The next Friday �

Lennie looked around the apartment.  He wanted everything to be absolutely perfect tonight.  He�d actually gone out and bought a nice tablecloth and napkins and such yesterday afternoon, along with all the groceries for this dinner.  He hadn�t wanted to be tired out from running around today.  So today he spent a few hours tidying things, then once Jack called in the afternoon to confirm that he was going to get out on time, he started the dinner.

The past week had gone by so fast.  Sunday morning at Jack�s had been perfect, waking up again to find his lover�s hand in his shorts, but this time riding the pleasure all the way to the end.  Returning the favor with Jack simply standing on the floor as he sat on the edge of the bed, then falling backwards together after his climax.  The rest of the day spent doing chores, watching tv together, just relaxing.  It had been a bit of a let down when he left to come home Sunday evening.

They fell into an easy routine where nights when Jack got out of the office at a reasonable hour he�d join Lennie for dinner and � desert.  The nights he worked late, Lennie grabbed a cab to meet him at his place so he wouldn�t have to drive home late.  They�d just crawled into bed, watched a little tv, and this time Lennie got to have Jack fall asleep in his arms. 

Of course, with his return to work next week, he wasn�t going to be able to stay over during the week anymore � They�d deal with that when it got there.  For now, Lennie just wanted to focus on tonight.  It was going to be very special.  A home cooked meal, some quiet time together, then they would make love for the first time.  He knew Jack was nervous, they�d talked about it several times. 

He was feeling much better himself.  Yesterday�s errands had included a visit to his doctor to approve his return to work next week.  The incision had healed perfectly, he was feeling much stronger.  OK, so he wasn�t up to running full tilt after a perp just yet; riding a desk he could handle.  He�d spent some time each day this week doing some simple stretching exercises, knowing he�d need to be a bit limber for their plans tonight.  He felt ready; and even though he�d done this before with others, he found himself strangely nervous.  This really mattered � he wanted to make it especially good for Jack�s first time.

He finished prepping the lasagna and put the baking dish into the oven.  He�d chosen it first because they both loved Italian food, and second because once he stuck it in the oven he�d have plenty of time to shower and get ready himself.  And even if Jack was running late, it wouldn�t be ruined.

So with the main dish in the oven, he went back and took a shower, taking special care that he was as clean as possible. Washing his hair, he realized that his left arm was finally cooperating in the �up� direction again.  Once done, he quickly dried off, and ducked into the bedroom, pulling on his underwear and a pair of lightweight blue dress slacks; he wanted as little as possible between him and Jack tonight.

For the moment he left the shirt off, not wanting to get tomato sauce or salad dressing on it while he finished dinner.  Back to the kitchen to take the casserole out of the oven to cool and set, and put in the loaf of bread he�d picked up this morning on his one quick errand out.  Good bread didn�t last overnight �

There were very few things that annoyed him more than a salad that was nothing but lettuce and dressing.  He had picked up some nice fresh veggies at the bodega nearby, and now cut up the tomatoes, red peppers, and cucumber.  Tossed with fresh leaf lettuce and a nice Italian dressing, topped with fresh cracked pepper and grated parmesan cheese.  Park that in the fridge, check the pitcher of iced tea he�d brewed that morning.  He hoped Jack wouldn�t mind the absence of wine �

The table was set.  OK, so it wouldn�t pass Gloria�s definition of �the good china� but he�d picked up two place settings of something that he thought looked nice from Crate & Barrel.  Plates, salad bowls, glasses, tablecloth, everything matched.  Looked pretty nice, he had to admit.  The final touch � candles.  OK, it was summer, it wouldn�t be dark for another couple of hours.  He closed the curtains; not really dark, but enough. 

Finally convinced that everything was ready, he went back to the bedroom and dug out the new shirt he had bought.  // oh, yeah, Briscoe, you�ve got it bad.  When was the last time you bought a shirt to impress somebody? // It was a very soft shade of brown, with a blue geometric print.  The fabric was something incredibly soft, had to be dry-cleaned, which would usually be enough to make him skip it.  But it felt so good when he tried it on; the short sleeves draped over his long arms just above the elbows, the open collar just invited Jack to unbutton it.  He sighed as he slipped into it, tucking it into his pants.

Once everything else was in place, he went back out to the living room to set up the stereo.  His CD player was a multi-disc changer; he could load up an entire evening of music at once. The first two discs were light jazz, somewhat upbeat, for the dinner.  Then the rest were soft, romantic, relaxing.  He glanced at the clock � Jack should be here soon.  He pressed �play�, went to the table to light the candles, then shut out the lights and tried to sit still on the couch as he waited for his lover to arrive.


Jamie had noticed that Jack had been somewhat distracted all day.  It was now 4:30, and she didn�t think he was listening to her at all.  He kept looking at his watch, as if somehow he could make the hands move faster.  She decided to bait him.
�So Jack?  The Finley case.  Shall we offer them Man I?�
�Uh, whatever you think is fine by me, Jamie.�
She stood up and snapped her fingers in front of his face.  �Jack?  Are you even listening to me?  Finley is a death penalty case!  Where is your brain?  Because it�s not here with me!�
Her words sounded harsh, but the grin on her face told him she wasn�t really mad.
He hung his head, embarrassed.  �Sorry, Jamie.  I guess I am a bit distracted.�  He couldn�t help smiling, though.
She thought she knew the reason for that smile.  �Big date tonight?�
�You could say that.  Lennie�s cooking dinner.�
�Uh oh, sounds serious.�  Her raised eyebrow invited him to elaborate.
Jack felt like he was bursting at the seams.  He wanted to tell her, but wasn�t sure how.  �Um, yeah, you could say that.�
The flush on his face gave her a hint.  She prodded a little more.  �Oh?�
Jack took a deep breath.  �Well, you know, he�s been recovering from the surgery.  Hasn�t really been up for anything, um, athletic.�
She knew it was evil, but she was just enjoying his discomfort too much.  It was just too cute.  �So tonight?�
He turned beet red and nodded.  �Yeah.  First time.  God, I feel like a teenager, Jamie.  So damned nervous, and excited, and I can�t think about anything else.  I�m sorry about the meeting; we�ll have to go over all this again Monday, won�t we?�
The mental picture of him and Lennie going �all the way� was still a little weird for her.  Part of her was curious � who took which roles? � but there was no way she was going to ask.  Instead, she just chuckled.  �Don�t worry about it, Jack.  In a way I envy you � how many of us have a chance to feel that young again?�
He sighed.  �You�ve got a point there.�
�So why don�t you cut out early?  You�re not getting anything done here.�
He shook his head.  �Lennie was pretty adamant; he wants everything to be perfect, and if I show up early, everything won�t be ready.  So you�re stuck with me for another half hour.�

Jamie managed to keep him from going nuts that last half hour until at the crack of 5 o�clock he got up and chased her out of his office so he could change.  He�d worn khakis this morning instead of jeans, not as good protection on the bike, but for once he was more interested in appearance than safety.  After all, it wasn�t that far to Lennie�s place, and in rush hour traffic he wasn�t exactly hitting highway speeds. 

At long last, he parked the bike in the alley behind Lennie�s apartment and walked up the stairs to the second floor.  He was about to knock on the door when Lennie opened it, grinning.
Jack just stood there, startled both by the unexpected opening of the door and by how amazingly sexy Lennie looked.
Lennie laughed.  �Heard the bike � kind of got used to listening for it lately.  Come on in.�

Jack followed him into the apartment, and as soon as the door was closed behind them he pulled Lennie into a passionate kiss.  His hands slid over the soft shirt, pulling Lennie close.  When breathing became a priority, he pulled back to look again at his lover.  �God, you look fabulous!�

Lennie smiled.  �Glad you like it.  Just bought it special for tonight.�  Jack�s fingers were sliding up his arm, slipping under the loose sleeves above his elbow.  He leaned in for another kiss.

Lennie pulled away.  �Come on, dinner�s ready.�
Jack finally tore his eyes away from Lennie long enough to notice the rest of the changes.  �Oh, Lennie!�
Lennie smiled and led him to the table.  Jack sat down while Lennie got the salads and drinks out of the fridge and the bread out of the oven.  As he sat down, Lennie reached for his glass, raising it in a toast.  �To us.�
Jack smiled as they clinked the glasses together.  Lennie paused, looking at him.  �I hope you don�t mind that it�s not wine?�
Jack put the glass down and reached over to take Lennie�s hand.  �Why would I need wine when you are so intoxicating?�  He lifted the fingers to his lips.
Lennie looked away, flustered by Jack�s gallantry, suddenly fascinated by his salad.
Jack realized he was actually uncomfortable.  �Seriously, Lennie.  This is amazing.  Now relax and enjoy it, will you?�
Lennie looked up at him and laughed, their easy camaraderie reasserting itself.

They chatted through dinner and as Jack helped him tuck away the leftovers and put the dishes in the dishwasher.  Finally they made their way back to the living room, settling on the couch.  Jack turned to him, taking his face between his hands. 
�Thank you.  This is perfect.�  He leaned in for a kiss, gentle at first but rapidly escalating.   His hands slid down Lennie�s neck, over the shoulders, down his back, pulling him close.
Lennie�s arms slid around his waist, hungering for his own contact.  Kiss after kiss, they spent the next half hour just getting lost in each other.  But finally Jack simply couldn�t resist any longer.  That beautiful shirt just begged him to unbutton it.  He brought his hands to the front and began slowly baring Lennie�s chest, one button at a time, then sliding his fingers over the exposed flesh before moving down to the next.

Lennie just laid back and let Jack undress him � it felt like the ultimate luxury.  As the warm hands exposed him, the wet tongue followed, teasing first at one nipple then the other.  �Oh, Jack,�  he sighed, only to be shushed as the hands slipped open the last exposed button and tugged the soft fabric to free it from his slacks.

Once the shirt fell open, one hand slipped lower, gently sliding over the thin material of his slacks, feeling him already hard beneath.  �Ah, yeah,� he moaned again as Jack teased lightly at him.  His eyes closed as he floated away on a cloud of pleasure, so he didn�t see Jack leaning over to kiss him again. 

As Jack pulled away, he opened his eyes and reached up to touch his cheek.  �Jack?  Are you ready?  Will you make love to me tonight?�

Jack smiled down at him.  �Yes. Oh god, I�m so nervous ��
Lennie sat up and held Jack�s face between his hands.  �Don�t be, love.  Everything�s going to be just fine.�  He leaned in for a tender kiss, then stood, pulling Jack up with him and leading him back to the bedroom.

Once there, Lennie took over, his turn to undress Jack.  Buttons opened and the stiff cotton shirt was quickly cast aside.  Lennie sat down on the edge of the bed and pulled Jack close to him, lavishing attention on Jack�s already tight nipples while one hand slid below.  Lennie was very glad Jack had skipped his usual jeans tonight; denim just got in the way far too much.  He felt the hot hard lump below the cotton khakis and smiled.  His hands made short work of the belt and zipper, sending the slacks to the floor.  Now he caressed Jack through the thin cotton shorts, wringing a moan from his throat. 

Jack�s hands rested lightly on Lennie�s shoulders.  He moaned again as Lennie�s hands slipped inside.  �Lennie, if you keep that up I�m not going to last to the main attraction ��

Lennie leaned forward and gently kissed his stiff dick.  �Don�t worry, Jack.  It�s going to take a while to loosen me up.  Trust me � you�ll be ready for round two in time.�

Lennie�s hands pushed his shorts down, while his mouth eagerly sucked Jack in.  It didn�t take long before Jack was thrusting toward him, meeting every stroke.  Just as he had expected, Jack had been so wired by the anticipation that his climax came in a matter of minutes.  Lennie eagerly sucked him dry, knowing that the �main attraction� would be all the better for this.

Jack fell to the bed beside Lennie, feeling drained.  He�d been wound tight all day, knowing what was coming tonight.  In fact, he�d been worrying about popping his cork too soon tonight.  He had a feeling Lennie was right, this way was going to be much better. 

For a while he just laid there catching his breath.  Lennie got up and pulled off his shoes and socks, letting the rest of his clothes fall to the floor, then laid back down beside him. They stayed like that, just cuddling, until Jack could see straight again. 

Finally, he took a deep breath and looked at Lennie.  �So?�
Lennie smiled and kissed him.  �Are you sure you�re ready for this?�
Jack nodded.  �I�ve been thinking, Lennie.  I never would have believed I could want a man.  But I do.  I want this � I want YOU.�
Lennie smiled and kissed him again, long and passionate.  �I want you too, Jack.  Take me.  I�m yours.  Body and soul.�
Their eyes met and for a moment they just held on tight.  Jack whispered softly, �I love you Lennie.� 
�Love you too,� came the whispered reply.

Finally Lennie sat up, tossed his remaining clothes aside, and got into a comfortable position for the preliminaries.  Face down, a pillow beneath his hips.  Jack sat beside him, gently running a hand over his back, down the curve of the spine, and finally over his hips.  Lennie sighed with contentment and turned his head to the side, pillowed on his arms, so that he could see Jack. 

Jack�s hands rested lightly over Lennie�s ass, kneading softly, just getting used to touching. They were shaking ever so slightly.  He heard Lennie�s voice as if from a mile away.
�It�s ok, Jack.  You�re doing fine.  Just relax.  Take it down a little further.  Ahhhh.  That�s good.  Now � between?  Oh, yeah.  There you go.�

His fingers found their way between Lennie�s cheeks, pulling them apart to expose his target.  He let a single finger trail lightly down, over that rosy, pink bud, and beyond. 
�Oh yeah, that�s it.  Keep going, Jack, just rub there a bit.�
Jack vaguely remembered the web site he had found with detailed anatomical drawings, explaining how this all worked.  It seemed much different in real life.  Warm and soft rather than cold and sterile.  He let his fingers slide a little further down, playing with Lennie�s balls for a bit, then back up.  He worked his way back up, at the same time working up his courage.

�OK, Jack, whenever you�re ready, there�s lube on the nightstand.�

Jack took a few moments more, then reached over to the nightstand, stopping to kiss Lennie�s cheek before he returned to his position.  He squeezed some of the lube onto his index finger and rubbed it onto Lennie�s hole.  �OK, Lennie.  You ready?�
�Oh, yes.  Push gently, Jack, just enough to move at first.  OK?�
�OK.�  He took a deep breath and pushed, just enough to slip the finger tip in.

Lennie sighed.  �There you go.  Now, a little deeper.  Oh yeah!  Oh!  Did you feel that, Jack?�
Jack smiled.  �Hard spot.  Prostate?�
Lennie grinned.  �You�ve been studying.�
Jack really didn�t know why he felt embarrassed about this, but he was.  �I wanted to have at least some idea what I was doing.  Wanted at least a chance to make it good for you too.�
Lennie reached out and caught his free hand.  �It is, Jack.� They just looked at each other for a moment, then Lennie let go.  �So now that you�ve found it, DO something with it already!�

Jack laughed and began slowly moving his finger in and out, rubbing that hard spot each time.  Lennie sighed happily.  �Damn, you�ve got nice long fingers, Jack.  How about another one?�

Some more lube and Jack was easily able to slip his middle finger in as well.  Lennie gasped slightly as the second finger entered him.
�Lennie?  You ok?�
�Oh, yeah.  Sometimes there�s just that brief moment when you stretch the sphincter.  Don�t worry about it, it�s gone in a few moments.�
Again, the cold science of the internet became reality in the warmth of Lennie�s body.  Jack held still for a bit, letting him adjust, then when Lennie nodded, he began moving his fingers together, thrusting in and out.

Lennie purred.  �OK, here�s something I�ve always liked.  Can you just press gently on the prostate?  Oh, yeah, just like that.  Just rub right around there.  Yes!�

Watching the pleasure on Lennie�s face was an added bonus he hadn�t counted on.  Jack realized he was getting pretty turned on again himself.  He even found himself wondering about trying it from the receiving side himself; Lennie certainly seemed to get a lot of pleasure out of it.

�OK, Jack, now, we need to loosen me up a little more.  Spread your fingers apart, stretch me. Don�t be afraid.  Pull out a little more.  There.  Ah!  OK, relax.  Just do that a couple more times and I think we�ll be ready.�

Jack did as Lennie requested and he could feel the muscles stretching, not squeezing quite so tight as at first.
�Ah, that�s it.  Jack, how are you doing?  You ready?�
�I think so ��
�OK, now, just gently slide them out � ok.  There�s some hand wipes on the nightstand ��

Jack reached for the wipes, a little surprised that most of what he had to clean up was lube.  When he turned around, he found Lennie had rolled over onto his back and was reaching for him.  He laid beside his lover, falling into a passionate kiss.  Lennie�s hand caressed his face.
�You did so good, Jack.  I really haven�t done this for quite a while.  But now I�m so hungry for you.  I need you inside me.  Will you do that for me?�
If he hadn�t already been hard as a rock, the look on Lennie�s face would have done it.  �Yeah, Lennie.  Let�s do it.�
Lennie smiled, kissed him again, then let go.  He stuffed a pillow under his hips and pulled his legs up, leaving himself wide open.  Jack reached for the lube again and gave himself a generous coat, then again wiped his hands.  He knelt in front of Lennie, the head of his cock pressing against that tight rosebud.

Lennie felt a thrill run down his spine as Jack�s cock head pressed against him.  Oh, how badly he had wanted this!  �OK, Jack.  I�m going to take a deep breath, and when I blow it out, you press in, OK?  And don�t be surprised if I cry out � the pain only lasts a few moments.  Just hold still until I say it�s ok.�  He reached out and took Jack�s hand as they looked into each others� eyes.  Jack nodded and let go, focusing his attention on his end of things. 

Lennie took a long, slow breath and nodded at Jack.  As he let it out, Jack pressed in then held still as Lennie had requested. Lennie laid there, his body trembling from the shock of entry.  He really wasn�t sure if he had cried out or not.  Nerve endings were stinging, but the pain was fading, overcome by the joy that Jack was inside him.  He looked up to see Jack watching him intently, as if trying to read his mind by his expressions.  Lennie smiled at him reassuringly and nodded.  �OK, Jack.  Now take it slow.  Just a little at a time.�

Now that he wasn�t worried about aim, Jack wrapped his arms around Lennie�s thighs, holding the legs up over his shoulders.  He looked down to see Lennie�s cock leaking as he pushed little by little into that tight ass.  He couldn�t believe how good it felt; so warm and tight.  It took a while, but eventually he was buried to the hilt.

Lennie pulled him down for a brief kiss.  �Oh, Jack, yes!  I�ve wanted this for so long ��
Neither of them was as limber as they had been in their youth, but Jack took advantage of what he could easily reach, kissing and licking at the backs of Lennie�s legs, finding a surprising sensitive spot right behind the knees.

At this point, instinct took over and he began gently thrusting, slowly at first, then faster.  Everything felt so good he couldn�t believe he had been afraid of this.  And seeing the unadulterated joy on Lennie�s face was a gift beyond measure.

He was very glad Lennie had sucked him off before; as tightly wound as he�d been, he�d have popped already, and he definitely did NOT want this to end.  He took his time, thrusting hard and fast, then slow and teasing, his hands roaming over Lennie�s legs and lower body.

For his part, Lennie laid back and abandoned himself to a blissful oblivion.  Nothing existed except the two of them and wave after wave of pleasure.  Jack was buried deep inside him and all was right with the world.

Finally, Jack felt his climax drawing near.  He reached down and began gently stroking Lennie�s cock, spreading the pre-cum around.  Lennie moaned and looked up at him, smiling.  �Go for it, Jack.�
Jack grinned and picked up the pace, slamming hard with each thrust.  Lennie took his cock in his own hand so Jack wouldn�t get off balance trying to work it as well.  By this point he was so far gone that just a few direct strokes sent him crashing over the edge.

Jack watched in amazement as Lennie�s body arched beneath him, come shooting halfway up his chest.  But then he was distracted by the incredible feeling of the contractions running through Lennie�s entire body, clamping down on him so tight in an already tight space.  His turn to cry out as he shot deep into Lennie, over and over again. 

When at last he was still, he pulled out and fell on the bed beside Lennie, rolling over to snuggle close, his arm draped over Lennie�s chest.  His fingers trailed a random pattern through the gray curls.  Gradually coherent thought returned and he realized his arm was now resting in the sticky goo.  Then he realized that it was done � he had actually done it, and enjoyed it.  No, loved it. 

His arm slid up until his fingers could touch Lennie�s face.  At the contact, his lover�s eyes opened and he smiled.  �You did it.�
�Yeah.�  Jack�s answering smile sent Lennie�s heart straight to heaven.
�You liked it.�
�Oh, yeah.�
They just laid there for a little while, happy to be together. 
�What does it feel like?  I mean, you really seemed to enjoy it ��
Lennie chuckled, sliding his fingers into Jack�s thick hair.  �I can�t describe it, Jack.  Right at the beginning there�s a moment of pain, but then it just sort of grows into something else entirely.  And especially this time, knowing it was YOU inside me made it even more special.  I guess a lot of it is in the mind anyway.  Just the idea of giving yourself completely to somebody.  At least for me ��
Jack sat up and looked down at Lennie, his fingers gently tracing the outline of his face.  �Is that what you just did?�
Lennie caught the fingers and kissed them.  �Yes.�  He smiled.  �While you�re up, you want to grab me one of those wipes?�
Jack laughed and reached for the pack, handing one to Lennie then taking one to clean his arm and the mess below.
�So, you up for some dessert?  I got some tiramisu.�
Jack grinned.  �Dinner, sex, AND decadent desserts?  I could get spoiled around here!�

The evening was still young, so they pulled on their shorts and headed back out to the kitchen for dessert.  They ended up on the couch watching a movie, Jack in the corner of the couch with Lennie leaning against him.  �Too bad you don�t have a decent TV in the bedroom, Lennie.  This would be a lot more comfortable there.�

Lennie shrugged.  �I�m never here, Jack.  Most nights I fix dinner, eat out here in front of this one, then go back to crash.  Besides, without cable, why bother?�

Jack chuckled.  �Still. Maybe I should buy you one.�
�Now why would you do that?�
�Why wouldn�t I?  Look, Lennie, lawyers make a lot more than cops.  Even us civil servant types.  You said it yourself back there � you gave yourself to me tonight.  That makes me want to take care of you.  And somehow I don�t think a pair of pearl earrings is going to get me the same mileage here as it used to ��
Lennie looked up at him and both of them burst out laughing. 
�Uh, no, I don�t think so!�
Jack wrapped his arm tighter around Lennie.  �Seriously.  I want to take care of you, Lennie.�
Lennie sighed.  �You do, Jack.  You do.�

The next morning, it was Jack�s turn to wake up to find Lennie �priming the pump.� 
�Mmmmm.  That IS a nice way to wake up.�
Lennie laughed softly.  �I thought so.�
Jack pulled him down and kissed him quite thoroughly.  They were getting happily lost in each other when a knock at the door startled them.
Lennie groaned and started to get up.  Jack held him back.  �Don�t answer, they�ll go away.�
Lennie shook his head.  �Some mornings Mrs. Simpson next door checks up on me.  I think she�s just lonely.  Bad enough I wasn�t here last weekend.  Let me go get rid of her.�
�Oh, all right.� 

Jack was touched by Lennie�s concern for the little old lady next door.  He watched as Lennie grabbed a robe, pulled it on and headed out to the living room.  Curiosity got the better of him, he decided to follow � staying well in the shadows, didn�t want to give the poor woman a heart attack.  He was surprised when he came to the end of the hall and didn�t hear voices.  He stuck his head around the corner and nearly had a heart attack himself.

Lennie was pinned against the wall being kissed senseless by a youngish looking man, wavy dark hair just beginning to show hints of gray.  He finally let go.  �Oh, god, Lennie, I just heard.  Thank god you�re alive!�

Jack�s heart fell through his stomach at the sound of that voice � Mike Logan.

A/N:  When I first posted this, I left this as a 'season ending cliffhanger ...'  Oh, the names I got  called!  ;-)

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All I Ask of You"

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Disclaimer:  These characters belong to Dick Wolf and NBC.  I'm just borrowing them for fun, not profit.
Unexpected Song (by Andrew Lloyd Weber, from Song and Dance)

I have never felt like this, For once I'm lost for words, Your smile has really thrown me.
This is not like me at all. I never thought I'd know the kind of love you've shown me.
Now no matter where I am, no matter what I do, I see your face appearing.
Like an unexpected song that only we are hearing.

I don't know what's going on, can't work it out at all, whatever made you choose me?
I just can't believe my eyes, you look at me as though you couldn't bear to lose me.
Now no matter where I am, no matter what I do, I see your face appearing.
Like an unexpected song that only we are hearing.
Unexpected Song
Chapter 10
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