Come Monday morning, Jack really didn�t want to go in to work.  It had been a perfect weekend.  Of course, he hadn�t been too happy about going home Sunday after dinner, either.  They had spent the day just taking care of all the little chores of life that Lennie needed help with � doing laundry, grocery shopping, etc.  It had been wonderfully �normal.�  But as he had reluctantly pointed out to Lennie, after having spent the day Sunday taking care of all HIS chores, Jack now had to go home and do them all again.  Doing his own laundry in his own apartment just wasn�t as fun as schlepping Lennie�s to the Laundromat around the corner, talking and laughing together. 

Of course, when he said goodbye, Lennie just couldn�t let it go.  After the simple pleasures of the day, Jack wasn�t actually thinking about the sexual side of their relationship for once.  But Lennie had been determined to send him home aroused again, and had succeeded admirably.

So he had come home and again played out the fantasy, enjoying it tremendously.  But he realized he didn�t have much idea what to really expect, and the idea suddenly frightened him.  So after throwing his own laundry in to wash, he had settled down at his computer and done some surfing.  Not surprising, there was a vast array of gay-themed sites out there, some educational, others pure �entertainment.�  He started out with the educational ones, wanting to understand what he was getting himself into, but quickly got distracted by some of the more interesting ones.  By the time his second load of laundry was done, he found himself as aroused as when he had first gotten home, but this time his fantasy was a bit more � realistic. //
guess that answers the question of whether I�m really into this � //

So now it was Monday.  He�d gotten to the office fairly early, changed into a suit and took a few minutes to sort out the priorities.  They had several cases in various stages of the process.  He tried to concentrate on the briefs in front of him, but his mind kept wandering back to the weekend. 

Jamie was running a bit late that morning.  She ducked into her office, dropped her briefcase, picked up a stack of folders and headed toward Jack�s office for their 9AM meeting.  The fact that it was closer to 9:15, however, turned out to not be a problem.  She found him sitting there with that same silly grin again.  She had to laugh.  �OK, Jack.  It�s Monday and you�re still smiling.  This time you�re giving it up.  Who is she?�

Her sudden entrance brought him back to the moment.  �Oh, hi, Jamie.�
She could see the redness creeping up his neck.  She wondered why he was embarrassed.
�Good morning to you too.  So?�
Jack took a deep breath.  Lennie had said it was ok, encouraged him to tell her.  �Close the door, would you?�
Jamie looked at him, surprised, then did as he asked.  He actually looked a bit uncomfortable.  She started to wonder what was going on here. 

Jack just looked at her for a moment more, as if deciding how to say it.  �Jamie.  You have to promise me something.  None of this goes outside this office under any circumstances, ok?�

She did a double take.  She was REALLY getting curious now.  �Of course, Jack.  But I didn�t know your love life was a matter of top security?�  She tried to make it a joke.

It worked; Jack chuckled softly.  �Yeah, well, think about it Jamie.  Every other person I�ve dated in the past 20 years has been somebody I wasn�t supposed to be seeing, why should this time be any different?�

�Jack?  Is it somebody here?�
�Not exactly.  A cop.�
She tried to think of the female detectives they worked with, and wasn�t coming up with any likely candidates.  �Ok, Jack, you�ve got me stumped.  Who?�
He took a deep breath � this was the bombshell.  He looked into her eyes, needing to see the first, true response.  �Lennie.�
She stared at him.  He couldn�t have said what she thought he just said.  Her eyes got very wide.  �Lennie Briscoe?�
He suddenly dropped eye contact, looking away as he nodded.

Jamie sat there, utterly dumbfounded by this revelation.  It made no sense.  Then she thought about that attempt on Jack�s life a few weeks ago.  Briscoe had saved his life.  Did this have something to do with that?

She knew she should say something.  But she truly had no idea what to say.  Jack finally broke the strained silence.
�I guess you weren�t expecting that one?�  He tried for a smile, but the fear in his eyes ruined the effect.
�Uh, no.  Not even close.� 
The fear took over.  �Jamie, are you all right?  Are � are WE all right?�
She shook herself.  There were a lot of unanswered questions here, but this was Jack.  They had to work together, and she had to admit that she�d become rather fond of him.  �Jack, it just doesn�t make sense.  I have to wonder if this is real, or if it�s some bizarre reaction to him saving your life.�

He bowed his head; he hadn�t realized how much he�d been counting on her acceptance.  Finally he looked back up at her. �It�s real, Jamie.  Believe me.  Yes, that incident set things in motion, but there�s a lot more to the story.  I guess the first thing you should know is that he is gay.  That is probably the most �secret� thing about this.  His life could be in danger out there if it got out.  Please, I need your word on this � he said he felt we could trust you.�

Jamie nodded.  �Lennie�s a good cop.  I�ll give him this, he hides it well.  I never would have suspected.  I�ll keep his secret.�
His shoulders slumped with the relief.  �Thank you.�

For a brief moment she wondered if Briscoe had somehow taken advantage of Jack�s vulnerability after that horrific day.  But then she remembered how happy he�d been on Friday, and still this morning.  That wasn�t the response of a man pressured into a relationship he didn�t want. 

Jack was looking at her, still waiting for a definitive reaction.  She smiled.  �OK, Jack.  I can�t say I begin to understand it, but if it makes you as happy as you�ve been recently, it�s got to be a good thing.�

He closed his eyes briefly as the relief washed over him.  A deep breath, and he opened them, smiling at her.  �Thanks Jamie.  I don�t think I realized how much I needed to hear you say that.  It, uh, it�s still kind of new to me.  I don�t think I understand it either.�

Jamie laughed.  �Well, then, at least I�m in good company.  You ready to get down to work?�


Monday evening Lennie was eagerly awaiting Jack�s arrival, and he was more than a little disappointed when 7 o�clock came and there was still no sign of his lover.  He sighed; he knew the attorney often worked late, and he was just about to scrounge around in the kitchen for some dinner when he finally heard a knock on the door.

Jack entered, looking sheepish.  �Hi.�
Lennie took one look at the �little boy lost� expression and laughed.  �Hello yourself.  Running a bit late today?�
�Got caught in Adam�s office talking about this case.  I couldn�t even get away to call � I�m sorry.�
Lennie sighed and gently caressed his lover�s face.  �I�ll forgive you � this time.�  He pulled Jack in for a brief kiss, then quickly let go.  �But now I�m starved.  What�s for dinner?"
Jack laughed.  �Order in or go out?�
�I�m not really dressed for out �� Comfortable old sweats were definitely not �out� clothing. 
�OK, in it is.�

They called in an order and settled in on the couch to wait, Jack�s arm around Lennie�s shoulders, and Lennie�s hand on Jack�s leg.  Jack was still surprised by how comfortable he felt. 
�I told Jamie today.�
Lennie looked at him, an eyebrow raised.  �Yeah?  How�d she react?�
�Surprised.  She wondered if I was overreacting to you saving my life.�
�I guess that�s the obvious explanation ��
Jack shook his head.  �I think I convinced her it�s real.  She seems ok with it.  Promised to keep your secret, in any event.�
Lennie smiled.  He�d been pretty sure the ADA would handle it well.  �What about Schiff?  You going to tell him?�
Jack tensed.  �I really don�t know.  I mean, if I want to avoid things like today, not even being able to call and tell you I�m running late, I guess I�m going to have to.  But ��
Lennie nodded and patted his leg.  �It�s harder to tell a guy.  I know.  You�re afraid of being judged.�
�Yeah.�  He laughed.  �I should have known you�d understand that.�  He squeezed Lennie�s shoulders.

Dinner arrived and distracted them from the discussion.  When they were done, they settled back onto the couch.  Lennie�s hand trailed suggestively over Jack�s thigh as he grinned at the attorney.  Jack grinned back and pulled him close for a tender kiss that quickly escalated to something altogether different.  Lennie was feeling playful tonight.  It wasn�t long before he had Jack�s shirt unbuttoned and one hand gently caressing him through his jeans.

Jack sat back, enjoying the attention, and looked into Lennie�s eyes.  �You sure you�re up for this?�
Lennie kissed him softly.  �Sure? No.  Want to try?  God, yes.  I think as long as I don�t go in for major gymnastics, I can get you off like this.�  He gently squeezed Jack�s package, still trapped in the tight denim.  �If you want me to?�
�What about you?�
Lennie shook his head.  �Not yet. I�m starting to respond, but can�t keep it going very long yet.�
Jack reached out and caressed his face.  �Responding now?�
Lennie laughed.  �Yeah.�
�Can I touch you?  I won�t surprise you like Saturday, I promise.�
Lennie looked into his eyes, saw how much he wanted this.  �OK.  Just be gentle ��

Jack sat up and eased Lennie back into the corner of the couch.  He gently laid his hand on Lennie�s thigh, sliding his hand up over the soft knit material of his sweats.  He saw Lennie take a slow, deep breath then nod; only then did Jack let his hand slide over the slight bulge.  Lennie moaned softly as a look of absolute ecstasy covered his face. 

Through the soft fabric, he felt Lennie coming to life, growing under his hand.  He started rubbing softly, slowly, and was rewarded by another soft moan.  �Oh, that feels so good ��

For a couple of minutes, he stayed like that, just gently coaxing.  Lennie was getting harder, but not quite all the way yet.  He slid his free hand under the t-shirt, just wanting the additional contact.  He watched with delight as Lennie�s face reflected the pleasure his hands were giving.  But far too soon, hydraulic pressure faded and he felt things going soft again.  Lennie sighed and opened his eyes.  �Not just yet.  But oh, that felt so good!�

Jack bent down and kissed him tenderly.  Watching Lennie�s responses had been an amazing experience, touching his heart as much as his groin.  Which was now even more eager for the attention Lennie had offered earlier. 

Lennie sat up slowly, letting his hand trail down Jack�s bare chest to the tight lump below.  �Now, where were we?�  He grinned as Jack sat back and let him take over.  His hands quickly took care of the annoying belt and zipper, pushing the jeans aside then slipping in.  Jack moaned as Lennie stroked him through his underwear, just like he had done Saturday evening. 

More than anything, Lennie wanted to lean over and kiss him, suck his nipples, take that cock into his mouth.  But he knew his injured side wasn�t going to like that, so he contented himself with slipping his hand inside the waistband of Jack�s underwear.  Finally he felt Jack�s dick in his hand; they moaned in stereo at that point, then laughed together at the silliness of it. 

Jack watched, entranced, as Lennie�s hand nested in his lap, stroking him.  He was so hard from playing with Lennie.  He was really looking forward to the time when things could get more intense.  And yet there was something special about this, the slow, tender caresses.  He had a feeling if it wasn�t so late, they could do this for hours.  But as it was, it was getting late, so he helped things along a bit by fantasizing about what it would be like when Lennie was feeling better.  His breathing had gotten shallow, and Lennie was whispering in his ear.  �Oh, yeah, Jack.  You�re getting close, I can tell.  That�s it, come on.  Come on, Jack.  Ah, yeah.�  His hand picked up speed as he brought Jack to his climax.

Jack laid there, panting, looking up to see Lennie grinning down at him. He smiled and reached up to caress Lennie�s face.  Lennie caught his hand and gently kissed his fingers, then let go and got up.  He left the room, came back with a damp cloth to clean up with.

Jack cleaned up his mess then stood up and tucked his clothes back into place.  Lennie came to him and pulled him close.  �So, heading home?�
Jack nodded.  �If we curl up on the couch again, I�ll be the one falling asleep.�
Lennie laughed.  �Wouldn�t be so bad ��
Jack caressed his face.  �Work tomorrow.  Not all of us can lounge around all day, you know.�
Lennie sighed.  �I know.  Believe me, it gets old fast.  At least I�ve still got that book of Cathy�s to read.  And Rey�s coming over for lunch tomorrow.  I get to hear him complain about Profaci.�
Jack laughed.  �Those two just don�t seem right together ��
�Tell me about it.�
�You�ll get back there soon enough, Lennie.  Give it time.�
�Yeah, I know.�
Jack drew him in for a kiss, then hugged him tight, careful of his bad side.  �Night, Lennie.�
A last kiss, and he was out the door.

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Chapter 9"

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Disclaimer:  These characters belong to Dick Wolf and NBC.  I'm just borrowing them for fun, not profit.
Unexpected Song (by Andrew Lloyd Weber, from Song and Dance)

I have never felt like this, For once I'm lost for words, Your smile has really thrown me.
This is not like me at all. I never thought I'd know the kind of love you've shown me.
Now no matter where I am, no matter what I do, I see your face appearing.
Like an unexpected song that only we are hearing.

I don't know what's going on, can't work it out at all, whatever made you choose me?
I just can't believe my eyes, you look at me as though you couldn't bear to lose me.
Now no matter where I am, no matter what I do, I see your face appearing.
Like an unexpected song that only we are hearing.
Unexpected Song
Chapter 8
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