A Matter of Trust
Lennie groaned as he opened his eyes only to be blinded by sunlight.  // Shit.  Must be pretty late � // The sun didn�t get to his bedroom window until rather late in the morning; he was rarely there long enough for it to bother him. But last night, he hadn�t fallen asleep until well after 2AM; he wasn�t too surprised when he looked at the alarm clock and saw it was almost 10AM.  // Great.  Gonna be hell getting up at the crack of dawn tomorrow � // He sighed and crawled out of bed, heading for the bathroom.

Still half asleep, he turned on the shower and climbed in, hoping the hot water would help wake him.  He was just beginning to feel human again when a series of thunking sounds preceded a loud clang and the water suddenly stopped.  Or, at least stopped pouring over his head.  Instead, it was spraying out of the joint between the shower head and the wall, right over the shower curtain, out into the bathroom, right onto his towel. 

�Oh, hell!�  He swore as he spun around, trying to hit the little thingy to divert the water back to the tub.  He found it, shutting off the spray, then shut the water off.  Pulling the shower curtain aside, he realized the bathroom floor was soaked, as was his towel, and there was still shampoo in his hair.  This day was NOT starting well �

He carefully stepped out of the tub, trying not to slip on the wet floor.  //
At least I�m not worried about dripping all over everything! // Naked and dripping wet, he made his way out to the small linen closet in search of another towel.  Finding one, he dried off and wrapped it around his waist then wandered in to the kitchen.  The kitchen sink had one of those hand sprayers; it was a little awkward, but he managed to get the shampoo out of his hair.

Once that was done, he was on the phone to the landlord.  Who of course was not available.  Lennie sighed and went back to the bathroom to see what he could do about the mess.  Which had gotten worse; it looked like the messed up water pressure had caused the toilet to back up, further flooding the floor.  At least it was clean water; he remembered once when raw sewage had backed up into their house when the girls were little.  That had been a real mess.

The water was spreading out into the hall, so he grabbed his already wet towel and threw it down to absorb as much as it could at the doorway.  The one around his waist soon joined it.  Together they seemed enough to prevent a river from forming in his hall, so he left them there and went to get dressed.  As he reached for an old pair of jeans, the phone rang, and he spent the next half hour yelling at his landlord, who finally agreed to have a plumber come by as soon as he could find one.

Finally dressed, he ran a comb through his hair and realized he�d missed some of the shampoo.  There was nothing he was going to do about it now, so he just dried it a little more and shoved it into place with the comb.  His head was throbbing and his stomach was complaining about the lack of breakfast.  When the phone rang again, he answered it with a curt �What the hell do you want?�

Somewhat taken aback, Jack quietly said �Having a bad day, Lennie?�

Realizing who was on the other end, Lennie took a deep breath and let it out as a sigh, calming himself.  �You could say that, Jack.  Middle of my shower this morning, the plumbing decides to go crazy, my landlord doesn�t want to pay for emergency repairs, and every towel I own is sopping wet and the bathroom floor is still wet ��

Jack grimaced, picturing the mess.  �Ouch.  You want some help cleaning up?�

Lennie leaned back in his chair tiredly.  �What I really want right now is breakfast ��

Jack chuckled.  �It�s closer to lunch, Lennie, but I think we can manage something. Why don�t you put on a pot of coffee and I�ll be over with the rest in about half an hour, OK?�

True to his word, about 30 minutes later Lennie heard the motorcycle come to a stop in the back alley.  A few minutes later a knock at the door and Jack breezed in with hot bagel sandwiches and a fresh cantaloupe.  Lennie gratefully accepted one of the sandwiches while Jack hacked the melon in half.  The coffee had helped some, but the food really improved his mood.

�Thanks, Jack.  I needed that ��
Jack chuckled.  �I could tell.  Good thing it wasn�t Van Buren calling you this morning!�
Lennie cringed as he remembered how he had answered the phone.  �Oh, god!  That would have been a mess ��
�Yeah, well, you�re lucky it was just me.�
Lennie smiled at his friend.  �That I am.�  He sighed, rubbing his temples; the headache was mostly gone, but not quite.

Jack got up, coming around to stand behind Lennie�s chair.  He pushed Lennie�s hands away.  �Here, let me do that.�

Lennie sighed, leaning back into Jack�s tender ministration.  Long fingers massaged his temples,  over his forehead, sliding up into his hair.  He felt himself truly relaxing for the first time since he woke up.

Jack smiled, glad that he could give his friend some comfort.  But before Lennie could fall asleep, he squeezed the now relaxed shoulders and let go.  �Come on, let�s get this mess cleaned up.�

They spent the next couple of hours tackling the bathroom, schlepping soggy towels down to the laundry in the basement and back up, and dealing with the plumber when he finally got there.  Lennie was really glad Jack was there with him; what would have been a tiresome chore became almost fun as they worked together, joking and laughing.  Jack made an off-color comment about men being used to dealing with �leaky pipes,� which set Lennie off, and for the next hour they traded raunchy jokes, laughing themselves silly.

When everything was finally back to normal, they ordered some Chinese in and collapsed in the living room.  When he finished eating, Lennie stretched out on the couch.  �Oh, god that feels good ��

Jack eyed him from the chair.  �You ok?�
�Think I pulled something in my back earlier.�
�Want me to see if I can work the kinks out?�

Lennie remembered the feel of Jack�s hands on his headache this morning.  �Oh, god, yes!�  He even made the supreme effort to roll over onto his stomach.

Jack chuckled and got up, positioning himself over Lennie, one leg kneeling on the couch, the other on the floor.  He ran his hands over Lennie�s back, feeling for the knots below.

Lennie sighed happily as those strong hands began smoothing the tension out of his body.  For about 15 minutes, he floated in a blissful state of relaxation.  Somewhere in there, his shirt was tugged out of his jeans and warm hands found his skin.

Jack�s mind wandered as his hands wandered over the slender back below him.  This whole day had been special, just him and his friend.  He�d never had a friend like Lennie before, somebody he could really, totally be himself with.  Somebody he could tell dirty jokes with.  Somebody he could touch like this, giving comfort without worrying about hidden meanings.  It was nice �
And sexy.  He loved the feel of Lennie�s soft skin beneath his hands.  Almost without thinking about it, he let his hands slide down further, giving up the warmth of the naked back to rest on the denim-clad ass.  The massage continued as he kneaded and squeezed, but his touch had become less therapeutic, more erotic.  Lennie moaned softly.

�Jack?�  The soft voice was muffled by a pillow.
�Yeah, Lennie?�  he answered softly.
�That feels real good ��
�Glad you like it.�
Lennie�s legs spread apart, hinting how much he liked it.  Jack�s hands worked their way down, caressing the thighs, working inward, finally rubbing between the spread legs.  
�Oh, yeah ��

He could feel Lennie getting hard inside his jeans, and realized he wasn�t the only one.  This gentle touching was driving him crazy; so different from how he usually approached sex.  Lennie lifted his hips, almost begging Jack to keep going.  How could he refuse?  His left hand slid down and forward to gently massage Lennie�s package while his right stayed higher, rubbing the seam between the cheeks.  He smiled as he remembered how turned on Lennie had been yesterday afternoon. 

Wanting Lennie to know he was just as turned on, he slid his hands back up the long body as he lay on top, nestling his hardness right over Lennie�s ass.  His hands again slid under the soft knit shirt as his lips sought out Lennie�s neck. 

Lennie moaned as he felt Jack�s weight settle over him.  He was surprised to feel the warm lips against his neck.  He felt Jack�s desire, but he also felt something else; the tenderness of the kiss, the closeness of the contact, the feeling of being enveloped by his lover.  It was intoxicating. 

A soft voice right by his ear whispered, �I want you, Lennie.�  To emphasize the point, he felt Jack grinding his hips, pushing against him.  In answer, he eagerly pushed back. Jack kissed his neck once more then almost reluctantly got up.  Lennie followed him back to the bedroom.

Jack started unbuttoning his shirt, but Lennie stopped him.  �What�s the rush?� he asked softly.  He pulled Jack close, kissing him tenderly before leaning back.  He pulled Jack down to the bed and began slowly unbuttoning his shirt while resuming the kiss.  Jack lay there helplessly as Lennie slowly laid bare his chest, leaving a trail of kisses along the way.  He let Lennie tug the shirt out of his jeans.

Lennie sat up to let him slip out of the sleeves, at the same time pulling his own shirt over his head.  Jack couldn�t help reaching out to touch the warm skin and the soft tangle of gray hair that covered Lennie�s chest.  Then Lennie�s arms were around him, drawing him back down to the bed.  They lay on their sides, facing each other, flesh to flesh.  Lennie�s lips again found his, this time more passionate, yet still tender.  Jack couldn�t remember ever kissing like this �

Jack�s hands once more reached downward, cupping Lennie�s ass, pulling them close.  He could feel his partner�s arousal echoing his own.  Finally Lennie whispered into his ear, �I�m all yours, Jack ��

Those four little words conveyed such trust, such desire, that Jack almost choked on them.  Lennie let go of him, rolling onto his back, smiling at him.  His intention was obvious � it was time for Jack to take over.  Jack had to look away, stunned by Lennie�s openness.  He took a moment to compose himself, realizing that this wasn�t just another quick fuck.  This was Lennie�s first time, and he was trusting Jack to make it good.

Jack sat up, looking down into Lennie�s eyes.  Overcome by tenderness, he bent down and took the soft lips as Lennie had taken him earlier.  He kissed his way down Lennie�s chest, pausing for a while at each nipple, leaving it hard before moving on.  Finally his hands again caressed Lennie�s hardness, wringing a moan from his throat.  His long fingers expertly undid the button and zipper, slipping inside, drawing another moan from Lennie.  He eased the jeans and underwear down, slowly peeling them off, then adding his own to the discards while he was standing. 

Lennie�s eyes watched hungrily as Jack peeled off his jeans.  The sight of his hard cock sent a thrill down the cop�s spine as he realized where it would soon be.  His heart was hammering with excitement.  But more than that, he was delighted with Jack�s �presence.�  For the first time he felt a real connection with his lover on an emotional level.

Jack sat back down beside him, letting his hand caress Lennie�s dick.  �Um, do you have anything we can use for lube?�

Lennie blushed.  �Nightstand � picked some up this week, and some condoms ��

Jack laughed softly as he reached for them, then turned back to Lennie for a kiss.  Letting go, he looked into the eager eyes.  �You want to roll over?�

Lennie complied, sighing as Jack�s hand slid down his back and over his hip.  Jack took his time, just running his hands over the soft skin, sliding between the spread legs, softly teasing all around.  His tongue followed, dancing between Lennie�s balls and up to the tight pucker.  He was getting so turned on by all this, and something more, he couldn�t quite put his finger on it. 

The cool gel of the lube alerted Lennie that Jack was getting ready.  He let out a long slow breath as one finger slowly penetrated him.  �Mmmmm,� he sighed, letting Jack know it was good.  Much to his surprise, he felt Jack�s lips on his neck again as that long finger began thrusting into him, seeking out that sweet spot. 

�Oh, yeah!�  he shivered as Jack found it, angling to hit it again and again.  Jack�s tongue traced the line between neck and shoulder, setting off another shiver.  A second finger pressed against him and he nodded, gasping slightly as it pressed in.  The pressure felt strange, but still exciting as now the pair thrust slowly into him. 

Jack could feel Lennie�s muscles relaxing as he slowly worked him, stretching him.  He took the time to add a third finger, even though his own cock felt like it was on the verge of exploding on its own.  He wanted this to be so good for Lennie, he wasn�t taking any chances.  By the time Jack was ready to move on, Lennie was squirming around, all but begging for his release.

Lennie moaned when the amazing feeling in his ass disappeared.  But then his brain kicked in enough to realize that it meant that Jack was about to replace those fingers with something even better.  He looked to the side, seeing Jack wipe his fingers on a Kleenex.  Their eyes met, and Lennie nodded, acknowledging what was coming.  Jack�s fingers gently caressed his face, then he turned his attention back to the matter at hand.

Lennie closed his eyes as he felt Jack get into position behind him.  �Lennie? Up on your knees now, ok?�
He didn�t think he�d ever been so nervous, but somehow he complied, and felt the head of Jack�s cock pressing against his opening, the loose reservoir of the condom almost tickling.  His own cock was throbbing with every beat of his heart.

�OK, Lennie, just relax.�
He took a deep breath; Jack pushed in just as he let it out.  It hurt, not a lot, but it hurt.  But Jack held still, giving him time to adapt.  After a little while, the pain faded, mutating into a tingle of excitement as Jack�s hands softly caressed his buns.

�All right � more �� he managed to gasp out.
He groaned as Jack gave him what he asked for, rocking slowly, pushing in a little farther with each stroke until he was buried completely.  �Oh god!  Jack!  OH!�

Lennie had never felt anything like this before.  It was a feeling of fullness, and excitement, and connection.  And then Jack moved again, angling the thrust to nudge his prostate.  It felt like fireworks were going off inside his body.  He cried out with the joy of it.

Hearing Lennie�s cry nearly pushed Jack over the edge; there was such delight in that sound! He couldn�t wait anymore and began picking up the pace, thankful for the condom slowing him down.  Without it, he would have popped by now.  In no time at all, he was slamming forcefully into Lennie, eagerly seeking his release.  When he felt it coming, he reached around to grasp Lennie�s cock, adding some hand stimulation to try to bring them to completion together.  It worked; his touch was all it took to bring Lennie to an explosive climax.  The contractions of his body tipped Jack over the edge moments later.  And then they both collapsed into a heap onto the bed, bodies slick with sweat, breathing hard.  Jack rolled off to lay beside Lennie, looking anxiously for his reaction.

Lennie rolled over onto his back and realized that his come was now all over the sheets.  He�d have to change them before sleeping � //
who cares � // He saw Jack watching him and smiled, reaching out to brush the heavy silver bangs back from his lover�s forehead.

�Thank you.�

The simple words went straight to Jack�s heart, again forcing him to look away for a moment.  Finally he forced his eyes back to Lennie�s. 

�I enjoyed it every bit as much as you did ��
Lennie shook his head.  �You made it perfect.  I get the feeling you�re not usually quite so considerate ��
Jack shrugged.  �Wanted it to be good for your first time, Lennie.�
His eyes said it was more than that, and that was enough for Lennie.  He didn�t need to hear the words just yet.  �Still � thanks.�

He pulled Jack close and kissed him.  He thought about asking Jack to stay the night, but a) he didn�t want to spook him after this wonderful evening, and b) they both had to go to work tomorrow.  So instead, he just held him close for a while, pleased that Jack didn�t immediately bolt.  Eventually, they got up and Jack helped him change the sheets before getting dressed.  Lennie just grabbed his robe and walked Jack to the door, giving him a tender kiss goodnight. 

He fell into a sound sleep in minutes, a smile still on his lips.

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Chapter 13

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Disclaimer:  These characters belong to Dick Wolf and NBC.  I'm just borrowing them for fun, not profit.
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