Valentine's Day
Feb 14, 2001

A homecoming Jack will never forget.
Lennie spent the whole afternoon praying that they wouldn�t catch a call.  He desperately wanted to get out of there early today � Valentine�s day.  Jack was on his way home from the State Bar Assn Conference in Albany, and Lennie wanted plenty of time to get ready.  Abbie had helped him cook up the plan . . .

For once the fates were with him, and he bolted out of the precinct precisely at 5PM.  Ed just shook his head, wondering what his partner was up to, then decided that considering the date, he didn�t want to know.  REALLY didn�t want to know!

Once home, Lennie made their bed since he hadn�t bothered to that morning, then dug out an extra old sheet and threw it over everything.  Then he went into the kitchen and dug around in the junk drawer to find a pair of scissors.  He took them into the bathroom and decided, yes, I�m really going to do this. 

He had spent the past two evenings with Abbie, surfing the net and exploring the gamut of sex sites, learning about all the options out there for �non-traditional� sex.  With it being Valentine�s week, there were lots of suggestions about how to surprise your lover.  This one wasn�t strictly speaking �gay�; a guy could do this with any partner, but it was unusual enough that Lennie had never thought of it.  //
I�ve got to be the straightest gay man in the city! //  he thought with a chuckle.  But he was learning.

The idea was to pour chocolate sauce over his cock and let Jack lick it off.  But they said it was even better if there was no pubic hair to get in the way, and that shaving could be extremely erotic in it�s own way.  He stripped and sat on the toilet, using the scissors to trim the curly hair back as far as he could.  Shaving cream was next, working up a rich lather all around.  He was nervous, but could definitely feel himself getting excited.  He imagined Jack doing this next time, and before he knew it he was hard as a rock.  Next the razor, VERY carefully.  Finally, he stood, ducking into the shower, using the hand-held unit to wash away the mess.  //
Best damned $40 I ever spent! // he chuckled; they had gotten GOOD use out of that hand-held shower head!  He decided while he was there to take care of the rest, so he replaced the hand-held unit in its holder and reached for the soap.  He was astonished at how sensual the water felt running across his newly shaved skin.

He got out of the shower and dried off, ducking into the bedroom to grab his robe.  No need to dress, he�d be naked again soon enough . . .  He looked at the clock; it was almost 6PM.  Jack should be home soon.  He ran into the kitchen and put a small bowl of water in the microwave for a couple of minutes.  When it was hot, he opened the can of Hershey�s Special Dark syrup and set it into the bowl so that the hot water would warm it up and keep it warm until Jack arrived.  He preferred milk chocolate himself, but Jack liked the dark stuff.  He had been delighted when he found the dark syrup in the grocery store.

Last thing.  He propped the Valentine�s card up on the coffee table along with a plate with an arrow of chocolate sauce pointing toward the bedroom, then locked the front door and turned out the lights.

He took the bowl of chocolate sauce into the bedroom and set it on his nightstand.  He dug out a bunch of the cinnamon candles Jack had gotten at Christmastime and scattered them around the room, lighting them and turning out the electric lights.  Then he ditched the robe and stretched out on the bed to wait.  A few minutes later, the phone rang twice; Abbie�s signal that they were on their way.  He grinned; the anticipation was excruciatingly pleasant.  When he heard the key in the door, he poured the warm chocolate over his throbbing cock and couldn�t hold back a moan of pleasure . . .


Jack just didn�t know what to do.  He had been away for 3 days, 2 nights, their first time apart since they became lovers.  And he was coming home on Valentine�s day.  He HAD to do something special, but what?  At least with women, you had a formula; flowers, chocolates, dinner.  With Lennie, he had no idea.  Absolutely clueless.  After their time apart, he really only wanted one thing himself.  He was hoping Lennie had the same idea; a quiet evening at home in bed.

He pulled the car into the rental lot at Penn Station.  He signed off on the receipt and schlepped his luggage into the rental office.  He was surprised to find Abbie sitting there waiting for him.  �Abbie!  What are you doing here?� 
She was very glad that she had managed to develop a good poker face over the years; she couldn�t wait to hear from Lennie how this evening was going to turn out!  �Lennie had to work late; he asked me to come get you.�  Jack�s face fell with the disappointment.  It was all she could do to keep from laughing.  //
oh, you�re gonna be SO surprised! // She laid her hand on his arm.  �I�m sure he�ll get home as soon as he can, Jack.� 
He sighed.  �I know, I was just hoping that tonight . . .�

She led him to where her car was parked, and leaned in to unlock the trunk.  While Jack stashed his luggage, she hit the one-button preset on her cell phone with his home number programmed, and let it ring twice before snapping the phone shut.  On the way home, they talked about the conference; Jack�s presentation had been well received.  He finally asked, �So did you look in on Lennie for me?� 
Abbie had to bite back the grin.  �Yeah, we actually had dinner Monday evening.� 
�What, are you jealous?  You ASKED me to look in on him!� 
Jack laughed.  �OK, you�ve got a point.�
�He missed you.� 
oh, good. //  �Believe me, it was mutual.� 

Abbie dropped him at the front door of the building.  �See you tomorrow, then.  Thanks, Abbie!�  As she drove away, she burst into a fit of giggles.  //
oh god, I�d love to be a fly on the wall right about now! //

Jack unlocked the door to their apartment and threw on the lights.  He dropped his luggage near the door and hung his overcoat in the hall closet.  There was something on the coffee table.  A valentine�s card.  A cartoon devil with a big grin.  He opened it.  Lennie�s handwriting:  �Surprise!�  And below it �Follow the arrow.�  He looked down at the table and saw the plate with the arrow drawn on it.  What was that, chocolate?  He dipped his fingers in to taste.  Dark chocolate!  Intrigued, he headed back toward the bedroom  �Lennie?� 

He remembered the look on Lennie�s face when he had walked in on Christmas Eve.  He imagined he looked something like that now.  The bedroom was lit by candlelight.  Lennie was stretched out on the bed, leaning up on his elbows, naked except for the puddle of darkness that was dripping down his cock, grinning like the devil on the card.  �Welcome home, Jack.  Happy Valentine�s� 

Lennie savored the look on Jack�s face as he took in the scene.  //
oh, YEAH! // Jack seemed to suddenly shake off the stunned paralysis, all but ripping his clothes off in his eagerness.  He sat down on the bed beside Lennie, kissing him deeply while letting his fingers check out the chocolate.  He was surprised to find not only chocolate, but smooth skin beneath.  �Lennie?  You shaved?�

�Mmm�  feels wonderful.  You should try it.�  He grabbed Jack�s hand and brought it to his mouth, licking the chocolate from the fingertips.  They both found the sensation oddly erotic.  When he finished, Jack took the hand away and kissed him again, now tasting the chocolate in his mouth. 
I think I will.�  He moved so that he could reach that mountain of chocolate and began licking, starting with the puddle at the base.  The warm tongue and the sticky chocolate on his bare skin was almost more than Lennie could stand.  He moaned and squirmed as Jack slowly lapped up the chocolate.  It seemed to go on forever.  Eventually, Jack got the last bit of chocolate from the tip.  Then he engulfed Lennie, swirling his tongue around, sucking, until Lennie exploded with a strangled cry. 

When Lennie opened his eyes again, Jack was lying beside him, arm across his chest.  Jack leaned over to kiss him, and Lennie tasted the combination of the chocolate and his own cum in Jack�s mouth.  The kiss seemed to go on forever.  He wrapped his arms around his lover and rolled over so that now he was on top, feeling Jack�s hardness beneath him.  After another eternity of kisses, he slid downward, reaching for the remaining chocolate on the nightstand.  It was still barely warm; he drizzled some across Jack�s stomach, eliciting a gasp.  He grinned and began licking it up.  �mmm, that is nice,� came the response.  When he was done, he poured the rest over Jack�s cock, enjoying the moan that accompanied it.  It was Jack�s turn to squirm under his tongue.  He moved to quickly catch the liquid before it oozed into Jack�s hair � he could definitely see the advantage of shaving for this! � then began working his way up the shaft, and finally sucking the head like a chocolate covered cherry before swallowing him whole.  �Oh, god.  Lennie!� 

They relaxed in the afterglow, lying together, Lennie�s head pillowed on Jack�s shoulder while his fingers traced random patterns across Jack�s chest.  The candlelight flickered as Jack gently stroked Lennie�s hair. 
�You know, with that kind of welcome home, I may have to go away more often.�  Jack smiled, anticipating Lennie�s outraged �Don�t you dare!� 
�OK, OK, you win.  Hotel beds suck, anyway.�
�Too firm?� 
�Too empty without you.� 
Lennie hugged him and snuggled even closer.  Just as he was about to doze off, he heard Jack�s almost whispered �I love you, Lennie.� 
�Mmm, you too,� he murmured happily.

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Disclaimer:  These characters belong to Dick Wolf and NBC.  I'm just borrowing them for fun, not profit.
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