A Matter of Trust
Jack woke up, surprised to find Lennie snuggled next to him.  In a moment he remembered their earlier exertion and smiled.  He looked at the clock - 4 in the afternoon.  What a day!

He glanced down at the man sleeping next to him and realized he had never slept with a lover before.  He remembered wondering that Friday night - a lifetime ago? - what it would be like to wake up next to Lennie.  He had his answer - it was rather nice.  Maybe he was getting too old for the one-night-stand game. 

He tried to shift without waking Lennie, but it didn't work.  Sleepy eyes looked up at him.  "Jack?"
He smiled.  "Hey there.  Looks like you wore me out!"
Lennie grinned at his teacher.  "So?  My turn?"
Jack laughed.  "Not quite yet.  You still have to pass the final exam - with no help from me."
Lennie's eyebrows raised.  "How much can you take in one day?"
The laugh turned into a deep, evil chuckle.  "How much can you give?"
Seeing the look of panic in Lennie's eyes, Jack relented.  "Seriously, I've probably just got one more good one in me.  It may take a while to get there, so just relax for a while.  In fact, how about I give you a nice backrub?  It'll relax you, and help get me going again."

Lennie groaned.  He had really hoped he'd get his now.  But he had to admit, he had a really good incentive for passing that final exam, and for getting Jack ready for it ASAP.  And since he'd been doing all the work, a backrub sounded like a nice payback in any event. 
"Oh, all right."
Jack laughed.  "You have to move.  I can't rub your back with you laying on top of me."
"Oh, yeah."  Lennie slid off of him, stretched out on his stomach.

Jack crawled on top of him, straddling Lennie's hips.  He grabbed a bottle of lotion from the nightstand, poured some over his hands and rubbed them together to warm it, then started spreading it across Lennie's back.  He took a good long time, feeling Lennie relaxing beneath him.  Just when he had Lennie lulled into a sense of security, he slid back, moving his hands down to the lower back and buttocks.  His touch changed, becoming much more erotic than medicinal.  He let his fingers slide, feather-light, over Lennie's ass.  Again, still barely touching. 

He'd definitely gotten Lennie's attention.  "Jack?"
"Shh.  Don't worry.  Does this feel good?"
"Uh, � yeah."
He let a finger slip between the cheeks, still touching lightly.  Lennie moaned softly.  He gradually intensified his touch, and leaned over to begin kissing and licking.

Lennie had never felt anything like it before; it wasn't a part of his body that usually got much attention.  He was actually a bit surprised to feel himself getting aroused again.  His breathing was getting shallower as Jack continued to kiss, lick, and nip at his ass.  A little bit of fear started to creep in.  "Jack?  What are you doing?"

"Don't worry, Lennie.  I won't hurt you.  I just want you to get used to being touched.  If you like it, I can go a little farther than you went with me earlier.  Not much.  OK?"

Despite the knot of fear in his stomach, Lennie nodded.  Jack's hands spread his cheeks wide and the hand pressed softly against him, rubbing around the sides of his hole.  Lennie moaned softly, surprised by how good it felt.  The fingers probed a bit lower, reaching forward toward his balls, not quite touching, rubbing the space between.  Again, a surprisingly pleasant sensation. 

Jack smiled as he heard the soft gasps and moans from his apprentice.  He continued gently probing Lennie's virgin ass, feeling himself starting to respond again.  He couldn't resist any longer; he began gently probing with his tongue. 

Lennie could feel the warmth of Jack's tongue as it teased around his hole.  It was an amazingly erotic sensation.  His moan encouraged Jack to focus more directly, pushing right on the spot, not quite enough to penetrate.  Lennie found himself squirming, wanting more.

Jack pulled away smiling.  That was enough.  He'd leave Lennie wanting more, and had achieved his goal of a partial erection.  Let his student finish the work�

When Jack stopped, Lennie was confused.  "Jack?  Why are you stopping?"

Jack chuckled.  "Your turn again.  I'm ready."

Lennie rolled over, his face a study in frustration.  "What?!"

Jack just grinned at him.  "You heard me.  Now move."

Lennie stared at him for a moment, then realized that it was time for the final exam.  He sat up, surrendering the pillows to Jack, and eyed his project.  Jack wasn't QUITE ready yet, but obviously it was up to him to finish the job.  Lennie leaned in and kissed him while stroking his growing erection with one hand.  As soon as it was big enough, he let go and sat up, reaching for a condom.  He slipped the rubber on and bent to take the semi-hard cock into his mouth. 

Jack moaned as a tongue swished along the sides of his prick, coaxing him to his full growth.  Yes, his student had learned well today.  He let himself fall into a hazy, dreamlike state, not thinking about anything, just enjoying the pleasure being visited on him.  He lost track of time as Lennie teased him, caressed him, kissed him, drawing him to the edge, then letting him rest, again and again.  His whole body was singing with pleasure, from taut nipples to deep in his balls.  Lennie even found a spot he'd never noticed before; right in the joint where thigh meets body.  He'd gasped and moaned as Lennie licked and sucked the sensitive spot while his hands gently stroked the throbbing dick. 

Finally, Lennie just couldn't wait any longer for his own release, so he found a stroke Jack particularly liked and kept it going, fast and hard, fingers teasing behind, until Jack came crashing over the edge again.  

Lennie crawled up to lay on the pillows with his teacher; both were exhausted and gasping for breath.  As Lennie's head settled on his shoulder, Jack's arm wrapped around him, pulling him close.  "Oh, fuck, yes.  I think you've got it, Lennie," he finally managed to get out.

Lennie laughed.  "Does that me it's MY turn now?"
"All right!  Just give me a few minutes, will you?"
"Jack!  I've been waiting all DAY!"

Jack looked at him and laughed; he almost sounded like a whiny child.  "Oh, all right already!"  He felt something tugging at his heart - a tenderness he didn't usually associate with sex.  Suddenly he wanted to make this extra special for Lennie.  He reached out and caressed the craggy face before him, leaning in for a gentle kiss.  He sat up, grabbing a condom and letting Lennie get comfortably settled on the pillows, then worked his way back down to Lennie's poor abused cock.  He quickly slipped on the rubber and went to work.  After all day, he knew the poor guy wasn't going to last long - the first time.  So he just went for it, giving Lennie the release he needed.

Lennie was kind of surprised when Jack didn't even try to keep him going, but he had to admit that it just would have driven him crazy.  He was surprised, however, when he felt Jack's fingers teasing at his ass AFTER he came.  He looked up to see the other man grinning down at him.  "You didn't think I'd let you off with just one, did you?  You were just wound too tight.  Besides, you'll last longer the second time around, AND enjoy it more."

"Oh �"  Lennie just laid there looking up at him.  Jack bent down and kissed him.  "So.  Do you want some more of what we were doing earlier?"
Lennie remembered Jack's earlier explorations of his backside.  "Oh, god, yes!"
Jack chuckled.  "OK, then roll over.  And give me one of the pillows."  He stuffed it under Lennie's hips, giving him better access to his target area. 

Lennie sighed as he felt Jack's hands again caressing him.  He was almost afraid to admit to himself how much this turned him on.  Maybe it was because it was so new and exciting, maybe because it was supposed to be 'off limits,' he didn't know, he just liked it.  For a few minutes, warm hands softly explored him.  Then a tongue started at the base of his spine and worked downward, not quite going into his crack.  Lips pressed against his skin, roaming over his cheeks.  Every now and then, teeth scraped him instead of soft lips, changing the sensation entirely.  Finally, hands pulled him apart and the tongue started at the base of his spine again, this time not stopping until it was right over his hole.  It teased all around before finally pushing against him.  Lennie moaned, his breathing already soft and shallow.

Jack smiled at the sound; it was apparent that Lennie was really liking this.  He bent over again and resumed licking, probing, while letting his right hand slide down to caress the skin between ass and balls.  That got another moan.  He pushed harder with his tongue, just barely pushing in. 

"Oh!"  came the startled cry.  Jack withdrew, went back to licking, now reaching down to fondle the balls.
"No!  Don't stop!  That was good!"
Jack didn't say anything, but gently pushed back in.  This time the response was more of a whimper.  He held still for a bit then began moving his tongue around, gently stretching the opening.  He let his hand slide even further forward, found that Lennie was definitely back for round two.  He kept it up a little longer, then sat up.

"Why did you stop?  That feels good �"
Jack chuckled.  "I'd like you to roll over on your back.  I can go down on you and still play around back there."
"Oh!  Wow, that would be intense �!"
"Yeah.  That's the idea.  So move!"

Jack removed some of the pillows so Lennie could lie flat on his back, with a couple stuffed under his hips to bring up the 'back door.'  Jack grabbed a condom and settled into place.  Lennie was good and hard again, so he slipped on the condom and began gently teasing with his fingers and tongue. He took his time, applying all the techniques he had taught earlier.  Tongue swishing from side to side, fingers probing downward. 

It was Lennie's turn to feel swept up in the wave of pleasure consuming his body.  Strangely, he found his attention focused more on the sensations below than those on his cock.  Although the combination was about the best thing he'd ever felt. 

After a while, Jack took a break and moved to his upper body, teasing at his nipples for a while then finally kissing him.  "So.  How much do you want, Lennie?  You like it like this for now, or can I slip a finger inside?"

He couldn't help the gasp triggered by the idea of that finger.  "Will it hurt?"
"Probably not.  Hell, your doctor's probably done it lots of times."
"Oh, yeah.  Not like this, though."
Jack laughed.  "No, not like this.  You seem to be liking it, Lennie.  Your call."
Lennie thought for a moment, then realized he was over-analyzing.  He wanted it.  "OK, do it."

Jack smiled and worked his way back down Lennie's body, lingering for quite a while over his cock. But finally he sat up and reached for a bottle of lubricant.   After getting his finger nice and slick, he spoke softly.  "OK, Lennie.  I want you to pull your legs up.  Yeah, that's good.  OK, now just relax."

Lennie felt the coolness of the lubricant being rubbed over him, then the pressure of the finger.   He moaned as Jack pressed it in.  He was right - it didn't hurt at all.  Felt a little strange, but in a good way.  When Jack's other hand started moving over his cock again, he sighed.  "Oh, that feels so good."

Jack chuckled, and began slowly moving his finger, thrusting gently in and out, then bent over to take Lennie's cock back into his mouth. 

"Oh, god!"  Lennie groaned as Jack sucked him while fucking him with one finger.  It was too much for him.  His climax snuck up on him, coming almost out of nowhere.  He cried out as it shook him.

Jack gently eased his finger out and pulled the pillows out of the way so Lennie could lie flat.  Jack stretched out alongside Lennie.  "You ok?" he asked softly.
Lennie just nodded. 
Jack gently caressed his cheek.  "That was beautiful."
Lennie felt himself blushing.  "Don't know if I'd say that �"
"You didn't see it.  Trust me."

They lay there relaxing for a while.  Finally Lennie asked the $64,000 question.  "So.  Does this mean next time �?"
Jack smiled at him.  "I'd say so.  Unless you really don't want it?"
"No, I want it."  Lennie answered almost too quickly.  // I really do! //
"Then yes.   Next time."

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Chapter 11

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Disclaimer:  These characters belong to Dick Wolf and NBC.  I'm just borrowing them for fun, not profit.
Chapter 10
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