�So, can I count on you being there, Jack?�

McCoy sighed.  Ever since that wonderful evening with Lennie on Monday, life had conspired to keep them apart.  He�d had to work late the rest of the week dealing with a case that seemed to change directions every hour or so.  He�d still gone over to Lennie�s place every evening, but it had been late and he�d been tired so they�d just spent some quiet time together relaxing.  Lennie mentioned that he was feeling stronger every day, and they had planned a special evening for Friday. 

But no.  Here it was Thursday afternoon, and Adam hits him with this.  A political event.  Jack hated politics, knew he could never ultimately follow in Adam�s footsteps.  Nope, EADA was as high up the food chain around here as he wanted to go.  But it was getting close to the primary, and if he wanted to keep working for his friend, they had to get him re-elected.  Which meant these stupid events.

Jack sighed heavily.  He hated these things under normal circumstances.  But now � �Uh, Adam, actually I already have plans.�

Schiff gave him a hard stare.  He knew something was up with his friend, he just wasn�t sure what yet.  He hoped he was right in thinking that McCoy had finally given up wallowing in his grief over Claire Kincade and found himself another woman.  He decided to prod a little.
�So bring her along.�

Jack laughed.  //
Oh, if you only knew! // �Uh, I don�t think so Adam.�
Schiff just stared at him.  //
Well, that didn�t answer anything //
Jack sighed again.  �All right, Adam.  I�ll be there.  But I�m not staying all night.�
His mentor nodded and grunted.  Jack smiled as the older man left his office. 

That evening he didn�t get to Lennie�s place until almost 10PM.  One look told Lennie that it hadn�t been a good day.  But as they settled on the couch, Jack could feel all the negative energy leaving him.  He sighed and let Lennie rub his temples.  After a while a soft kiss brought him back to the present.

Lennie smiled.  �Rough day?�
�Yeah.  This case just keeps getting weirder and weirder.  And then Adam hits me this afternoon with a political event tomorrow night he wants me to attend.�
Lennie felt disappointment settle over him.  �Tomorrow night?�
Jack nodded.  �I�m sorry.  I�d really rather be here ��
Lennie hugged him.  �Me too.  How late will you be?�
�I told him I wasn�t staying all night.  I could get out of there by 10 or so, or I might be trapped until after midnight.  There�s no telling with these things.  I hated them when I didn�t have anything better to do with my evenings.�
Lennie chuckled.  �And now?�
�I REALLY hate them!�

They sat quietly together for a little while.  Then Jack got an idea.  �Lennie?  Why don�t you come over to my place for the weekend?  You could come over tomorrow evening, be there when I get home?  Even if it�s late ��

Lennie smiled.  �That sounds nice.  And I really could use a change of scenery.�

�Great.  I�ll get an extra key made for you tomorrow.�  This time it was his turn to yawn.

Lennie chuckled and kissed him.  �I think you�d better get home then.  Don�t want you falling asleep riding that deathtrap.�


Friday evening, Lennie tossed a few things into an overnight bag and called a cab.  Jack had called earlier, giving him the address and telling him where he had hidden the extra key.  Of course, Lennie hadn�t needed the address; he had memorized it back in February when Jamie had brought them here late at night for a consultation on a high profile kidnapping case.  On Valentine�s day, even.  At the time he�d found it highly ironic.

He let himself into the apartment and looked around.  Just as he had remembered � books everywhere.  Furniture in shades of blue and gray.  White sheers on the windows.  Desk and a grandfather clock both in a dark walnut.   There was a photo of a teenaged girl on the wall next to the desk � he assumed it was Kelly.

He locked the front door, then made his way back to the rest of the apartment.  Through a formal dining room to a decent sized kitchen, then back through a hallway to the bedrooms and bath.  The smaller bedroom was made up as a guest room, but still covered with books.  The master bedroom, however, was very different from the rest of the house.  This was obviously Jack�s sanctuary, where he came to get away from everything else.  A nice big bed, matching dressers and an entertainment center with a decent sized TV, again all in dark woods.  Simple white sheets, but the comforter tossed over it all was a rich royal blue.

Since it held the only TV in the house, Lennie decided to make himself at home.  He parked his overnight bag on one of the dressers and took his shaving kit into the bathroom.  Even though it was still early, he went through his usual nightly ritual of getting ready for bed, then went back into the bedroom.  He thought about putting on pajamas, but seeing as how they had slept together last weekend without them, it seemed kind of silly.  Instead, he just stripped to his shorts and climbed into the bed. 

It suddenly struck him � he was in Jack�s bed.  //
oh my god it�s real! // He wondered which side Jack usually slept on.  On impulse, he picked up one of the pillows, holding it to his face and inhaling deeply.  He just barely caught the scent of Jack�s aftershave, and smiled.  What was he doing now?  Stuck at a political fundraiser.  Was it a black-tie event?  Jack would look awesome in a tuxedo.  Lennie felt things stirring.  He knew he wasn�t ready for the long haul yet, but damned if he wasn�t going to enjoy this while he could.  He piled up the pillows and leaned back, one hand inside his shorts, as he pictured Jack in his finery �


Jack was abjectly miserable.  He had been cornered by the worst of all villains, a reporter.  She wanted an �inside scoop� on a high-profile case they had prosecuted a few months ago.  He did his best to politely refuse to tell her anything, but the woman wasn�t taking �no� for an answer.  In fact, he suddenly realized, she was trying to seduce him into talking!  Her black evening gown was cut low, proudly displaying her generous cleavage.  She was leaning much too close to him, her tone teasing and playful.  It suddenly occurred to him that he really couldn�t care less.  She was beautiful and intelligent, and he just wasn�t interested at all.  He thought of Lennie, waiting for him at home by now.  Oh, if he could only tell her THAT secret; it would be fun throwing her entire game plan off track.  But he knew he couldn�t; he understood why Lennie needed to keep their relationship quiet. 

Thinking of Lennie brought a small smile to his lips, one the reporter took as interest in her.  She chattered on, oblivious to the fact that Jack�s mind was now miles away, picturing Lennie in his bed �


Lennie enjoyed the fantasy for about 15 minutes before his body just gave out.  He gave a long sigh.  At least he was getting aroused now; if he could just last long enough to bring it to completion he�d be a happy man.  He looked over on the nightstand for the TV remote and noticed a note.
�Lennie � make yourself at home.  There�s drinks and munchies in the kitchen.  Just don�t get crumbs in the bed!  I�ll be home as soon as I can. � Jack.�
Far be it for him to pass up an offer like that, so he got back out of bed and made a raid on the kitchen.  There was a 6-pack of cream soda, his favorite for nights when he didn�t want a caffeine rush, in the fridge.  He grabbed one, and a bag of potato chips, and returned to the bedroom.

Now seriously settled in, he turned on the TV.  Cable!  This was wonderful.  He surfed through the channels, finally settled on a show on the History Channel dealing with the wreck of the Titanic.  What with that big movie on the subject just released, it was a hot topic these days.  Lennie settled back with a happy sigh.


It was after 1AM when Jack finally got back to his apartment.  The door was locked, but as he let himself in, he could see there were lights on back in the bedroom.  �Lennie?� He called out softly, but got no reply.  He quickly locked the door behind him and made his way back. 

He couldn�t help but smile when he looked into his bedroom.  Lennie was propped up on a mountain of pillows, his head to one side, fast asleep.  The television was on the History channel, and there was a half empty bottle of cream soda on the nightstand.  He thought about sneaking in quietly, but realized that Lennie�s neck would be killing him if he slept all night like that.  So instead, he came over to the bedside and bent down to gently kiss the sleeping man.

Lennie�s eyes blinked open and he smiled as he saw Jack.  �Hey.  About time you got home.  What time is it?�
�About 1:30.�
�Geez.  So much for not staying all night.�
Jack sighed.  �Yeah, I know.�
Lennie looked him over � he was wearing that tux Lennie had been fantasizing about.  �You look awesome.�
Jack laughed.  �Emily Smith thought so.�
�The reporter?�
�She was trying to seduce me into talking about the Gambelli case.  I think she wants to do an expose.�
Lennie didn�t like the sound of that. Jack had to laugh at the expression on his face.  �Don�t worry, it didn�t work.  I realized I wasn�t at all interested in what she was offering.�
�Oh!�  Lennie was surprised by how happy those words made him.
Jack bent down and kissed him.  �Lennie, you changed my world.  You�re the only one I want now.�
Lennie smiled.  �So you coming to bed?�
Jack laughed.  �Yeah.  You want to give up some of those pillows?�
He leaned forward for another quick kiss, then got up and hung up the tux jacket and vest.  In short order he had stripped down to shorts, ducked into the bathroom for his nightly ritual, and returned.  Lennie redistributed the pillows and shut off the TV.  Jack shut off the light then climbed in beside him and snuggled close, settling his head on Lennie�s right shoulder, his right arm draped over Lennie�s chest, carefully staying away from the scar on the left side.

�Mmmm, this is nice,� he sighed happily.  It had been far too long since anyone had shared this bed with him.  In moments, both were fast asleep.


Lennie woke up feeling oddly disoriented.  It took a few moments for him to realize that he was at Jack�s apartment, not his.  The morning sun pushed its way through the dark blue curtains.  He carefully rolled onto his right side to look at the man sleeping beside him.   Since they had started spending time together, he had seen the smile he adored more and more.  But this was even better.  The total relaxation that sleep brought added an aura of innocence to the lawyer�s face.  Lennie still couldn�t believe how lucky he was.  That this was actually happening.  He snuggled closer, sliding his arm over Jack�s chest, and drifted back to sleep.

He woke again a little later, this time knowing exactly where he was.  He felt like he was floating on a cloud of pleasure � Jack�s hand had slipped inside his shorts and was gently stroking him.  He knew he still wasn�t up to anything too strenuous, but there was absolutely nothing strenuous about this. 

Jack looked down at him, smiling, getting unbelievably turned on just from having Lennie�s half-hard cock in his hand.  He just hadn�t been able to resist when he woke up this morning to find his friend � his lover � in his bed.  �Morning,� he said softly as Lennie�s eyes blinked open.

Lennie smiled back at him. �Morning.  Nice way to wake up.�
Jack chuckled.  �I thought maybe this would be a good way to start your engines��
�So far so good.  No promises yet, though ��
Jack bent down and kissed him gently.  �None needed.  Just enjoy what you can.�  Another kiss, and another, and another, while soft caresses kept him in the pleasure zone. 

He gently caught Jack�s face between his hands.  �This is nice.  But I think I could take a little more.�  His finger lightly traced over Jack�s lips.  �If you think you�re ready?�

Jack looked down at him, suddenly nervous.  Fear and desire chased each other for control of his face.  Desire won out.  He smiled and gently kissed the finger pressed to his lips. �You�re sure?�

Lennie nodded.  �I don�t think it�ll go all the way, Jack.  Just take it slow.�

Covers were pushed aside, and the shorts were pulled off.  Lennie grabbed a couple of pillows so he could sit up a bit to watch as Jack tentatively bent over him. 

Jack�s heart was pounding as he pressed his lips gently on the head of Lennie�s cock.  He let his tongue slip out, sliding softly over the warm skin.  A soft sigh encouraged him to go on.  He opened his mouth, taking the head inside, closing his mouth over it.

Lennie moaned at the warm wetness wrapped around him.  He could feel himself getting harder.  �Oh, yeah, that�s good.  Go ahead, Jack.  You�re doing fine.�

Jack could tell it was working; he could feel Lennie getting bigger inside his mouth.  He took a deep breath and slid down the shaft, not all the way, but as much as he could take without gagging.

Another moan.  �God, yes.  Oh, that�s good.  Use your tongue, rub the sides.  Ohh, yeah, like that. Ahhh��

Jack was almost overwhelmed by the sensations of having Lennie�s cock in his mouth.  This was it, he was really doing it.  And enjoying it.  No, no doubts there; his own cock was aching for attention.  He concentrated of the feel of it in his mouth; the soft skin, the firmness underneath, the way it filled his mouth.  Then suddenly, he felt it softening.  Lennie sighed loudly and reached out, running his fingers through Jack�s hair. 
�Sorry about that.  I�m just � not there yet.�
Jack sat up and pulled him close.  �It�s ok, Lennie.  This way I get to start slow too ��
Lennie caressed his face, looking into his eyes.  �Was it good for you?�
Jack smiled.  �Yeah.  Actually, I�m kind of glad I didn�t have to worry about swallowing the first time out.  Kind of nervous about that ��
Lennie chuckled.  �Not just yet.  But I�m hoping that maybe by the end of the weekend ��
Jack licked his lips.  �I�m game to try again whenever you are.�
Lennie nodded.  �Be a while, but we will.  Now what about you?�  He let his hand find the hardness under Jack�s shorts.

Jack moaned at his touch.  �Oh, yes.�
Lennie desperately wanted Jack�s cock in his mouth.  Bending over wasn�t going to work.  But maybe � �Jack?  Can you kneel over me, balance yourself on the headboard?  If I can get these pillows at the right height ��

Jack caught on to what he wanted, and helped arrange the pillows, then straddled Lennie�s shoulders, effectively standing on his knees, holding onto the headboard for balance.  This put his dick right in front of Lennie�s eager mouth.  Lennie�s arms wrapped around his thighs, pulling him closer, cupping his ass.  He moaned as Lennie took his turn getting to know Jack�s cock, kissing and licking lightly before finally sucking it into his mouth.  Jack glanced to the side and saw his reflection in the dresser mirror, his dick disappearing into Lennie�s mouth. 
�Oh, shit!�   The image turned him on even more than he already was. 

Lennie clearly knew what he was doing.  He took his time, his tongue swirling around, sending waves of pleasure through Jack�s body.  Every now and then he�d let go, switching to a soft licking of the shaft and balls which drew a deep moan from Jack.  But even with his nest of pillows, he was getting a bit tired, so finally he focused on bringing Jack�s climax, sucking him in deep, using broad strokes of the tongue.  Jack began thrusting toward him, more than ready for his release.  Lennie could feel him tensing up as it hit him, the hot stickiness filling his mouth.

When it was over, Jack collapsed back to the bed beside him, breathing hard.  Lennie also had to catch his breath from the exertion.  They just laid there for several minutes, recovering, Lennie�s fingers idly playing with Jack�s hair.   He finally broke the companionable silence.  �So, what�s for breakfast around here?�

Jack laughed, sitting up to kiss him.  �What do you want?  Besides REAL coffee?�
�Hey, you agreed it wasn�t bad.  And a LOT more convenient.�


By the time they were done with breakfast, it was more like brunch.  The sunny morning had given way to a spring thunderstorm, so they decided to stay in, dressing just in sweatpants.  They ended up back in bed, that being the only place to really watch TV from.  Jack was delighted to find a Buster Keaton festival on A&E.

Lennie raised an eyebrow.  �Silent films?�
�Yes!  Don�t tell me you�ve never heard of Keaton?�
�Only silents I ever saw was that stupid clown, whatsisname, Chaplin.�
�Well, there�s your problem.  You�ve never seen the good stuff.  Keaton�s a genius.  Chaplin made audiences feel sorry for his character; Keaton makes you think as well as laugh.  It�s a shame history forgot about him for a long while there.�

Jack settled back on the pillows and Lennie leaned against him.  Truth be told, he really didn�t care what was on the TV with Jack�s arms around him.  They got good and comfortable, and before Lennie knew it he was laughing along with Jack.  Whereas Chaplin�s comedy was a bit too melodramatic for Lennie�s taste, Keaton�s was spot on.  That deadpan expression as everything that could go wrong did was priceless.  It was a perfect way to spend a rainy Saturday afternoon.

When the last movie was over, Lennie felt Jack�s hands sliding over his bare chest.  Lips pressed against his neck.  Jack hugged him close.  �This is nice.�
Lennie sighed and leaned back against him.  �Yeah, it is.  You getting frisky again already?�
Jack laughed.  �Not really.  Just like touching you.�

Lennie carefully rolled over to face him and found himself immediately drawn in for a kiss.  They spent the next half hour just kissing and touching.  At one point, Jack gently rolled them over so he was on top, his legs straddling Lennie�s hips.  Careful not to put too much of his weight on the injured side, he ran his hands over Lennie�s chest, letting his fingers gently trace the scar.  Lennie saw the look in his eyes and caught his hand, bringing it to his lips.  �Don�t worry about it, Jack.  It�s healing fine.  Doc says one more week at home and I can go back to light duty at work.

�Yes, but ��
�But nothing.  I�d do it again exactly the same way.  And not just because you�re here with me now.�

Jack bent down to kiss him most thoroughly.  When he sat up again, Lennie smiled at him.  �So what�s for dinner?�

They both started laughing.  Jack crawled off, lying beside Lennie and pulling him close.  The kiss distracted them from the topic at hand for a while, but eventually they came back to it. 
�I actually haven�t been here much lately, can�t remember the last time I bought groceries.  For ME that is.  Really, I�m not much of a cook.  More likely to grab something out on the way home, or even more likely to order out from the office.�

Lennie chuckled.  �Yeah, I know what you mean.  I�ve done more cooking in the last two weeks than in the previous year, I think.  But you know what?  I think next week I want to make you dinner.�

Jack raised an eyebrow.  �What, feeling domestic?�
Lennie shrugged. �After all you�ve done for me lately, it�s the least I can do.�
�I can�t promise any specific time during the week.�
�I know.  So � next weekend at my place?�
Jack grinned.  They were actually planning for being together.  It felt really good.  �You�ve got a deal.�

They ended up ordering out and waiting in the living room for it to come.  Lennie chuckled at the untidy room.  �Do you have enough books?�
Jack laughed.  �With you it�s music, me it�s books.  I�ll read anything and everything.  Ever since I was a kid � it�s how I escaped.�
Something in the way he said it.  �From what?�
Jack looked down for a long moment before he spoke.  �My old man.�
Lennie started to see the picture.  �Oh.�  He slipped an arm around Jack�s shoulders.
Jack leaned against him.  �It�s OK.  He can�t hurt us anymore.  I really don�t like to think about it, though.�
Lennie gently kissed his forehead.  �I hear you.� 
Jack looked up at him, grateful for Lennie�s willingness to drop the subject, and found himself drawn into a tender kiss.

When dinner arrived, they skipped the dining room in favor of the small table in the kitchen. It felt much homier. In fact, Lennie was deciding that with the exception of the bedroom, this whole place just seemed too formal. It really didn't suit Jack at all. The dining room looked mostly unused except as a place to drop the mail. The desk in the living room was practically buried; he doubted it saw much real use, and the furniture seemed to be used more as something to toss the dry cleaning over than for people to sit in. Once again he was struck by how empty Jack's life had been since Claire died. The man worked long hours, went to the gym, and came home to hide alone in his bedroom. That's about it. He found it very hard to reconcile with the warm, affectionate man he had come to know.

"Lennie? You in there?"
Jack's words startled him out of his reverie. "Yeah, sorry."
"What were you thinking about?"
Jack had finished his dinner and pushed the plate aside, leaning his arms on the table between them. Lennie reached out and laid his hands over the forearms, letting his fingers wander softly. He smiled. "You. This place. It just doesn't seem to fit you."
Jack sighed. "Noticed already, huh? Claire used to hate this place."
"Well, then I'm in good company."
Jack laughed. "I bought it when Jeanne and I divorced, didn't really pay much attention, just wanted someplace reasonably close to work. Adam's wife picked out most of the furniture. I was too miserable to care."
Lennie nodded. "That explains it. And I know what you mean. You think you know someone, think you love them, then wham. Game over, time to start again. So how'd it happen?"
"I'm still not sure I really understand. She said I worked too much, was married to the job more than to her. She had been my assistant, she knew what the job demands. But once we had Kelly, it was like she expected me to change everything. I think she thought I was having an affair with my new assistant, too."
Lennie knew Jack's reputation with his female assistants. "Were you?"
Jack raised an eyebrow. "Et tu? No, not then. Afterward, yes, I figured if I was being accused I should at least get the benefits.�
Lennie chuckled and shrugged.  �You�ve got a point.�

Jack caught his hands.  �So what about you?�
Lennie rolled his eyes.  �Which one?  Hell, might as well start from the beginning.  First time out, I caught Judith cheating on me.  Looking back now, I guess she was as un-satisfied in the bedroom as I was, I just didn�t realize it at the time.   God, when I think of all the years I wasted chasing after the wrong dream ��

Jack was genuinely curious.  �You really had no idea?�
Lennie shook his head.  �Not a clue.  I think I just wouldn�t let myself see it.  That�s probably a large part of what pushed me into the bottle.  That, and life with Gloria.  God, that woman could complain ��  He laughed softly.

Jack grinned at him, nodding sympathetically, but then changed the subject back to what was really on his mind.  �Lennie, can I ask you something?�
�When you did figure it out.  It was with Cragen, you said?�
Lennie nodded, waiting for the real question.
�Did you ��
Lennie chuckled, realizing what Jack was asking.  �Not right away.  Don�t worry about it, Jack.  We don�t have to go there any time soon.  Ever, even.�
�No, I � I want to.  I�ve been doing some research online.  Lots of people seem to like it.  I won�t say I�m not nervous ��
Lennie pulled Jack�s hands to his lips.  �We�ve still got some time before I�m up to anything that � athletic.�
�I know.  But in a way, I�d almost rather get it over with, you know?  Having to wait just gives you more time to get nervous.�
Lennie got up and came around the table, holding out his hand. �Come on.  Let�s get comfortable.�
He led Jack back to the bedroom and piled the pillows back up.  �Let me hold you for a bit.  Here, lean against my stomach.  There, that�s good.�
Lennie was propped up on the pillows, with Jack�s head nestled in his lap.  His fingers laced through the thick hair.
He smiled. �OK, Jack. I know you�re curious.  You can ask me anything. Nobody here but us.�
Jack felt the heat rising to his face.  This was damned difficult to talk about.  �Well, I guess the biggest question is how do you like it?  What � what do you expect from me?�
Lennie�s right arm wrapped protectively over Jack�s chest.  �I don�t expect anything from you.  We�ll find out together what you like.  As to what I like, I like long walks in the park, sunsets, poetry ��
Jack laughed.  �OK, ok, I get it.  If I want a personals ad, I�ll buy a paper.�
Lennie chuckled with him.  �Seriously.  If you�ve been poking around the web, you�ve probably seen a lot of stuff, from the bizarre to the mundane.�
Jack did a double take.  �And how would you know?  You don�t even have a cell phone!�
�Hey, everybody knows that the internet is 90% smut.  And 90% of that is on the bizarre end of things.  I�m pretty much plain vanilla, Jack.  Not into kink, even mild.  I just want somebody to love and make love to ��
Cragen�s words came back to Jack:  //
He�s in love with you.//
�Lennie,� he asked softly.  �Do you love me?�
�Yeah.�  The arm over his chest tightened. �I have for a long time, Jack.  I just never thought I�d ever get to tell you.�
He held that arm close to his heart.  He wanted to say the words, but just couldn�t make his lips work.   Fingers caressed his face.  �Don�t worry, Jack.  You�ll find the words when the time is right.�
Jack contended himself by gently kissing Lennie�s fingers.  Finally he found his voice.  �You still haven�t answered my question.�
Another chuckle.  �Oh, yeah.  You�re asking if I prefer to give or receive?�
Jack nodded.
�Then the answer is yes.  Either.  I�m flexible.  Sounds like you�ve been thinking about this � you have any idea what you want?�
Jack shook his head.  �Giving seems more natural to me, more like what I�m used to.  But I have to admit to being curious about receiving.  Since I started thinking about this, that aspect fascinates me.  I�m not sure if it�s the fascination of a gawker staring at an accident, though ��

Lennie laughed.  �Does thinking about it turn you on?�
�Then we�ll deal with it when we get there.  It would be nice if I could keep an erection for more than 10 minutes ��
Jack squeezed his arm.  �You want to see if we can top that?�
Lennie chuckled.  �Not just yet.  In a little while. You first.  I can see this discussion got your attention.  Sit up for a minute.�

Jack sat up as Lennie repositioned against the pillows.  �Come sit in front of me.  I think I can take you leaning on me for a little while.�
Jack crawled between Lennie�s legs and leaned back against his chest, trying to keep his weight more to the right side.
Lennie�s long arms wrapped around him from behind and squeezed as his lips found Jack�s neck.  Kisses, licks, soft nibbles along his neck, up to the earlobe, back down to his jaw.  Fingers found his nipples, began rubbing and pinching them gently.

Jack moaned softly.  �Oh, man.  That feels good.  Hey Lennie � how come we spend so much time playing with their tits but then they ignore ours?�
Lennie chuckled.  �Don�t ask me.  Guess they think we have an inferiority complex or something.�  He pinched harder as his tongue traced the line of Jack�s jaw.

He spent a good long time like that, enjoying the feel of Jack in his arms.  For his part, Jack was amazed at how aroused he was getting from the upper body attention.  His breathing was becoming rapid and shallow, and Lennie�s hands hadn�t even gone below his waist yet.

When they finally did, he moaned happily.  Lennie chuckled in his ear.  �There you go.  You like it when I touch you like this, don�t you?�
�Oh, yes.�
Lennie�s hands rubbed him through the soft knit material of his sweats, slow and lazy.  The husky voice was back in his ear.  �I�m thinking about the first time we make love.  I hope it won�t be too long from now, because frankly waiting is driving me nuts.  I want you so bad, Jack.  I want to feel you inside me.  I want to give myself to you, totally.�
He felt Jack�s cock jerk inside the sweats as his words hit home, heard the soft sigh.
�I want you, Lennie.  I never thought I could want a man, but I do.  Oh, god, I do.�
Lennie gently kissed his neck.  �Oh, Jack, that makes me so happy.  I want to make it so good for you.  It will be perfect.  We�ll be over at my place.  I�ve got everything we�ll need.  It�s been a long time since I did it, Jack.  You�ll have to be gentle with me, open me up first.  Can you do that, Jack?  Can you touch me like that?�
�I � I think so.  You mean with my hands.  Fingers ��
�You have been reading!  Yeah, that�s it.  Does that make you nervous?�
�A little.�
Lennie hugged him.  �Don�t worry.  You�ll do fine.  You obviously seem to like the idea �� The cock under his hands was harder than ever, and a damp spot was forming on the sweats as the   pre-cum leaked out.  He pressed a little harder, and Jack moaned.
�I do.  I like it a lot.�
�Good.�  Lennie got quiet for a while as he turned his attention to the side of Jack�s neck.  He had found the spot right at the bend that was so sensitive, and was licking and sucking at it.  His hands finally slipped under the waistband of the sweats.
�Oh, Lennie.  Ohhhh ��
Lennie purred in his ear.  �Can you slip these off for me?�
Jack eagerly squirmed out of the sweats, kicking them off his ankles.  As he settled back against Lennie he realized that he could feel the bulge growing in his lover�s sweats.
�Feels like you�re getting there too.  Do you want me to ��
�Not yet, love.  I�m feeling a nice slow burn.  Make it last.  You first.�
He silenced Jack�s protest by gently caressing the now naked cock, turning the intended words into a sigh.  The warm, soft skin felt so wonderful under his fingers.  As another drop of pre-cum leaked out, he caught it on a fingertip and slowly spread it around, over the head. 

Jack moaned as Lennie played with his dick, light touches holding him in a state of blissful pleasure, not yet pushing toward his climax.  He felt like he was floating; he was happy and content.  Lennie�s mouth moved to the other side of his neck; he happily leaned the other way to give him better access.  One hand left his cock and slid back up his chest, hugging him close then seeking out a nipple.  �Oh, yeah,� he moaned as the fingers flicked over the tight nub. 

The hand on his cock slid lower, caressing his balls, adding yet another variation to his pleasure.  Then the voice was back in his ear as both hands returned to their primary focus.  �Mmmm, you�re so gorgeous, Jack.  I love your body.  So responsive.  I can�t wait to feel you inside me, Jack.  Oh, it�s going to be so good.  So good ��

Lennie�s words and his hands worked together to pull Jack out of the happy plateau, pushing him now toward his climax.  Faster, harder strokes, sending waves of pleasure through him until at last he exploded. �Oh god! Lennie!�

Lennie held him tight as the contractions shook his body.  He was so hard; he felt like he just might make it this time, if Jack didn�t take too long to recover.  But he wouldn�t push his lover; he let him lie there in his arms, catching his breath.

Jack could feel Lennie�s erection pressing into his back.  He desperately wanted to give it the attention it deserved.  So as much as he would have loved to just lie in Lennie�s arms for the next half hour, he sat up and turned around.

�Thank you.  That was amazing.�  He leaned in for a quick kiss, letting his hand slide over the tented sweats.  �But I think it�s your turn now.  No, stay there.�  He crawled out from between Lennie�s legs and helped pull the sweats off, using them to wipe up his mess, then resettled and began caressing the very hard cock.

Lennie sighed.  �Don�t dawdle, Jack.   I think if we just go for it, I might make it this time.  Just suck it, ok?�
Jack was happy to oblige, bending over and taking it into his mouth. 
�Oh, god, yes!  Oh, yeah, more with your tongue.  Yes.  That�s it.�
What Jack hadn�t yet mastered in technique, he made up for with enthusiasm.  More than anything, he wanted to give Lennie this pleasure.  So he sucked for all he was worth. He was rewarded by the sound of Lennie�s breathing, fast and shallow.  �Oh, yeah, Jack.  Keep going.  I�m getting there.  Oh, god, I�m getting close.  I�m gonna come, Jack!  I�m coming!�

All of his fears about swallowing disappeared in his desire � no, his NEED � to make this good for Lennie.  The hot sticky liquid flooded his mouth, choking him, but he kept going, sucking Lennie until the last spasm left him limp and exhausted.  Jack settled next to him, his head pillowed on Lennie�s stomach, one hand tracing lightly over Lennie�s chest.  They smiled at each other and Lennie�s fingers found their way into his hair.  This time the post-coital lassitude was irresistible; in minutes both were sound asleep.

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Chapter 10"

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Disclaimer:  These characters belong to Dick Wolf and NBC.  I'm just borrowing them for fun, not profit.
Unexpected Song (by Andrew Lloyd Weber, from Song and Dance)

I have never felt like this, For once I'm lost for words, Your smile has really thrown me.
This is not like me at all. I never thought I'd know the kind of love you've shown me.
Now no matter where I am, no matter what I do, I see your face appearing.
Like an unexpected song that only we are hearing.

I don't know what's going on, can't work it out at all, whatever made you choose me?
I just can't believe my eyes, you look at me as though you couldn't bear to lose me.
Now no matter where I am, no matter what I do, I see your face appearing.
Like an unexpected song that only we are hearing.
Unexpected Song
Chapter 9
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