A Matter of Trust
Lennie was frustrated.  There was no other word for it.  After their session Tuesday evening, life conspired to keep them apart.  Wednesday night, Jack had to prepare for a court appearance Thursday.  Which ran over into Friday, killing Thursday night.  And Friday, Lennie had gotten caught by a late afternoon homicide and had to cancel at the last minute.  It had been 10PM when he finally got home.  But there was a message on his answering machine that made Saturday seem like it would never come �

"Lennie?  I had an idea.  I want to play a little game tomorrow.  You wanted me to teach you how to suck cock like a pro, so here's how it goes.  Be at my place by 10AM.  As often as I can manage it, you'll suck me off.  I'll give you advice and instructions.  But here's the kicker.  You don't get yours until I'm satisfied that you've mastered the skill.  And between times, I can do anything I want to you except touch your cock or fuck you, both to give you incentive to get it right, and to keep me coming back for more.  Sound like fun?  See you tomorrow at 10!"

By the time the message was done playing, Lennie had a raging hard-on.  Oh, tomorrow was going to be fun �


Promptly at 10AM, the doorbell rang.  Jack smiled as he opened it, letting Lennie in.  "Morning, Lennie."

"Morning, Jack."  The attorney was wearing a soft, silky robe the color of red wine, tied loosely at the waist, and apparently nothing else. "You didn't tell me this was a fancy dress party!"

Jack laughed.  "You like?"
Lennie reached out and ran his hands over the soft fabric covering Jack's chest.  "Yeah."
Jack chuckled as he pulled Lennie close, letting the detective's hands enjoy the feel of the silk over his body.  The kiss left them both more than ready.  Lennie pulled back.  "Oh, yeah.  I like."

He followed Jack back to the bedroom, watching eagerly as Jack crawled onto the bed.  A pile of pillows was already in place for him to lean against.  By the time Lennie's clothes had hit the floor, Jack was settled in comfortably.  He laughed softly as he saw the confused, startled look on his apprentice's face. 

"Jack?  What the hell?"  The robe had fallen open, leaving Jack's family jewels on display.  And that was a good word for it.  His dick was sticking out further than usual, and it had taken on a deep reddish-purple cast.  Around the base, Lennie could see a bright golden band.

"You've got your work cut out for you today, Lennie.  It's a brass cock ring.  Blood can get in, but not out.  Only way to get it off is to come, and that's going to take a LONG time, but feels damned good when you finally do.  More time for you to practice.  So you might as well get good and comfortable."

Lennie grabbed a condom from the nightstand, then crawled onto the bed and settled between Jack's legs.  He reached out a tentative hand, stroking the swollen appendage.  It looked painful to his eyes, but Jack seemed to be enjoying it.
"There you go.  Don't be afraid, Lennie.  Really, it doesn't hurt at all.  Just the opposite."

To prove the point, he moaned softly as Lennie bent over and licked him after settling the condom into place.  "That's it.  Start slow.  You know the spots, Lennie.  Along the vein.  Oh yeah.  Right around the edge there."

Jack kept up a soft running commentary while Lennie worked on him, giving suggestions, letting him know what felt good, very occasionally warning that something didn't feel so good.  He found a motion and rhythm that Jack seemed to really like, and kept at it for a while, until Jack stopped him. 

"That's good, and if you wanted me to come ASAP, I'd say go for it.  But the idea here is to make this last long.  So vary it, no matter how much I like it.  Make me start over again.  That's good, just switching to your hand for a while is a nice variation.  In fact, come here."

Lennie crawled up beside Jack, keeping one hand on that throbbing cock.  Jack pulled him down beside him, kissing him, while Lennie's hand continued to stroke him.  After a few minutes, he pulled away.  Lennie took the hint and slowly worked his way down Jack's body, dallying for a while at each nipple, tracing a line of kisses down chest, abs, stomach, and finally back to his cock.

Jack sighed happily.  "Now you're getting the idea.  Very good.  Now try this.  Don't take your hand away.  Let it take the shaft while you tongue the head.  Ahh, that's it.  Don't forget the balls, too.  Yesssss! Oh, yeah, you're really getting it now.  Oh, that's so good."

After about half an hour of this, Lennie's jaw was really starting to get tired, so he took another break, this time tracing the kisses up Jack's body.
"So how long can you last with that thing?"
"Over an hour sometimes.  Usually not quite that long."
He had to laugh at the look on Lennie's face.
"Jack, I don't know if I can last that long!"
A gentle hand caressed his jaw.  "I know.  You'll work up to it, though.  When you're ready to dive back in, just go for it.  Find that rhythm you had earlier �.  Oh, and if you really want to get me primed, slip a finger back to my ass.  You don't have to go in yet, just rub around the outside.  That really turns me on."
"Ok �"  Lennie sounded a bit dubious, but he'd give it a try.
Jack could see his reluctance.  "Go ahead, start now.  Just slide your hand down and back a bit.  Rub the skin between.  There you go - that's good.  Oh� oh yeah."
Lennie could see his whole body shiver as a probing finger teased at the rim of his asshole.  He could see how much Jack liked it, which bolstered his confidence.  He grinned and bent down to resume sucking. 

He ended up with one hand holding the shaft, while the other teased at balls and ass, and his mouth covered the sensitive head.  He found a rhythm and kept at it, and was rewarded by feeling Jack squirming beneath him, no longer a passive recipient, but now actively pursuing his orgasm.  

"Oh, god, Lennie, that's so good.  So good.  Don't stop, don't change anything now, just keep going."  His breathing was hard, ragged, as he thrust into Lennie's mouth. Thanks to the cock ring, even the end game took longer; it felt like an eternity to Lennie before Jack passed this final plateau and came crashing over the edge in a violent explosion.

It took quite a while for Jack to catch his breath.  "Lennie?  Get it off right away.  While everything's soft �"

Lennie realized his job wasn't quite done yet.  Sure enough, that explosion had taken everything Jack had.  Things were looking much more normal now.  He reached out and gently slipped off the condom, then extracted Jack from the brass ring.  He held it in his palm, looking at it.

Jack reached up and grabbed his arm, pulling him down onto the nest of pillows.  "Well done, Lennie." 

They laid there, side by side, recovering.  Jack rolled over, throwing one arm over Lennie's chest, letting his fingers explore.  He teased lazily at Lennie's nipples, not enough to get them hard, just enough to feel good, and get a response from the half-hard cock below.  Eventually, he leaned over and traced a line of kisses along the jaw, finally coming to an eager mouth.

Lennie rolled onto his side and let Jack pull him in to a deep, probing kiss.  He had lost his erection in the concentration on Jack earlier, but now it came back in full force.  And yet he had a feeling it wasn't his turn just yet; he doubted he'd 'earned' it this first time out.  But it felt good, so he just decided to enjoy it while he could.

Finally, Jack pulled away.  "I don't know about you, but I'm starving.  Lunch?"
Lennie laughed.  "Used a bit of energy there, did you?"
Jack shrugged.  "You did too.  You did good, Lennie.  You actually listened to what I was telling you.  You'd be surprised how many guys think they know how to give head just because they know what they like to receive.  It's not that simple."
Lennie nodded.  "I see what you mean.  I like a lot of the stuff you asked for, but not all of it."
"Exactly.  Come on, get up.  I have a present for you."

Jack got out of bed and reached into the closet, bringing out a box about 10" by 6".  It was tied together with a wide blue ribbon.

Lennie took it, surprised.
"Well, are you going to open it?"
He tugged on the ribbon, untying it and tossing it aside.  Inside the box was a robe exactly like Jack's but this one was blue silk.  He shook his head in wonder.  "Jack, it's beautiful."
Jack smiled.  "Put it on, and let's go get something to eat already!"


After lunch, they returned to the bedroom and set aside the robes.  Jack grinned.  "Now for a different kind of fun!"
Lennie raised an eyebrow at him.  "Um doesn't look like you're ready for round 2 just yet?"
Jack laughed.  "Nope.  That's why it's a different kind of fun.  You remember the rules, Lennie.  I can do anything I want to you to get me aroused except for those two things."
Lennie was suddenly feeling nervous.  "Just what did you have in mind?"
Jack answered him by leaning over and kissing him, hard.  He felt Lennie relaxing beneath him.

Jack sat up and gently laid a hand on Lennie's face.  He stroked the rough cheek for a moment and then slipped two fingers inside Lennie's mouth.  "Get them wet," he murmured.

Lennie wasn't sure where this was going, but he willingly went along with it, sucking and licking Jack's fingers.  After a while, Jack switched hands, then took both sets of wet fingers to his target - Lennie's nipples.  He tugged at them until they slid out of his slippery grasp, over and over again.  Lennie was beginning to writhe with pleasure when Jack stopped and bent over his chest.  He blew on the wet, sensitive nubs, wringing a startled cry from Lennie. 

Jack chuckled softly, enjoying the sight of his apprentice squirming with desire, knowing that his release was still hours away.  Rather than move on, he continued focusing his attention on those two tender spots.  He began softly chewing on one, while still pulling on the other.

Lennie's whimpering and moaning under his attentions had achieved his intended purpose - they were both getting good and hard.  Finally, Jack decided to let up. 
"OK, Lennie, NOW I'm ready for round two.  No ring this time, so you have to make it last all by yourself."

It took a few beats for Lennie to come out of the fog; the intense nipple stimulation had almost been too much for him.  He finally realized Jack was waiting for him and sat up.  His own cock was dripping, but it still wasn't his time. 

Jack settled back onto the pile of pillows as Lennie contemplated his assignment.  Playing with Lennie's tits had definitely gotten Jack in the mood.  Things looked much more 'normal' this time without the brass ring.  Lennie reached out and caressed it, glad for the return of the soft skin, no longer stretched like a balloon about to pop, and slipped a condom over it. He caressed it, licked, and teased with his tongue, taking his time. 

Finally he let his lips slide over the top and down the shaft.  Jack moaned happily.  "Hey Lennie.  I've got an idea.  Give me your left hand."

They had to reposition a bit, but ended up with Lennie lying at a 90 degree angle from Jack, head pillowed on his thigh as he sucked.  Jack took his hand and gently sucked a finger into his mouth.  Lennie caught on - he was supposed to mimic whatever Jack did to his finger.  Instead of just a traditional up and down motion, Jack used the flat of his tongue to rub the whole length of the side of his finger.  Lennie tried it and was rewarded by a deep moan. 

Jack was loving this new idea.  It was almost like giving himself a blow job by remote control.  Whenever he wanted to feel something different, he just changed what he was doing to Lennie's fingers.  And Lennie was definitely getting the idea, using his tongue in much more creative ways. 

But after a while, Lennie's shoulder started to ache from the odd angle, and he realized his jaw could use a rest too, so he pulled his hand away from Jack's mouth.  The wet fingers found their way to Jack's tits, giving him a taste of what he had been doing to Lennie earlier.  After a bit, Lennie let Jack's dick slide out of his mouth as he crawled up to blow on the tight nipples.  Jack shivered. 
Lennie chuckled.  "Turnabout is fair play!"
Jack laughed and pulled him down into a passionate kiss.  Lennie practically laid on top of him, their dicks pressed tightly together.  It was several minutes before Jack managed to realize that Lennie was sort of breaking the rules; his cock wasn't supposed to get any attention until he'd earned it.  //
well, he has earned SOME attention � // As long as he didn't get his release too soon.

Somewhat reluctantly, Lennie broke away from the kiss and worked his way back down to his primary target.  He again started with his hands, this time also working his way further south.  By the time he took the cock head into his mouth, he was caressing the heavy ball sack and rubbing the tender spot behind it. Jack moaned at the exquisite sensations.  He was really getting into it now, thrusting up into Lennie's mouth.  It took all his concentration to slip back into instructor mode.  "Lennie?  Uh � oh, god that's good.  Too good.  I'm getting close.  This is where you have to recognize to back off a bit.  No, don't stop altogether.  Just change on me again.  Go back to a more teasing touch.  There, that's it.  OK.  Keep me here, right near the edge, but not on it yet.  That's the real challenge.  Oh, yeah." 

Jack was still breathing heavily as Lennie teased him, using his hands instead of the warmth of his mouth.  Lennie watched intently, thinking about how his body responded when Jack had teased him earlier in the week.  He let Jack recover just a bit, then started in again.  And this time when he heard that really shallow breathing, he backed off on his own, again slowing down.  "Oh, yeah, Lennie.  That's it.  Very good."

Lennie grinned at the praise and decided that this time he'd go for the kill.  He put everything he had into it, both hands and his mouth.  As he felt Jack getting close, he reached back to his tight hole and pressed hard, just barely staying outside.  That sent him ballistic, and soon the condom was filled with his come. 

Lennie slipped it off and tossed it in the bedside trashcan, then crawled up to lie beside Jack.  Both were breathing hard from the exertion.  Jack smiled at him, inviting him to use his shoulder as a pillow.  Lennie snuggled close, happy to have pleased his teacher. This time, the concentration hadn't overwhelmed his own reaction to watching Jack's pleasure; he was still hard as a rock.  Was this enough?  His turn now?  He was still wondering as he drifted off into sleep �

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Chapter 10

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Disclaimer:  These characters belong to Dick Wolf and NBC.  I'm just borrowing them for fun, not profit.
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