
Movement 1:  Prelude
Movement 2:  Allegro �Born to Run�
Movement 3: Adagio
Movement 4: Interlude for Piano and Rain
Movement 5:  Vivace �Mother Nature�s Son�
Movement 6:  Coda �Born to Run (reprise)�
This story was born from Jack's comment back in Phoenix about them taking a spring vacation on his motorcycle.  The whole thing was built around an initial vision of the rest stop scene. 

Originally I didn't have a name.  I had several musical references, and since I'm a music geek from way back, it just sort of fell into place to name each chapter like a movement of a classical piece.  Apologies to Mssrs. Springsteen, Lennon, & McCartney for borrowing their lyrics.

Timeframe:  April 2001  Minor reference to episode "Phobia"
Movement 1:  Prelude

Abbie sighed.  Jack could be hard to get along with when things weren�t going well.  And this case wasn�t making it any easier.  A gay man had been beaten to death during the abduction of his infant adopted son.  And now it was looking like the child�s biological parents were responsible, and not just of kidnapping.  The father was intensely homophobic, and dealing with these people was seriously getting on Jack�s nerves.  At least she understood why . . .

It had been a Thursday night, 2 weeks after Thanksgiving.  Jack had just returned to work that week.  Abbie had been surprised at how cheerful he was; you�d think coming back to the place where he�d been brutally attacked would have been a least a bit disturbing.  But Jack seemed to be in such a good mood that nothing could bother him. 

They had stayed late getting everything together for tomorrow�s evidentiary hearing on the Marks case.  It was about 7PM, and everybody else was gone for the night.  Abbie looked up from the document she was reading and decided they were finally alone.

�Jack?  Can I ask you something?�  He looked across his cluttered desk at her.  �Sure.  What�s on your mind?�  Something about her tone of voice made him curious � he didn�t think this was work related.  �You just seem awfully happy this week.  I was just wondering what could make the infamous Jack McCoy scowl disappear for so long?�  //
Oh, you knew this was coming, she�s much too sharp not to notice. //

He sat back in his chair, propped his left elbow on the armrest, and leaned his chin in his hand.  He knew he wanted her to know, but had absolutely no idea HOW to tell her.  �Well, you know, I guess I�m just happy to still be alive.  There�s nothing like looking death in the face to remind you what�s really important.� 

�True, but I get the feeling it�s more than that . .  .?

He sighed and looked at her with a lopsided grin.  �You�re right, it is.  I just haven�t figured out how to talk about it yet.� She gazed at him in amazement � Jack, at a loss for words? 

He tried a round-about route to give his brain a chance to get used to the idea of saying it.  �Abbie, did you ever wonder why you never became number 5?�  �Number 5 what?,�  she asked, perplexed.  �You know my reputation with my female assistants.  Did you ever wonder why I never even tried with you?�

�I figured because you knew I�d kick your ass if you did!�  Their eyes met and both laughed at the image.  Jack smiled at her.  �Well, there was that, but it wasn�t the main reason.�  He looked down, and when he looked back up at her the humor was gone from his eyes.  �Claire was the one, Abbie.  I�ve had a lot of relationships over the years, even got married once, but I never totally loved another person until Claire.  She taught me so much about living.  And then when she died, I forgot it all.  I hurt so much that I was sure I�d never be able to love another woman. I still don�t think I could.

�If Lennie hadn�t moved in with me when his daughter died, I�d probably still be angry and bitter, lost and alone.  It was supposed to be about saving him from the bottle, but I think ultimately it saved ME from myself.  I couldn�t ask for a better friend.  We�ve been through so much together, and then last week . . .� 

Jack�s explanation had trailed off, and he looked at her, hoping she would put the pieces of the puzzle together. //
still couldn�t love another woman . . . Lennie . . . ??!!!! //  She decided to dance around it first as well.  �Jack, are you saying that there is someone special in your life again?�  He bit his lip and nodded.  �Lennie?�  Another nod, as the redness creeped up his neck.  �And this is mutual?�  �Oh, yes,� he said almost too emphatically. 

Abbie�s face reflected her surprise.  �OK, I wasn�t expecting that.  I�m not sure what I was expecting, but it definitely wasn�t THAT!  But you know what?  If it makes you this easy to get along with, I wish it had happened three years ago when he moved in!�  She smiled at him and they laughed together.  He was glad he had been right in thinking that she could handle this.

He leaned across the desk, serious again.  �Abbie, I don�t have to tell you how important it is that this not get out.  I don�t really care, but Lennie could be in danger out there.  Some cops are the last bastion of male idiocy in this world.  My old man being a prime example.  He would have killed me for this.�  Abbie made a connection � �That was part of the nightmares, wasn�t it?�  Jack nodded.

�Jack, you�re obviously not really comfortable with this yet yourself.  You�re not mad at me for making you tell?�  Jack just smiled and shook his head.  �I wanted to tell you; I figured it was better than you slowly figuring it out over the next couple of weeks.  But you�re right.  I�m still not sure how to say it. I have a new lover who happens to be a man.  I still don�t think I�m gay. I think I�ve decided that Lennie is the exception that proves the rule.  All I know for sure is that I�m happier now than I�ve been in a very long time.�

Abbie leaned forward, reached out to lay her hand over his on the desk.  �That�s all that matters, isn�t it?�  She let go, leaned back and chuckled.  �What�s so funny?�  �I just remembered something that I wondered if I�d ever get to tell you.�  At Jack�s raised eyebrow, she continued.  �After that mess in DC shortly after I started working for you, when your �reputation� got dragged out into public, Adam took me aside.  He told me that no matter what I might have heard about your reputation, I was absolutely NOT to even consider ever going out with you.  He said that he had intentionally pointed Jamie in your direction because she wasn�t available, hoping to break your bad habit, and that I was NOT going to help you backslide!� 

Jack did one of his classic double-takes; he knew Adam eventually found out about all of his affairs and did NOT approve, but he never imagined his friend and mentor going this far! //
And the sad thing is, he didn�t have to worry this time. //   He smiled and shook his head.  �Yeah, I can see Adam doing that.  Lord knows he tried to get me to behave.� 

Abbie smiled.  �Didn�t work, did it?�  Jack sighed.  �Nope.  And you know what�s even funnier?  I�m STILL dating someone that some people think I shouldn�t be dating.  I just can�t seem to play by the rules when it comes to romance.�  They laughed together, then decided to call it a night.

Jack was sitting on the couch in his office, holding his head, rubbing the temples.  Abbie came and sat beside him.  �Jack, you�re not accomplishing anything here.  Why don�t you go home, take something for that headache, and we�ll tackle this tomorrow.�  //
and I�ll call Lennie and make sure he�s there for you . . . //

It was about 7PM, and Lennie was sitting at his desk slogging through paperwork when the phone rang.  �Lennie, it�s Abbie.  I thought I�d better warn you.  I just threw Jack out of here with a killer headache.  This Robert Kelly thing is really getting to him. I hate to do this to you, Lennie, but when he gets like this, you�re the only one who can get through to him.�  Lennie nodded; it had been a tough case for them both.  The bastard had killed the gay man who had adopted his previously unwanted son.  �I hear you, Abbie.  Thanks for the warning; I�ll take care of him.�  Lennie looked across the desk at his partner, Ed.  �I�m gonna knock off; sounds like Jack had a really bad day today with Kelly.�  �Uh, oh, partner, sounds like you got your work cut out for you.�  Lennie and Jack had been roommates for over 3 years now, and as Lennie�s partner, Ed had heard about the EADA�s volatile temper when things weren�t going well.  But now that the roommates had crossed the line and become lovers, it did seem that Lennie was better able to soothe his roommate�s rough edges.  //
Whatever works,// Ed thought, still a little uncomfortable with his partner�s late-life discovery that he was gay.

As Lennie came to their apartment door, he heard no sound, no TV or stereo or anything, and there wasn�t even a light shining under the door.  But Jack�s motorcycle had been parked in its usual space in the garage, so he knew his lover was home.  He decided to play it casual, not letting on that Abbie had warned him.  He fidgeted with the key in the door to give warning, then walked in and threw on the lights.  �Hey!� came the complaint from the living room.

Jack was sitting in the side chair, elbows on knees, holding his head in his hands.  �Jack?  What the hell are you doing sitting here in the dark?�  He hung his overcoat in the closet and turned toward his friend.  �Trying to get rid of a killer headache,� came the grouchy reply.  Lennie came and stood behind him, bent down to gently kiss the bowed head, then ran his fingers through the thick silver hair.  He began to massage the scalp, moving forward to the temples, across the deeply furrowed brow, down around the eyes and sinuses.  Jack sighed and leaned back into Lennie�s gentle ministrations.  Eventually, Lennie moved his hands back to the neck and shoulders, which were so tight they felt like spring steel. After about half an hour of this, he asked, �Rough day?�  Jack snorted.  �Why do you always wait to ask me that until I�m so relaxed it seems ridiculous to be worried about it?�  �Because that�s better than listening to you rant about it for an hour getting yourself even more tense and upset.  Look, whatever happened today, you�ll recover from it tomorrow.  You always do.  So just let it go for right now.  In a little bit when you�re calmer and have had some dinner, you can go research whatever you need with a clear head.  For now, you just let Dr Lennie take care of you, OK?�  He slid his hands forward down Jack�s chest, embracing him from behind.  Jack�s arms came up to return the embrace, and he turned to kiss Lennie�s cheek.  �Thanks, Lennie.  I don�t know how I ever got along without you.�  �You were a lot harder to live with, that�s for sure!� Lennie chided.  �Come on, your back is like spring steel.  Let me work some of those kinks out.�  Jack nodded, and they rose, heading for the bedroom. 

Both men quickly stripped.  Jack stretched out face down on the bed as Lennie reached over to his nightstand where he now kept a bottle of massage oil; the past month, Jack had been so tense that Lennie actually went out and bought the oil to make this easier on himself.  Lennie climbed onto the bed, straddling Jack, and poured the oil into his hands to warm it, then spread it across the broad back.  Jack sighed as Lennie spread the warm oil, his strong hands giving a feeling of comfort and security that Jack had never known before his friend had become his lover.  // 
All my life, I�ve been so independent.  I had to take care of everything.  But you know, it�s nice to finally have someone to take care of me, // he thought lazily as Lennie�s hands kneaded his back.  

After a while, Lennie shifted, bringing the massage down to Jack�s lower back and buttocks.  His touch shifted subtly, no longer purely �medicinal� as he caressed his lover�s ass.  Jack could feel Lennie�s growing erection against his leg, and he spread his legs apart to allow access.  Lennie smiled and slipped his hand between the legs to fondle Jack�s balls.  Jack�s quick intake of breath told Lennie he�d found his mark.  He began massaging the thighs, frequently brushing that sensitive spot between but not taking things any further.  He knew he was driving Jack nuts.  Finally, he slid off to the side, allowing Jack to roll over. 

He stretched out alongside his lover, drawing him into a kiss as he wrapped his arm and leg over him in a full body embrace.  The kiss was hungry; oh, yes, Jack wanted it badly.  //
GOOD!//  he thought with a silent chuckle.  His hand found its way down to the throbbing cock and he began stroking lightly.  Jack moaned into the kiss, and finally roused himself from the state of total relaxation, rolling them over so that now he was on top.  He placed a line of kisses down Lennie�s chest and stomach to the tip of the fully erect cock, then engulfing his lover and swirling his tongue around.  Now it was Lennie�s turn to moan as Jack increased the suction.  �Oh, god, Jack.  Fuck me.  I want you inside . . .�  Lennie still marveled at how drastically his sex life had changed recently.  He craved this in a way he had never imagined with a woman.  Feeling Jack inside him turned him on like nothing he had ever felt before.  Their first time had been painful; Jack�s need had been so great that there was no chance for gentleness. But even so, Lennie had been so powerfully affected by the sensations that there just was no going back.

For his part, Jack was happy to grant Lennie�s wish.  This felt the most like �real� sex to him.  After their first encounter, he had felt guilty for abusing Lennie�s trust.  They had spent quite a bit of time after that gently exploring the possibilities of anal sex, letting Lennie gradually get accustomed to progressively larger probes before even trying Jack�s huge cock again.  By now, Lennie was happy � even eager � to swallow him whole.

He got up and got a tube of lube from the nightstand and greased himself up.  Lennie rolled over onto his side and Jack spooned into position behind him.  Jack squeezed some of the lube right onto the target then pushed it in with the head of his cock.  �Aahhhhh!�  Jack just held still for a bit, enjoying the pressure of the tight space, letting Lennie adjust to the �intrusion.�  Eventually he felt Lennie squeezing him, asking for more.  He started a rhythmic thrusting, pushing in a little further each time.  Lennie was moaning with delight.  He gave one last push and was buried to the hilt.  He wrapped his arm over his lover and kissed his neck, licking along the line between neck and shoulder that absolutely drove Lennie crazy.  His fingers found Lennie�s rock hard nipples, gently flicking across them.  Lennie began to squirm; gutteral sounds came from deep in his throat.  The sensations combined were almost too much for him.  After what felt like an eternity, Jack finally brought his hands down to Lennie�s hips, holding his lover tight as he began fucking him in earnest.  It wasn�t long before he felt Lennie�s orgasm clamping down on him, which was all he needed to trigger his own climax.  They both cried out as they exploded together.

After it was over, they laid together like that, not wanting the moment to end.  Jack slid his hands back up Lennie�s chest, holding him close, and leaned over again to kiss his lover.  Lennie wrapped his arms over Jack�s returning the embrace.  After a while, Lennie rolled over.  He reached out and caressed Jack�s face, drawing him in for a kiss.  �Feel better now?�  Jack just smiled and nodded.  Lennie�s face got serious.  �Jack, I�m worried about you.  You�ve been really stressing lately.  Is something wrong?�  Jack sighed.  �I don�t know, Lennie.  I don�t think so.  Since we, you know, I�ve been happier than I�ve been in a very long time.�  He reached out to caress Lennie�s face tenderly.  �I think it�s just been a run of bad luck at work.  And this case doesn�t help.  I don�t know, maybe I just need a vacation.�

That piqued Lennie�s interest.  Jack had said something back at the beginning of their relationship .  . �Well, it is almost spring.  How about that weekend getaway in the Adirondacks we talked about back in December?  Should be warm enough for that soon?�  Lennie left it as a question.  The idea of riding Jack�s motorcycle on a vacation was almost enough to get Lennie hard again right now.

Jack saw the fire in his lover�s eyes that told him he wasn�t just going along to make Jack happy.  Lennie was excited about this.  It was the end of March now; by late April the weather should be nice enough to make the trip.  Jack grinned.  �We did discuss that, didn�t we?  OK, tomorrow I�ll call and see when we can get the cabin.  Friday through Monday?�  Lennie nodded.  �You sure you can get the time off?�  �Jack, that week I took off last December to nurse you was the first vacation time I�ve taken in years.  And besides, if Van Buren gives me any trouble, I�ll just let YOU take care of her.�

Jack laughed.  Lennie�s boss, Lt. Anita Van Buren, was one of the few friends who knew the whole story of their relationship.  She had taken on the role of �mother hen,� watching out for them, keeping an eye out for rumors and innuendo.  She was genuinely fond of them both, and felt that they really were good for each other.  She was the last person who would give them grief for wanting to take some vacation time together.

�OK, Lennie, sounds like a plan.  We�ll have some time to get you properly outfitted before then.�  �Uh, does that mean shopping?�  Lennie asked hesitantly.  �You know how much I HATE shopping . . .�  Jack just got up, threw a pillow at him, and grabbed his robe.  �Come on, let�s get some dinner while we discuss the details.�

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Movement 2

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Disclaimer:  These characters are owned by Dick Wolf and NBC.  I'm just borrowing them for fun, not profit.
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