.  �You know the language, huh?  But not quite comfortable using it.�  Mike nodded.  �Amazing what you can find on the internet, Lennie.  You really should try it sometime.�   �Doing fine without it so far, Mike.  But who knows, you might just teach this old dog a few new tricks before we�re done.�  Mike laughed.  Lennie cut in before Mike had a chance to say anything else � �And yes I do.  You have any experience?�  Mike nodded.  �Remember Maxine?�  Lennie did � she had been a wild one for sure.  �You never mentioned this.�  �Yeah, well, ��  Lennie nodded, understanding Mike�s reluctance to say anything at the time.  �There�s lube in the drawer.� 

Mike�s grin became downright predatory as he sat up and reached for the nightstand.  He grabbed the lube, stood up, and pulled Lennie up beside him into a brutal kiss.  When he had to breathe, he pulled back and growled at Lennie, �Spread �em!�  He kicked Lennie�s legs apart like he was frisking a perp.  Lennie was only too happy to play along, enjoying the feel of Mike�s hands on his ass.  Strong hands pushed him over so that he was leaning over the bed.  He could hear the sticky sound as Mike spread the lube over his cock, then the cool gel was being poured over his hole.  Hands spread his cheeks and he could feel the cockhead pressing up against him. �You want it?�  Mike growled.  �Yeah, do it!� 

Mike pushed just enough to bury the head.  Lennie gasped at the initial pressure, then moaned.  �More, Mike.  I want it all.�  And that was a lot; Logan was seriously well hung.  Mike began thrusting, working in a bit farther with each stroke.  �Damn, Lennie, you�re nice and tight!�  �Hey, we aim to please!  Uhhhh!�  Mike managed to laugh.  �You always have a wisecrack, don�t you, partner?  Aahhhh!�  He cried out as Lennie sqeezed down on him.  He decided to shut up and concentrate on what he was doing.  He picked up speed until he was slamming into Lennie like a jackhammer, their balls crashing together with a loud smacking sound with each stroke.  Finally he couldn�t take any more and he cried out as the climax took him.

He pulled back and let Lennie roll over to lie on the bed, one hand on his own cock.  He hadn�t even noticed the other man had gotten hard again.  He flopped beside Lennie, gasping for breath, lending his hand to the party until Lennie joined him in the �spent� column.  He draped his arm over Lennie�s chest and snuggled in close.  Lennie chuckled and murmured �not bad for a novice, Mike.  Not bad at all!�  Mike laughed.  �Well, I�m counting on having a good teacher from now on.�

Continue on to "
Starting Over"

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Disclaimer:  These characters belong to Dick Wolf and NBC.  I'm just borrowing them for fun, not profit.

This one pairs Lennie with Mike Logan.  It explains a lot - on both sides, don't you think?

Originally a one-shot, there is now a companion piece called "Starting Over" - there's a link at the bottom of the page to continue.  And the two together have become the background for my newest Jack.Lennie universe.  Yeah, I don't have a name for it yet - so sue me!

Timeframe:  April 1995; just after the events of �Bad Faith�
Night of Revelations
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