A Matter of Trust
Lennie fidgeted with his coffee, taking his time adding the cream and sugar, getting it JUST right.  Rey watched him with a bemused smile, knowing exactly what he was doing.  Stalling.  They had been running all over the city this morning and had finally called a break at a not-too-yuppie coffee shop. 

Rey gave up waiting and went to grab a table, as far away from the other patrons as possible.  When Lennie finally joined him, he decided to start the conversation.  He had a feeling Lennie wanted to talk about this, but just didn't know how to start.  "So Lennie.  You going to tell me already?  Or do I have to tell you?"

Briscoe's eyes shot up, startled by his partner's words.  "Ok, Mr. Know-it-all.  You tell me."

Rey gave him a look that said 'if you insist �' then shrugged.  "It's McCoy."

Lennie felt all the blood draining from his face at his partner's words.  //
how did he know? // Curtis saw the fear reaction and hurried to calm his friend.  "Hey, Lennie, don't worry.  I'm ok with this, apparently more than you are."

Briscoe sat back in his chair, his heart pounding.  If Curtis had figured it out, maybe others would too �  And yet the knowledge that finally someone else knew, and didn't immediately reject him, calmed him.  When it came down to it, he trusted Rey.  Maybe he could even help?

He finally found his voice.  "What gave it away?"
Rey laughed.  "If you're worried about somebody else figuring it out, don't.  I had two advantages.  One, I knew about him.  And two, armed with that knowledge, I was watching you two at that meeting yesterday.  Do you even remember what we talked about?"

Lennie cringed.  "Was it that bad?"
"Hey, I had some clues going in.  Jamie probably didn't notice a thing."
Briscoe rubbed his eyes and took a long drink of the coffee.
Rey smiled and shook his head.  "You've never done this before, have you?"
"He's not pressuring you, is he?"
"Oh no.  No, it was my idea.  Really."
Rey gave him a good long look, decided he believed him.  "OK.  Cause I warned him yesterday that if he hurts you he answers to me."
Lennie's jaw dropped open.  "You didn't �"
"I knew something was going on, Lennie.     I wasn't sure what, but I wanted to make sure he knew you had backup."

Lennie couldn't believe it.  His partner's gesture of solidarity touched something deep inside.  "Thanks, Rey," he said softly.

Curtis grinned at him.  "So, do I get the whole story now?"
Over the next hour, he told how their friendship had started that Sunday afternoon, and grown throughout the week as Lennie worked up the courage to say something about his most private fantasies.  The stormy events of Friday night, and finally Lennie's run-in with safe sex on Saturday. 

"It scared me, Rey.  I really hadn't let myself think about that side of things.  It was like my reality check bounced."
Ray chuckled.  Trust Lennie to come up with a wisecrack even now.  "It's not that bad, Lennie.  I mean, yes, you have to be careful, but if you are you should be fine.  You can control it."

Lennie stared at him.  "And just how do you know so much about this?"
"Joey Stevens.  My college roommate.  He was lucky, made it through the 80's all right.  It was really hard for him to adapt to safe sex, but when he saw so many people he knew getting sick, he did it.  Now it's like there was never any other way.  Like I said, if you're careful, it's no more dangerous than driving in this city, and you do that every day.  Hell, we face more immediate danger in our jobs, Lennie.  Yeah, the repercussions are scary as hell, but you can minimize that risk by your own choices."

Lennie was stunned.  "I never thought about it like that."
Rey smiled.  "So the real question is do you really want to do this?"
"I do, Rey."
Curtis nodded.  "Then unless I scared him off yesterday �"
Lennie blushed.  "I don't think so.  He called me last night."
An eyebrow raised, prompting Lennie to continue.  "Said he'd decided he liked teaching me.  Wanted to give me another 'lesson' �"
Rey chuckled.  "Phone sex?"  He didn't think it was possible for Lennie's face to get any redder.
Lennie just nodded.
"Well, then, I guess I didn't scare him off after all.  So what are you going to do?"
"I don't know.  I guess call him, make a date �"
"Tell him I'm sorry if I scared him.  Just taking care of my partner, you know?"
Lennie grinned.  "Thanks, partner.  Uh, can I ask you something?"
"I thought the church was pretty hard-line anti-gay.  I didn't expect you to be quite so � understanding."
Rey shrugged.  "Joey and I have been friends, good friends, for 15 years now.  He taught me that there is another side to this, a human side.  I guess I just decided to 'agree to disagree' with the church on this one."


Rey had made him call from his cell phone before they got back to the precinct so he wouldn't chicken out.  Jack had agreed to meet him at a restaurant near his apartment at 7PM, with the option open for dessert at home.  So now Lennie paced nervously across the restaurant lobby waiting for Jack. 

When the attorney finally entered, all of Lennie's tension and anger faded immediately as other emotions kicked in.  Primarily lust.  Kicked in hard.  Jack's grin looked absolutely edible.  "Sorry I'm late.  Got into a discussion with Adam, lost track of time."

Lennie raised an eyebrow.  "I'll forgive you this time.  But maybe after tonight you'll have better reason to remember our appointments �" He couldn't help grinning as he said it, and thoroughly enjoyed Jack's reaction.

He didn't even notice what he ate that night; his mind was definitely on other things.  Like Jack's leg, pressing against his under the table.  Or the way the lawyer sensuously licked the last of the sauce from his fork, his dark eyes drilling into Lennie's.  He didn't even complain when Jack picked up the check, as long as it got them out of there as soon as possible.

Finally they made it back to Jack's apartment.  As soon as Jack locked the door behind them, Lennie gave in to the desires that had been driving him crazy ever since he set eyes on Jack that evening.  He grabbed the attorney and pulled him into a very intense kiss, his hands sliding down to cup his ass.  He could feel Jack was as hard as he was, and that turned him on even more.

Hands began unbuttoning his shirt, pulling it out of his slacks, pushing it out of the way.  Sliding up his chest, stopping to play with his nipples.  "Oh!" he cried softly as he realized just how sensitive they had gotten.  It was like an electric jolt straight to his dick every time Jack pinched them.

McCoy's voice rumbled in his ear.  "Oh, you like that do you?  Good!"  Jack pulled away momentarily to relieve Lennie of the shirt and jacket that were definitely in the way.  Lennie took the opportunity to start in on Jack's shirt, and it was quickly cast aside as well.  Then they were back together, lips locked as tongues probed deep, a dance of ecstasy. 

It was more than Lennie could take.  "Oh, god.  Jack.  Please.  I'm so hard.  I want � I want you to suck me.  Please!"

Jack laughed.  "Come on then."  He led Lennie back to the bedroom, kissing him while undoing the belt and zipper.  He pulled Lennie's pants and underwear down and pushed him back to sit on the bed.  Kneeling before him he slipped Lennie's shoes off and slid off the rest of his clothes, pushing them aside.  He reached out and gently caressed the stiff prick in front of his face, wringing a deep moan from Lennie.  Reaching to the nightstand for a condom, he looked up into Lennie's eyes and saw the nod of acceptance.  Fingers quite used to the activity expertly slipped the rubber into place.  One last look into Lennie's eyes to verify willingness, then he bent to the task at hand. 

Lennie moaned as he felt the warmth enveloping him.  OK, it wasn't as good as a naked mouth, but pretty close.  All the more so because he could feel the rough stubble on Jack's cheeks grazing his thighs.  No, there was no mistaking this for anything he'd felt before.  A very talented tongue was swirling around him, sending waves of pleasure through his body.  Small sounds came from deep in his throat, alternating with sighs and moans, and deep, gasping breaths.  Jack brought him to the edge then slowed down, pressing hard at the base to pull him back a bit, just barely teasing with his tongue while his hands caressed the long legs. 

As he felt Lennie calming, he returned to his original focus, slower this time, drawing him back toward the edge.  His hands slid up Lennie's back, touching as much skin as he could.  He had Lennie moaning again in short order, writhing beneath him, begging for release.

But he still wasn't done.  This time he simply let go and got to his feet.  Lennie's eyes fluttered open, confused.  "Jack?"
"Shh.  Come with me."  Jack sat beside him and gently laid him back on the bed, helping him turn to get his legs up.  He leaned down and kissed his mouth hungrily, then trailed a line of kisses down his neck.  His lips lingered for a few moments on a tight nipple, drawing another moan from Lennie, then continued their downward path. 

By the time he got back to his target, he knew Lennie was ready to pop.  He sucked it in gently, gradually increasing the suction and motion.  The sound of ragged breathing was his reward.  Lennie was thrusting up to meet him now, faster, harder.  He went for the kill, sending Lennie crashing over the edge.

It felt like an eternity before Lennie could think straight again.  He laid there, gasping, feeling his body tremble with aftershocks.  He didn't even notice Jack removing the condom. Jack had laid down beside him and was gently running his fingers through the soft curls on Lennie's chest.  "Jesus Christ, Jack, what did you do to me?"

Jack chuckled.  "When you're good, flaunt it."
"You're damned good.  Jesus, I may never be able to walk again!"
Jack leaned over and planted a kiss on the tip of Lennie's nose.  "Flattery will get you everywhere."

Lennie laid there for a while, recovering his strength.  Finally, he rolled over to face Jack and let his fingers trail down the other man's arm.  Jack grinned at him.  "You feel up to reciprocating?"
Lennie grinned back.  "Oh yeah.  But you've got to lose these first."  He tugged at Jack's belt, surprised the jeans were still in place.

Jack rolled onto his back.  "Go ahead."  Lennie realized Jack wanted him to do the work.  Given what Jack had just done to him, it was the least he could do.  He suddenly found himself just a bit nervous, but found that it added an extra excitement to their play.  He reached down and started caressing Jack through the jeans, finding him every bit as hard as he expected.  Trembling fingers reached for the belt, pulling it open, then fumbling with the zipper.  He let his fingers slide over the soft cotton boxers for a moment, feeling Jack's dick jumping at his touch.  Finally he got up and reached around to pull the damned things off.  Jack had at least had the sense to kick off his own shoes somewhere in there; Lennie really hadn't noticed when.

While he was up, he reached over to the nightstand and grabbed another condom, pleased that his hand didn't shake.  He settled into place between Jack's legs and contemplated his target.  Big, but not too big.  Jack chuckled softly when Lennie licked his lips.  "Come on, Lennie.  You can do this.  I can see you want to."

Lennie took a deep breath and reached out to touch it, wanting to feel the warmth, the soft skin.  Yes, he wanted this.  He opened the condom and managed not to fumble too much getting it in place.  It felt weird putting it on someone else. 

Finally he bent forward and touched it with his tongue, licking tentatively at first.  The rubber gave a slightly odd taste, but it wasn't too bad.  He remembered his fantasy - a week ago? - when he had first thought about this.  The memory of how much that had turned him on gave him the final push to go for it.  He slipped his mouth over the head, swishing his tongue from side to side, then began plunging downward. 

Jack moaned.  "Oh, yeah, that's good.  Real good, Lennie.  Yeah, just like that."  The moans and sighs encouraged him, and it wasn't long before he felt comfortable doing this.  He figured out how to relax his mouth to take it all in without gagging.  He could feel Jack getting even harder and bigger as he continued sucking. 

Jack could feel himself getting close, but he decided to just let it happen this time; plenty of time to train his apprentice to see the signs and know when to back off.  Lennie had enough to worry about for now.  He did give a warning so the explosion wouldn't catch Lennie entirely off guard.

Lennie barely heard Jack's warning that he was about to come.  But he could feel things tightening up, was about to panic about swallowing when he realized one benefit of the rubber. He could feel Jack's dick jerking in his mouth as his cum poured into the condom.  Lennie kept going until he felt Jack relax beneath him, then slowly sat up, releasing him.

Jack smiled up at him.  "Not bad for a novice, Lennie.  You've got some natural talent!"
Lennie blushed.  "Nothing like you."
"You'll learn.  I'll teach you."
Lennie grinned.  "Sounds like fun."
"It will be."

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Chapter 9

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Disclaimer:  These characters belong to Dick Wolf and NBC.  I'm just borrowing them for fun, not profit.
Chapter 8
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