A Matter of Trust
�Morning, Lennie!�

Lennie looked up to see Rey grinning at him.  //
oh great. // �Morning Rey.� 
Lennie sighed.  He knew exactly what Rey was asking about.  He�d thought about it yesterday, knowing that it really might help to have somebody to talk to about this.  But he just wasn�t quite ready himself. 
Rey took his hesitation for bad news.  �Friday didn�t go well?�
If he said no, would Rey drop it?  Did he want him to drop it?  He hedged.  �Yes and no.�
Now Rey was confused.  �What does that mean?�
�It means I�m not quite ready to talk about this yet.  This is different, Rey.  I � I promise I�ll let you in on it soon, but I�m just not quite ready yet.  OK?�
Curtis looked at his partner, wondering just what was going on here.  �Lennie, you don�t have to tell me anything.�
�No, Rey, I want to.  Really.  Just not yet.�
�OK, Lennie.  Business as usual today.�

Luckily, it was a fairly busy day, not giving Lennie time to think about his personal issues.  Until about 2:30, when Van Buren came over to them.  �DA�s office wants to see you two about the Greenberg case.  Seems they�ve come up with a new theory and want you to track some things down.�
Curtis groaned.  �Great.  I suppose they mean now?�
Van Buren nodded. 
�Come on, Lennie.  I�ll drive.�  He made a point of not mentioning the look on Lennie�s face when their boss mentioned the DA�s office �

Lennie was glad Rey offered to drive; his concentration was shot.  He wondered how he was going to deal with Jack �

The rest of Saturday had been OK; they ordered a pizza and settled in to watch the ballgame on TV, just a couple of buddies killing time on a Saturday afternoon.  Jack had been true to his word, keeping it �just friends.�  Truth be told, Lennie had enjoyed the feeling of normality.  But when he got up to go home, things got awkward.

Jack followed him to the door, grabbing a plastic shopping bag with the clothes he�d borrowed the day before.  �Don�t forget these.�
�Oh, yeah.  Thanks.� 
Jack laid a hand on his arm.  �Lennie, are you going to be ok?�
�Yeah, sure, Jack.   Don�t worry about me.�
The look on McCoy�s face said that wasn�t a likely outcome.  But he knew Lennie needed some space right now.   He nodded.  �When you�re ready, give me a call, OK?�
�Yeah.  I promise.�

But of course he hadn�t called on Sunday.  He�d spent most of the day thinking about just what he was getting himself into.  There was no question � it scared him.  And yet, he also couldn�t help thinking about how he had felt yesterday, lying there with Jack.  Sex had never been so exciting, so REAL.  This was what he wanted.  He just wasn�t sure he could afford the price tag�

So now he sat in the car and wondered what was going to happen when he walked into Jack�s office.  He felt guilty for having not called.  He was afraid just seeing the man would get him aroused.  And how he was going to concentrate on the Greenberg case with all this other crap rattling around his brain was beyond him.

Rey cast a glance sideways at his partner a couple of times during the drive over to One Hogan Place.  Lennie definitely looked pre-occupied.  Rey was starting to wonder if Lennie�s hesitancy to talk this morning was because his Friday evening plans had included somebody from the DA�s office.


Jack was reading a brief on another case when Jamie poked her head into his office. �Briscoe and Curtis are on their way over to talk about the Greenberg case, Jack.�

He looked up at her, nodding.  �Good.  The sooner we can pin that down, the better.�  He couldn�t keep a small smile from his lips as it sunk in that Lennie was coming over.  Their little �encounter� this weekend had surprised him, both by it�s very existence and by how much he enjoyed it.  It was almost like taking an apprentice; showing his friend the ropes, as it were.  Watching him open his eyes to the possibilities.  He hoped Lennie got over the worries their �safe sex� discussion had triggered soon; he was really looking forward to their next �lesson.� //
OK, Jack, keep your mind on your work. //

But as much as he tried to keep things professional, he still felt a thrill as he spotted the detectives walking toward his door.  His eyes went straight to Lennie, absorbing the picture of him standing in the doorway.  He looked uncomfortable.  //
Is it me making him uncomfortable? // Jack quickly looked away, not wanting to be too obvious. 

Luckily, Jamie had jumped in and started the discussion while he was busy watching Lennie.  She had a new theory of this case, same suspect but an entirely different reason, since they hadn�t been able to find evidence of the previous motive. 

One look at Lennie as they walked into the room told Rey that his partner wasn�t going to be any use for the business end of this meeting, so he got out his notebook and started taking notes.  Lennie was going to need them.  But even though he was paying extra close attention to Jamie, he did notice that Jack also wasn�t actively participating.  Rey was pretty sure that when they had first come into the room, McCoy had given Lennie a good once-over before abruptly looking away.  The pieces of the puzzle were falling into place.

As Jamie was outlining her new theory, Lennie gratefully noted that Rey was taking notes, because he was finding it very difficult to concentrate.  Just seeing Jack had produced the result he had anticipated; he felt himself getting hard.  He tried to pay attention to Jamie, but his eyes kept sneaking back to McCoy.  He looked so relaxed, so confident.  Lennie wondered if he was having the same reaction, but since the desk was between them, he couldn�t tell.

Jack gladly let Jamie run the meeting, paying just enough attention to nod in all the right places.  He�d had attractive men in his office many times before, and never responded like this.  He�d always been able to separate business and pleasure.  But this � this was different.  This wasn�t just an attractive stranger he might fantasize about later.  This was someone he didn�t have to fantasize about � he�d seen the body beneath the clothes, and liked it.

He noticed Lennie shifting in his chair, and couldn�t help sneaking a look � yes, trousers noticeably tented.  He was glad he was hidden behind the desk, although the smile that crept onto his face might have said too much.  Lennie WAS still interested.  Good.  Maybe he could do something to move things along quicker, help Lennie get over his fears.  After all, he was the experienced one, the teacher.  Maybe he shouldn�t wait for Lennie to call.  Maybe he should call him tonight.  Don�t push him, just help him want it enough to let it happen.  Phone sex?  Nothing safer, nothing to be afraid of.  Yeah, give him a nice fantasy to jump start things �

Rey noticed an almost predatory smile creep across McCoy�s face as he gazed at Lennie.  //
OK � //  Lennie still looked uncomfortable, so Rey decided to do something about it. 

Finally the meeting ended, and they got up to leave.  Waiting at the elevator, Rey stopped short.  �Damn.  I left my notebook back there.  I�ll be right back.�  He tapped on the door to McCoy�s office.  �Jack?  I left my notebook here.�

McCoy absently waved him in, having already slipped into a fantasy of the phone call he�d make this evening.  Curtis grabbed the notebook, then leaned over McCoy�s desk.  �Jack?  Look, I don�t have all the details here, but I know something�s going on between you and Lennie.  Whatever it is is your business; but understand this.  Don�t hurt him.  Do I make myself clear?�

McCoy looked up at the detective, his happy fantasy completely abandoned.  Curtis� face made his intentions entirely clear.  Jack nodded.  �Believe me, Rey, that�s the last thing I want to do.�
As he said it, he realized just how true it was.  Lennie�s friendship already meant a lot to him. 

Rey saw something in McCoy�s eyes change, as if he were surprised to find he really meant it.  It was enough to convince him.  He nodded, and went back to the elevator where Lennie was waiting.

Driving back to the 27, Lennie was still quiet.  Rey tried to draw him out.  �Lennie?  You all right?  You were awfully quiet during that meeting.�

What Lennie really wanted was to get home.  Seeing Jack had left him wanting more than visual stimulation.  But unless he was going to tell Rey, he needed to distract his partner from that line of questioning.  �I�m fine.  Something from lunch must have disagreed with me, I was kinda out of it back there.  Sorry.  Look, this was important enough for them to drag us over there, let�s see what we can come up with for them, OK?�

Rey knew it didn�t have anything to do with lunch, but he decided to not push things.  When Lennie was ready to talk, he�d be there.


It was after 8 PM when Lennie finally trudged up the stairs to his apartment.  Jamie had been right about the case; they had found a definite trail leading to her alternate theory.  Lennie was glad Rey hadn�t made a fuss about his inattention during the meeting; he�d just handed Lennie his notebook as they drove back to the station, and they�d been lucky enough to pick up a lead right away. 

Now he was tired; not enough to go to bed, but definitely enough to just vegetate on the couch in front of the TV.  Coat hung up, necktie stuffed in the pocket, he flopped down on the couch and turned on the idiot box.  Channel surfing turned up nothing of interest, not even a ballgame.  He sighed and shut the thing off. 

His mind wandered back to the meeting this afternoon.  It had been such a turn on seeing Jack again.  He wondered what was going through Rey�s mind after that; he was pretty sure he wasn�t buying Lennie�s lunch excuse.  But he was being damned nice about it.  Maybe tomorrow he should tell his partner.

Even now, his mind kept going back to how Jack made him feel.  In bed last Saturday, just seeing him in the office today.  He started to feel it again just thinking about it. 

The ringing phone startled him.  He hesitantly picked it up, wondering who it was.  �Hello?�

�Lennie?  It�s Jack.�
�Oh!  Uh, hi, Jack.  I was just thinking about you.�  //
great, Lennie, give it all away! //
Jack chuckled.  �Oh?  And just what were you thinking?�
�Um ��
�It�s ok, Lennie.  You can say it.  You were thinking about how turned on you were this afternoon.�
�You could tell?� 
�I noticed.�
�Oh, geez.  Was it that obvious?�
�I knew what I was looking for, Lennie.�  He decided not to mention his partner�s apparent awareness �
�You were looking for it?�
�Of course.  I was hoping you weren�t scared off.  I�ve decided I like teaching you.�
Jack laughed again.  �In fact, I think it�s time for another lesson.  Tell me, Lennie.  Thinking about me now.  Are you getting hard?�
�Oh, yes!�
�Good.  So am I.  You know what I�d like to do right now?�
�Where are you sitting?�
�On the couch.�
�I�d kneel on the couch, straddling you, and kiss you so hard you�d be gasping for air.  My hands are on your shoulders, and my groin is pressing into yours.�

Lennie couldn�t help envisioning the scene in his mind as Jack�s voice continued.  �My hands are sliding over your shoulders, unbuttoning your shirt, pulling it away from your skin.  I�d bend over and kiss your neck, sucking hard, marking you.�

�Oh  �.�  The soft moan escaped his lips as he imagined Jack touching him.

�You like that, don�t you Lennie?�
�Oh, yes ��
�Good.  Will you unbutton my shirt?�
�Talk to me Lennie.  What are you doing?�
�Sliding my hands over your chest.  So smooth.�
Another deep chuckle.  �Put your arms around me, Lennie.  Pull me down so I can feel you beneath me, between my legs.  Push up against me.�
�Oh, yes!  Yes!�
�Be my hands now, Lennie.  Unzip your pants, pull it out.�
Lennie moaned as he did as he was told.
�That�s good.  You�re good and hard, aren�t you?�
�Uh huh.�
�Just like you were this afternoon in my office.�
�You want it bad, don�t you Lennie?�
�You know what?  I do too.  I�m naked, Lennie.  Naked and hard for you.  I want to hear you come, Lennie.  Can you do that for me?�
The sudden change of vision, seeing Jack naked in his bed, sent a jolt through his system.  His hand took over almost automatically.  �Oh, yeah!�

Jack listened in delight as Lennie�s breathing became rough, punctuated by moans and groans of pleasure.  He caressed himself lightly as he focused on the other end of the phone line.  �That�s it, Lennie.  Come for me.  You�re getting close, I can hear it.�

�Yessssss!!!!�  The cry was followed by several gasping breaths as Lennie leaped joyously over the edge.  �Oh, god!� 

�Mmmmm.  That sounded like fun.�

�Oh, it was.�  Lennie was still trying to catch his breath.
�Good.  You probably want to get some rest after that, so I�ll say good night.  Sweet dreams, Lennie!�

The phone line clicked as Jack hung up.  Lennie stared at it, not entirely sure what had just happened, but he had a feeling Jack was going to play the starring role in his dreams tonight.

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Disclaimer:  These characters belong to Dick Wolf and NBC.  I'm just borrowing them for fun, not profit.
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